DIY photo frame decor: ideas, instructions for implementation

Photos of loved ones and relatives adorn many homes. This gives the family hearth comfort and warmth. DIY photo frames are easy to make, and there are a lot of ways to decorate a wooden or polyurethane base. You can fantasize using a variety of materials. These are paper and cardboard, fabric and lace, satin or crepe ribbons, organza or chiffon. Used to cover the frame of the rope, hemp and burlap, junk and natural material.

The choice of the master depends on the desire and possibilities, as well as the overall design of the room, the color of the walls or wallpaper, surrounding furniture or curtains. The type of room also matters, for example, for the bedroom, gentle decoration in pastel colors is suitable, for the living room you can choose brighter colors, for the children's room you can decorate the photo frames with your child, accustoming him to creative work. For joint activities, you can take simple materials, such as paper or newspaper tubes, paint the frame with acrylics or make a decoupage from a comic book magazine.

In the article, we will consider several interesting options for decorating photo frames with your own hands with a photo, we will describe in detail the sequence of work and introduce the reader to the materials that need to be prepared before it starts.

Quilling technique

To decorate a photo with beautiful flowers from paper stripes, select a frame with a flat front side. You will also need PVA glue with a thick consistency and large half beads for the middle of the flowers. You can make them colorful or use only one selected color. If you are fond of quilling, then you probably have a hook for twisting strips into skeins. If you are new to this technique, then you can use a toothpick or the shaft of a paste handle for convenience.

quilling stripes decor

Do-it-yourself decor for your photo frame is as follows: the edge of the strip must be attached to the core and the paper wound around. For circles, which fill the voids, wind tightly, and for the petals - freely. To ensure that all the details of the flower are the same, use a template, for example a round hole in a ruler. To give the necessary shape to the element, squeeze one or two ends. The edge of the strip is glued to the last turn with PVA glue. When the petals are twisted, stick them side by side in the shape of a flower, smearing the glue on the end of the strips. Place a half bead in the center.

Paper option

The following decor photo frames are made of colored double-sided paper in A-4 format. Tubes for gluing the frame itself are made by twisting a rectangular sheet diagonally, starting from any angle. When all the elements are cooked, trim the edges with scissors so that the tubes are the same size. Glue them with a glue gun with a shift of each element with a ladder.

paper frame design

Then, flowers are cut out according to the template and the petals are twisted outward with a round stick so that they are voluminous. Place a bead in the center of each element, fixing it on paper with hot glue. It remains to cut strips for green quilling and collect thin leaves, placing them between the flowers. It’s easy to make such a photo frame decor with your own hands, even a schoolboy or a beginner can handle it.

Use of natural material

It is easy to complete your photo frames with natural material. You can collect it by walking in the park or on the seashore. For decoration, sea pebbles and fine gravel, dry moss and straws, shells and tree twigs are used.

use of natural material

Looks beautiful frame, pasted over with round saw cuts of wood. As a natural material, coffee grains and any cereals, beans and peas, cones, chestnuts and the shell of any nuts, fruit pits, etc. can be used. Several types of material can be combined in one design. From above it is effective to paint the frame in any color with a spray can or brush. Stones and cones will shine beautifully in the rays of an electric lamp if they are coated with a layer of acrylic varnish.

Almost from nothing

The handmade decor of the photo frame from improvised materials looks impressive and is unique. Consider a sample frame design from an egg shell. When cleaning the eggs, save large pieces of the shell. Be sure to get rid of the inner film. You can paint the craft with gouache or acrylic paints, and after drying, varnish the work.

egg shell decoration

The mosaic design looks beautiful, where small elements are painted in different colors. For such a composition, an even frame and a semicircular can be taken as the basis.

Decor Photo Frames Acrylic

The photo below in the article shows how you can beautifully design a frame for photographs, even without artistic ability. Purchase white and blue acrylic paints and mix several different shades by mixing them in separate jars. To paint the frame with spectacular stains, it is enough just to pour paint on it alternately.

acrylic staining

Be sure to place thick packing cardboard under it or spread plastic wrap so as not to stain the surface of the table with paint. After drying, you get a unique frame. Thus, you can make the design in any color.

If you have the talent of an artist, then using acrylic paints you can decorate the frame with any geometric or floral pattern or ornament.

Frames in the nursery

Any child will love the frame assembled from toys. To strengthen the plastic decor elements on the base, use a glue gun. You can offer the child to independently compose a composition from the Lego constructor, as in the photo below in the article.

frame in the nursery

The frame glued around the perimeter with small cars or soldiers will look spectacular. In the room for girls, you can glue the frame with butterflies, ladybirds or dragonflies, attach lush bows made of organza or nylon ribbons at the corners.


It is very simple to decorate photo frames using decoupage technique. It uses pictures cut from napkins, magazines or comics, as in the example below. Degrease the surface of the frame with alcohol or vodka. It is desirable to paint the frame with acrylic paint as a background or varnish, so that it is smooth. Then pick a suitable picture or several fragments that need to be combined.

decoupage frames

Apply PVA glue to the surface and lay out the pictures in the correct order, get rid of air bubbles. After drying, coat the surface of the frame with transparent glue or acrylic varnish to fix the picture on the base.

Decorating photo frames for the New Year

Designers use wooden frames not only for their intended purpose, they can be used as an art object, supplemented with decorative elements. Next, imagine the MK winter decor of a wooden photo frame with your own hands for the New Year's celebration.

christmas decor

First, prime the frame and paint it in blue, cyan, white, or festive red. Choose jewelery depending on the chosen shade. The easiest way to find in the box with Christmas toys is a few suitable balls. Attach them to long threads or beautiful thin ribbons and tie them in a bundle, tied to a small screw screwed into a wooden frame on top. The nodes are hidden under a lush bow located in the center. This is the easiest option for winter decor.

If you try, you can arrange the frame with Christmas tree branches around the perimeter, tie a red ribbon around the needles and add a few bright balls. To strengthen the decorative elements use a glue gun. You can choose natural or artificial spruce for decoration. Bows from bright paper ribbons and polyurethane snowflakes look beautiful. You can decorate the frame at will, for example, to seat a little snowman or gnome in the corner, to attach Santa Claus deer or his cap.

Vintage frames

The decor of the photo frame lace looks incredibly impressive. With your own hands, you can make voluminous flowers by carefully cutting them out of lace ribbon. Some craftsmen make lace elements on their own using thin cotton threads and a crochet hook. Decorate the craft with beads or pebbles in the frame, add purchased roses from foamiran or sew flowers from fabric. Flowers or bows made using kanzashi technique created from satin or crepe ribbons will look beautiful with lace inserts.

vintage frames

You can combine lace with a plain fabric by wrapping the frame with a strip of fabric. Recently, combinations of lace with coarse burlap and hemp ropes have been popular.

As you can see, doing crafts with your own hands is very interesting. This is a creative and fascinating work that will not only decorate your home, but also bring satisfaction. The description of the detailed master class of decorating a photo frame with your own hands will greatly simplify and facilitate the task for beginners. Choose your favorite sample and try your hand at design.

As you already know, the material for decorating wooden or polyurethane photo frames uses the most diverse. Harvest the necessary elements and harmoniously combine them into a single composition. Have a good start!


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