Lazovsky reserve: description, history, natural and animal world

Lazovsky Reserve is one of the oldest conservation areas in the Russian Far East. Its total area is 1200 square kilometers. This, by the way, is more than the territory of the state of Singapore. In this article you will find a detailed story about the history, vegetation, wildlife, birds and fish of the Lazovsky Reserve. The nature of this amazing corner of Primorye is truly unique and priceless. Why - read on.

Lazovsky Reserve (Primorsky Territory): geographical location and climate

The conservation area is located in the southeastern part of the Sikhote-Alin massif, in the interfluve of two rivers - Chernaya and Kievka. Lazovsky Reserve covers an area of ​​1200 square meters. km (or 121 thousand ha). The total length of its borders is 240 kilometers. The territory of the reserve has access to the Sea of ​​Japan. In addition, it includes the islands of Beltsova and Petrova.

The administrative address of the reserve: Russia, Primorsky Territory, Lazovsky District. Geographical coordinates: 43 ° 14 ′ North; 133 ° 24 ′ East. The location of this object on the map of Russia you can see below.

Lazovsky Reserve on the map

The climate of the territory is monsoon. Winters are snowy and cold, and summers are warm and rainy. About 95% of the reserve is occupied by forests. By the way, the largest massif of genital yew in the Far East has been preserved.

The history of the reserve on the edge of the earth

The full name of this territory is Lazovsky State Nature Reserve. L. G. Kaplanova. He was assigned the highest category of IUCN - 1a (strict natural reserve, full protection).

Lazovsky Reserve is one of the oldest in Primorye. It was founded in 1935 with the aim of protecting and studying in detail the coniferous, broad-leaved and liana forests of southern Sikhote-Alin. Today, the reserve bears the name of Lev Georgievich Kaplanov, a famous Soviet zoologist and poet. He was director of the reserve from 1941 to 1943. He studied the distribution and way of life of the tiger and the Amur mountain.

During the war years, poachers began to wield in the reserve, with which Kaplanov actively fought. Presumably at their hands the scientist died in the spring of 1943.

In general, the value of this territory in the middle of the XIX century was noted by various researchers. However, the process of formation and establishment of a protected area here was very slow. The Lazovsky Nature Reserve received its autonomy only in 1940 (before that it was only a branch of the Sikhote-Alinsky), and the current name - three years later.

The uniqueness of natural complexes

About 20% of all tigers of Primorye live in the Lazovsky Reserve. From eight to sixteen adult individuals are recorded annually within its borders. But not only striped predators value this reserve. Many other valuable species of animals and plants also live here. Among them are the Far Eastern leopard, the Himalayan bear, the Amur goral, a giant shrew, Amur velvet, Aralia, Manchurian walnut and others.

The bird world of Lazovsky Reserve is striking in its diversity. Bustard, gyrfalcon, Daurian crane, mandarin duck, peregrine falcon, fish owl, crested eagle, black stork - this is not a complete list of those birds that can be found here.

Lazovsky State Reserve is the second largest in the Primorsky Territory. It preserves unique natural landscapes - Ussuri forests, which in terms of productivity and biological diversity are completely unrivaled in the temperate zone of Eurasia. In addition to the unique forests, the reserve attracts with its mountainous terrain and stunningly beautiful sea coast with sheer cliffs and bizarre cliffs.

Lazovsky Nature Reserve

Lazovsky Reserve: animals and plants

Within the reserve, there are a total of 58 species of mammals. Many of them are rare and endangered. The most important and most valuable “inhabitants” of Lazovsky Zapovednik are sika deer, Amur goral and Amur tiger. All of them are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Insects (about 3000 species) and birds (344 species) are widely represented in the fauna of the reserve. There are 18 species of bone fish in the rivers. Of these, two species are under protection - Chevitsa and Sakhalin sturgeon.

No less rich and diverse is the flora of the reserve. It is represented by 1200 species of vascular plants, 1180 species of mushrooms and seven hundred species of mosses and lichens. Here, a unique yew grove has been preserved, the age of the trees of which reaches 250-300 years. The most valuable plants of the Lazovsky Reserve:

  • Amur linden.
  • Manchurian walnut.
  • Amur velvet.
  • Schisandra chinensis.
  • Notched Oak.
  • Mongolian Oak.
Plants of the Lazovsky Reserve

Next, we will talk in more detail about individual representatives of the flora and fauna of this reserve.

Tigers of the Lazovsky Reserve

For several centuries, tigers in the Far East were exterminated, not really thinking about the consequences. As a result, the formidable predator was on the verge of extinction in this region. To date, reserve scientists are engaged in the implementation of the program "Lazovsky Reserve - a model territory for the conservation and increase of tiger numbers."

As a result of the active work of zoologists, as well as the strict prohibition of hunting for the Amur tiger, the animal population in the Far East has increased significantly. Gradually, the striped predator began to re-populate its usual habitat. Each year, reserve staff fix two to three broods of the Amur tiger, each of which can have up to 8 cubs.

Tigers in the Lazovsky Reserve

According to the scientific staff of the Lazovsky Reserve, they have photographs of absolutely all the tigers living on its territory. Moreover, predators know almost “in person”, because each of them has a unique pattern on the skin. Tigers in the reserve prey mainly on young ungulates, badgers, raccoon dogs, in rare cases - wild boars and bears. Tabby cats are monitored using automatic cameras and camcorders.

Amur goral

Amur or eastern goral is a cloven-hoofed mammal belonging to the goat subfamily. Guard status is a vulnerable species. The animal is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

In its appearance, the throat is a cross between an antelope and an ordinary goat. The height of the animal at the withers is up to 75 cm, weight not more than 42 kg. The body of the throat is covered with thick fur of gray or red color. Both females and males are endowed with rather sharp black horns 15-18 centimeters long.

Amur goral

The Amur Goral is found in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories of Russia, on the Korean Peninsula, as well as in the northeastern regions of China. In the Far East of Russia no more than 750 individuals live, the main part - in reserves. In the Lazovsky Reserve, experiments are conducted on the content of gorlov in aviaries.

Daur crane

The Daurian crane is a bird from the crane family, whose range is limited to East Asia. It occurs on the territory of Russia, in particular in the Lazovsky Nature Reserve. This is an extremely vulnerable, endangered species, listed in the International and Russian Red Book. According to ornithologists, there are about 5,000 Daurian cranes left in the world.

Daur crane

The bird reaches a height of 190 centimeters and is distinguished by an unusual color. You can recognize it by the characteristic red spot of bare skin around the eyes. Daurian cranes are monogamous, that is, they choose a pair for themselves and for life. These birds feed on almost everything that comes across: wheat grains, rice, corn, rhizomes, insects, fish and even shrimp.

Visiting the reserve, excursions and relaxation

In many conservation areas in Russia, all conditions are created for tourists and vacationers to visit them. Lazovsky Nature Reserve is no exception in this regard. Here, group tours, individual tours and various environmental programs for both children and adults are organized and conducted year-round.

Those who wish to relax in the reserve can stay here for several days. Tourists can stay in summer houses on the Petrov cordon (the cost of renting one cottage per day is 3000 rubles), on the camp site of the Proselochny cordon, as well as in the rest rooms of the main estate. A detailed list of services and prices can be found on the website of the Lazovsky Reserve.

List of tourist routes

Four tourist routes have been created in the reserve. You need to move strictly along marked trails, otherwise you run the risk of encountering dangerous wild animals. Sawing trees, picking flowers, breaking branches and making bonfires on routes is, of course, prohibited. Here is a list of marked trails in the reserve:

  • Route number 1. Mount "Sister" and "Stone Brother" (21 km).
  • Route number 2. Mount "Cloudy" (11 km).
  • Route 3. Mount Snezhnaya (12 km).
  • Route number 4. Milogradovka River.

In addition to ecological trails, an ecological center and a museum of nature work in the reserve, which will also be interesting for tourists to visit.

Yew grove

Petrov Island is one of the most visited places within the Lazovsky Reserve. Here, in a relatively small area, several dozens of Red Book species of plants grow. The attention of absolutely all tourists is attracted by the unique yew grove. The age of some trees reaches 800 years.

Lazovsky reserve yew grove

According to one version, the yew grove on the island of Petrov was planted back in the VIII century by Chinese sea robbers who fled from the Middle Kingdom. Subsequently, it became a cult place where sacrifices and other religious rites were held. Due to the openness of the island to all the winds, the crowns of spiky yew trees have acquired the most bizarre shapes and shapes.

In addition to yew, other interesting plant species can be found on the island. For example, Eleutherococcus, Ginseng, Schisandra chinensis, Manchurian cedar and others. On the shore of the island is another unique natural site - the so-called singing sands. White grains of a special shape and size make a specific sound when someone walks along the beach.

Reserve Museum

The Museum of Nature in the Lazovsky Reserve is a popular attraction of Primorye. Up to 5 thousand people visit it during the year. Museum expositions are regularly updated. In addition, the institution conducts thematic lectures and evenings for schoolchildren, excursions, exhibitions of local artists and other events.

The museum was opened to visitors in 1987. Today it is the best place to experience the unique nature of south-eastern Primorye. The Lazovsky Reserve Museum has a huge video library and a rich arsenal of literature on animals and plants of this region.


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