Modern heat-insulating materials: types and properties (table), application

For any room, insulation will not hurt, despite the temperature regime. In winter cold, the room will become warmer, while the heat will be much easier to bear. Warming can create a comfortable climate for living and working.

Modern manufacturers are trying to produce a variety of materials, each of which is intended to perform basic and additional tasks. In the store you can find thermal insulation, represented by bundles, granules, etc. In addition, you can prefer insulation in the form of mats, cylinders and blocks.

First of all, attention should be paid not to the form, but to the content and quality characteristics. Thermal insulation materials, the types and properties of which will be described below, must be chosen, guided, first of all, by the properties of thermal conductivity. This characteristic indicates how much heat will pass through a given material.

Two types of thermal insulation can be distinguished, the first of which has reflective characteristics, while the second has preventive properties. The first materials can reduce heat loss by reducing infrared radiation. As for the preventive variety, it is used most often. It provides for the use of materials with negligible thermal conductivity. Three types play this role, among them inorganic, mixed and organic.

thermal insulation materials types and properties table

Varieties of insulation

Thermal insulation materials, the types and properties of which will be described in the article, are widely represented on the modern market. For their production, raw materials that have a natural origin are used, namely waste from woodworking and agricultural production. Among other things, some types of cement and plastic are part of organic heaters.

The resulting material is characterized by excellent resistance to fire, it is not affected by moisture, it does not respond to biologically active substances. Insulation is used where the surface does not heat more than 150 degrees Celsius. Organic are used as the inner layer of multilayer structures. Here you can highlight the plastered facades. Below are some varieties of organic insulation.

Properties of wood concrete

Considering the insulating properties of materials, you will surely pay attention to arbolit, which is quite new in its field. It is made from shavings, reeds, straw and finely chopped sawdust. Among the ingredients are chemical additives and cement.

heat-insulating materials types and properties

At the final stage of production, the insulation is processed by the mineralizer. The density of this material varies from 500 to 700 kilograms per cubic meter, while the coefficient of thermal conductivity varies from 0.08 to 0.12 watts per meter per Kelvin. Specialists quite often are interested in the compressive strength , it is in the range of 0.5 to 3.5 megapascals. The bending strength is from 0.4 to 1 megapascal.

Characteristics of polyvinyl chloride insulation

Considering the types of heat-insulating materials, you are sure to come across this insulation, which is made from polyvinyl chloride resins, acquiring a cellular structure. The material can be called universal due to the fact that it can be both soft and hard. You can choose polyvinyl chloride for insulation of the facade, walls, roof, entrance doors, as well as the floor. The density, or rather its average value, is approximately 0.1 kilograms per cubic meter.

thermal insulation properties of materials

Chipboard insulation

Modern thermal insulation materials include insulation made of chipboard. The base contains small chips, which is 9/10 of the total volume of material. The remaining ingredients are synthetic resins, a water repellent and antiseptic substances.

Density varies from 500 to 1000 kilograms per cubic meter. The tensile strength reaches a figure of 0.5 megapascals. Humidity can range from 5 to 12%, while the ultimate flexural strength can be as high as 25 megapascals. When exposed to moisture, the material can absorb water from 5 to 30% of the total volume.

Features DVIP

Considering the best thermal insulation materials, you can pay attention to the insulation made of wood fiber insulation board. In composition, it resembles chipboard. The base contains trimmed stalks of corn straw or wood waste. In the manufacturing process, even paper can be used. As a binder, synthetic resins are used. Also used are additives in the form of flame retardants, antiseptics and water-repellent substances.

modern thermal insulation materials

Key Features

Such building insulation materials are characterized by a density that does not exceed 250 kilograms per cubic meter. 12 megapixels is the ultimate tensile strength. The thermal conductivity coefficient cannot be more than the figure limited to 0.07 watts per meter per Kelvin.

Polyurethane foam insulation

The characteristics of thermal insulation materials that can be found on the market today are considered in the article. If we talk about polyurethane foam, it is characterized by good sound-absorbing qualities, it undergoes excellent exposure to chemicals, and is not afraid of moisture. Polyurethane foam is applied by spraying, which allows you to process not only the floor, but also the ceiling, as well as the walls. Among other things, it can be used to insulate surfaces with a complex configuration. In this case, cold bridges do not form .

building insulation materials

Main characteristics

Density varies from 40 to 80 kilograms per cubic meter. If you reach the figure of 50 kilograms per cubic meter, the material will demonstrate the quality of moisture resistance. The thermal conductivity coefficient reaches a maximum of 0.028 watts per meter per Kelvin. This value can be called the best among those possessed by modern insulation materials.

Penoizol Characteristics

Considering the main heat-insulating materials described in the article, penoizol can be distinguished. During production, glycerin is added to eliminate brittleness. On sale penoizol is found in the form of blocks or crumbs. The manufacturer produces this insulation also in liquid form, while the insulation is filled in special cavities. When exposed to room temperature, the structure begins to harden.

Quality characteristics

The density does not exceed twenty kilograms per cubic meter. If you compare with the indicators inherent in the cork, then this figure is ten times less. The thermal conductivity does not exceed 0.03 watts per meter per Kelvin. The ignition temperature is 300 degrees. At a lower temperature, the material does not burn, but char. In this case, defenselessness against aggressive chemicals can be highlighted as a minus. Among other things, the disadvantage is expressed in strong absorption of moisture.

Features of expanded polystyrene

If you are considering heat-insulating materials, types and properties, the table of which is presented at the beginning of the article, you should pay special attention to the expanded polystyrene foam common today. 98% of it consists of air bubbles. The composition contains polystyrene and a small amount of modifiers.

The thermal conductivity coefficient is at most 0.042 watts per meter per Kelvin. The material has high waterproofing properties and is resistant to corrosion. Reagents and microflora can affect it without changing the quality characteristics. Most consumers choose expanded polystyrene because of its low combustibility, so the material attenuates on its own. If it ignites, then the release of thermal energy occurs 7 times less intense compared to wood.

types of thermal insulation materials


Expanded polystyrene is used when warming different surfaces and structures. It can be laid under the screed without fear of damage and punching. Thus, for the arrangement of the floor, it is necessary to lay the insulation with dressing of the seams, then lay the reinforcing mesh on which the concrete screed is poured. The floor is very durable and insulated. It is important to eliminate the formation of mating seams that can cause the penetration of cold.

Features of fiberboard

Considering heat-insulating materials (types and properties, the table is presented in the article), you can purchase fiberboard. It is made from wood shavings called wood wool. Among the ingredients can be identified magnesia component or cement. The material in the form of plates is released, it is not afraid of biological and chemical aggressive effects, and is also well able to protect against noise.

The use of fiberboard

This insulation can be used in rooms that are operated at high humidity. This applies, for example, to swimming pools. The material can be used as a fixed formwork, which serves as a heater during operation. Fiberboard is indispensable in the construction of residential premises, basements and attics. Quite often it is used to form partitions, ceilings in buildings of a monolithic and frame-wooden type.

Using ecowool

If you choose heat-insulating materials (types and properties, a table - all this has been considered), then ecowool is also an excellent solution. It provides a high level of sound insulation and heat resistance. However, it must be taken into account that in this case there is a need for additional hydraulic protection, since the canvases are capable of absorbing moisture. This parameter varies from 9 to 15%, which is very impressive for a heater.

best thermal insulation materials


Thermal insulation materials (types and properties, table - all the necessary information is presented above) have different technical characteristics, but the choice should be made only after you study their properties.


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