Writer Zykov Vitaliy: biography, books

The science fiction writer Vitaliy Zykov began his literary career relatively recently. The first work was released in 2003. However, he made his debut very successfully, receiving the “Sword Without a Name” award, and attracted the attention of many readers. Today, the writer is popular and has a considerable number of fans of his work.

Zykov Vitaliy: biography

Zykov Vitaliy

The future writer was born on October 5, 1979 in the city of Lipetsk, even during the existence of the Soviet Union. The writer himself admits that in his childhood he was drawn to writing stories, but this hobby did not last long. Vitaliy studied perfectly, so he had a reputation as a quiet, calm child. Although it was precisely for these fives that his classmates did not like him. During his studies he changed 2 schools. The first time I had to do this because of my parents, the second time because of my stubbornness, according to Zykov. As a result, I ended up at school-lyceum No. 44, to which to this day it is tenderly attached and considers my mother.

In 1996, after graduation, he decided to enter the Lipetsk State Technical University. And he fulfilled his desires in three different ways: he was accepted without examinations as a gold medalist; also without exams, he entered thanks to participation and victories in a number of city olympiads; and, thirdly, he was accepted according to the results of passed exams: he scored 39 points out of 40. Vitaliy himself admits that he was not very proud of it - until the first exams, when it became clear that he was not going to repeat school academic exploits. As a result, he got a blue diploma, where there was only one five - for the defense of the thesis.

In the article, in addition to the author’s biography, you can see his photo. Zykov Vitaly in 2001, after graduation, entered graduate school. Himself at that moment, not quite understanding what it was doing.

Zykov Vitaliy writer

The beginning of the creative path

Vitaly Zykov singles out one significant episode in his life. His creativity, we can say, this began. The young man argued with a classmate, an apple of contention, the styles of the book of Nick Perumov. A friend of Vitali claimed that he could write no worse. This conversation tormented Zykov for a year and a half, until he decided to start writing his book.

The first work went hard. Several times the author threw this matter, afraid that he could not cope. But in the end, in November 2003, the romance was over. For two weeks, while the manuscript was at the publisher, Vitaly decided that it was too early to submit. However, the result of languid expectations and doubts was a proposal for cooperation. It was at this moment that the career of a young writer began.

In the same 2003, Zykov, in his own words, took up another great work of his life - a dissertation. And he wrote it until 2004, in fits and starts managing to sketch for the second novel. On December 23 of the same year, the defense of candidate work at the Voronezh State Technical Institute was successfully completed.

And since 2005, Zykov considers literature his main activity.

Zykov Vitaliy biography

Personal life

The writer is very reluctant to talk about his personal life and does not tell details. However, it is known that Zykov has long been married. In marriage, he had a daughter.


Considerable awards for his literary career were awarded to Zykov Vitaliy. The writer, as already noted, was awarded the Sword Without a Name award for his debut novel. Then in 2009 he received the medal of N.V. Gogol. The following year he was awarded the title of Commander of the Commemorative Medal of A. S. Griboedov. In 2013 he was awarded the Order of V.V. Mayakovsky as part of the literary and public award "Always Shine." The following year he was awarded a diploma and a medal named after M. Yu. Lermontov from the Union of Writers of Russia. In the same year he received the medal of Ivan Bunin. And in 2015, he received a letter from the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center.

vitaly zykov creativity

He is a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, as well as a member of the Board of Fiction and Adventure.

Stories and Tales

Zykov Vitaliy has not many stories in his luggage. There are only 4 of them, despite the fact that he has almost twice as many novels. So what are these stories:

  • "Florist" - the first story published in 2004, is included in the collection "At the Crossroads of Fantasy."
  • "Legacy of the Brotherhood of Twilight" - published in the collection "Nobody Above Us", was released in 2007.
  • "Knowledge is power!" - published in the collection “What the Demons Want” in 2008.
  • “Travous luck” - published in 2012 in the collection “Sword of the Emperor”.

Series "The Road Home"

science fiction vitaly zykov

This is the first and most voluminous cycle that Vitaly Zykov wrote. To date, the series includes 5 books: “The Nameless Slave” (2004), “The Mercenary of His Majesty” (2005), “Under the Banner of Prophecy” (2006), “Lord of Sardor” (2009) and “The Power of Power” - the book consists of two volumes, the first was released in 2015, the second is still expected.

At the center of the description is the world of Thorn - a very ancient place that saw the birth and death of many civilizations and great races. Not so long ago a new people came to this world, wielding magic, and put things in order in these lands, achieved equilibrium.

The development of the storyline begins from the moment when several people from our world get on Thorne. This triggered a series of events that shook the balance achieved. Followers of long-forgotten cults were revived, perked up displeased with the current order of things, ancient prophecies were recalled, local intelligence agencies decided to start their game. And behind all that’s happening are some puppeteers who are indifferent to the fate of people thrown out of their native world. And how the future of Thorne will turn out now depends only on the actions of the earthlings themselves. And one of them will become a magician, and the second will follow the path of a slave, who, oddly enough, will lead him to freedom.

This cycle is about the struggle for power, for freedom and for the opportunity to return home. Finished today is not. Books continue to be published.

War of Survival Series

photo of the languages ​​of vital

The second and last to date cycle of the author. The series includes three books: The Conclave of the Immortals. In the land far ”(2008),“ The Conclave of the Immortals. Test of strength ”(2008) and“ In the name of lost souls ”(2011).

This time, Zykov Vitaly decided to show his readers a different world. Although his heroes found themselves in this space also due to the fact that they moved to a parallel universe.

In the old days, the lords of Tjarma were comparable with the gods and could, at their request, rebuild the planet, invade another world and capture it, constantly fought, finding joy and pleasure in it. But millennia passed, and they were forced to leave, giving way to younger races. However, they left behind a lot of very dangerous secrets, which were not suspected by those who came to their place.

And now, unexpectedly, the city of Sosnovsk fails after the dragon attacks the nightmarish and harsh world of bloodthirsty demons and forgotten gods. People who have not died in the attack will learn to survive and coexist. The danger in this place threatens not only from wild clans and evil creatures, but from yesterday’s neighbors, who, armed with the first thing that turned up by the arm, are ready to kill and eat their neighbor. A serious war will unfold on the streets of Sosnovsk, and how it will end is unknown to anyone.

"Primelord, or Master of the Lonely Tower"

Zykov Vitaly wrote this book in 2014, and while it stands apart, but it is believed that this novel will be the beginning of a new series.

The work takes place in the ancient world of Praia, where a great war is brewing. Each side has its own benefits and plans. And whoever leaves the battle as a victor knows only one heaven.

Thus, to date, Vitaly Zykov has 9 published novels and 4 stories. However, his creative career is still far from over and fans are eagerly awaiting the release of new stories about their favorite worlds.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6855/

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