Overlapping the second floor on wooden beams: device, calculation, beam size

One of the most important structural elements of any country house is the floor. They can be equipped by different methods. In any case, the assembly technology of such structures should be strictly observed. Not only the convenience of the people living in the house depends on this, but also their safety. Below in the article we will understand what projects exist for overlapping the second floor with wooden beams and how such structures are assembled.

The main methods of arranging floors

Sometimes monolithic floors are installed in country houses. They are mounted from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs. Such designs are characterized by a high degree of reliability and a long service life. But at the same time assembling them is quite expensive. After all, such plates weigh a lot. And so you have to raise them to the walls using a truck crane.

overlapping the second floor with wooden beams

There is another type of overlap on the second floor - flooded. This design is made of concrete mix in the formwork assembled on racks. It is also a pretty reliable type of overlap. You can collect it, including with your own hands. However, the technology of its manufacture is still very complex. Errors when casting a monolithic slab should not be allowed.

Overlapping the second floor with wooden beams serves less than slab or jellied, but at the same time it is completely devoid of their shortcomings. The assembly technology of this design is extremely simple. At the same time, this type of flooring is inexpensive. These structures are being equipped, as can already be judged by the name, on the block or log beams. It is allowed to collect them both in brick or block houses, and in chopped or panel rooms. It is such ceilings that are mounted in suburban buildings most often.

Basic structural elements

It is completely uncomplicated to assemble the interfloor overlap on wooden beams on your own. The main elements of its design are:

  • Actually the beams themselves. They are most often made from logs or timber.
  • Sheathing. To assemble this element, usually used edged board with a thickness of at least 3 cm.
  • Vapor barrier. Such a film is necessary so that moist air from the first floor does not penetrate the second. The use of such a film significantly extends the service life of such a structure as overlapping the second floor of a timber.

In the construction of the attic floor , another element is usually included - a heater. In this case, between the beams, plates of mineral wool and expanded polystyrene are installed. In some cases, polyurethane may also be used.

The heat insulator is sometimes not included in the design of the ceiling of the second floor. But most often it is still used. In this case, it plays the role of a sound insulator. Mineral wool is most often used as a silencer in the ceiling on the second floor. This material, firstly, does not burn, and secondly, emits less harmful substances, which is important for residential premises.

wooden floors in the house

How much will the assembly cost?

When designing a design such as overlapping the second floor with wooden beams, among other things, of course, you should make a calculation of all the necessary materials and make an estimate. It is not difficult to determine the number of boards and insulation. To do this, you only need to know the overlap area and the dimensions of the materials themselves.

If the second floor of the house is residential, the length of the beams is determined taking into account the span and the allowances necessary for support. If an attic is arranged above the house, the calculations are performed as follows:

  • There should be as many beams as roof trusses . This is explained by the design features of the roof. Often rafters are mounted on beams. In any case, these two elements on the walls should converge at one point.
  • The length of the beams is calculated based on the structural features of the roof frame. If the rafters are supposed to be attached to the beams, to calculate their length to the span width, add 40 cm to the roof overhangs on both sides. If the beams are supposed to be walled into the walls, their length should be such that between their ends and the back wall of the "nest" there should be at least 3 cm for ventilation.

Strength calculation of beams

In order for the overlapping of the second floor on wooden beams to turn out reliable, its supporting elements must have a sufficiently large cross section. Calculating the required length and width of the beam in our time is very simple. To do this, use the online calculator.

In order for the calculation of floor beams to be accurate, you need to know the following parameters:

  • span width;
  • step of installation of timber;
  • the type of wood used to make the beam.

calculation of floor beams

The step between the roof rafters of private houses erected in central Russia is usually 80 cm. Accordingly, beams are installed at the same distance from each other. For spans of standard not too large private houses of 6–9 m, material with a section of 150x150 mm is usually taken under them.

What else to consider

After calculating the floor beams and purchasing all the necessary materials, you can proceed with the actual installation of the structure. However, before this, it is desirable to carry out a number of preparatory measures.

Wood is a relatively short-lived material. Over time, due to dampness, cobblestones and boards may begin to rot. To delay this process for as long as possible, before starting the assembly of the floor, all lumber should be treated with a special antiseptic. Such compounds usually protect the tree from infection by the fungus.

In addition, the timber and boards need to be covered with a tool that reduces the risk of fire. In case of fire, the material thus treated will, of course, be damaged. However, the timber and boards treated with such compositions do not burn, but smolder. Consequently, residents in a fire will have more time to leave the house.

floor joists

It is also very good to process the boards and timber with an insect repellent before assembling the floor. Later, grinder bugs can deliver a lot of trouble to home owners.

Assembly order

As soon as all materials are purchased, you can proceed with the actual installation of the structure. The wooden floors in the house are assembled in the following order:

  • All necessary materials and tools are prepared. In order for the beams to be lifted up, a ladder will probably be needed.
  • The beams themselves are actually installed. In monolithic and brick houses, the beams are walled into the "nests" left during the filling or laying of the walls. When arranging the latter, of course, the size of the floor beam should be taken into account. When assembling attics, the beam can also be attached corners to the Mauerlat. To the walls of chopped houses, beams are fixed on special elements - β€œskids”. This prevents skewing of the floor structure during shrinkage of the house.
  • From below, boards are packed on the beams. From the attic side, they are first covered with a vapor barrier film, and then insulation plates are laid on them. The latter must be mounted so that they are as tight as possible to the wood.
  • On top of the plates, another layer of vapor barrier is mounted.
  • Fill the floorboards of the second floor.

floor beam size

Another installation method

The overlapping of the second floor on wooden beams, described above, has the simplest construction. The insulation used in this case, unfortunately, prevents only airborne noise from entering the ground floor. Drums are easily transmitted on a wooden frame (through beams and boards). If there are no small children in the house and there is especially no one to make noise, such a simple design can be an ideal solution. Otherwise, it is better to arrange a ceiling on the beams of a slightly different type in the house, collecting the so-called floating floors on the second floor. Their design is quite complicated. But if desired, they can be mounted independently.

How to assemble floating floors

After installing the beams in this case, the ceiling boards of the first floor are also first filled. Next, a vapor insulator is laid. Rigid slabs of mineral wool or expanded polystyrene are installed between the beams. Next, another layer of soundproofing is mounted. In this case, the slabs will lie already above the beams, and the floor will be completely covered by them.

You can soundproof the interfloor over wooden beams and a little differently. In this case, wool boards are also used. But between the beams they are not installed. They lay them on top of them with a continuous carpet. In this case, the material will be slightly pressed between the beams, without touching the ceiling boards of the first floor. Next, several plates are cut into strips. They are necessary for laying premises on the second floor around the perimeter. Subsequently, they can be covered with a plinth.

A concrete screed about 5 cm thick is poured over the slabs. For strength, it needs to be reinforced with a stack of 10 mm rod. Concrete should be poured so that it touches the cut strips of cotton wool, and not the walls of the house. On top of concrete, plywood sheets must be laid, and then the finishing material.

device for overlapping the second floor with wooden beams

A simpler and cheaper way to soundproof

If you want to reduce the impact noise from the second floor, you can assemble wooden floors in the house and using a slightly different technology. In this case, beams are also first installed. Then they are mounted special sound-absorbing gaskets. The latter should be pre-soaked or treated with an antiseptic composition. When assembling floors on the second floor in suburban private houses, felt or rubber pads are usually used.

These elements are mounted directly on the beams. Logs are laid on them (without fasteners). The length of the latter should be such that they do not touch the walls of the house. Mount the logs across the beams. Next, install soundproofing plates. They are put both between the beams and between the lags (in two or three layers). Boards are stuffed on top of the resulting β€œpie”. The vapor barrier in this case should also be used.

projects of overlapping the second floor on wooden beams


The device for overlapping the second floor with wooden beams, as you see, is a simple procedure. You can assemble such a design, including yourself. But, of course, when installing the ceiling, you should strictly adhere to the required technologies. In this case, the design will be reliable and durable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6867/

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