Kazan Observatory Planetarium: photo, description, address, mode of operation

For over 100 years, Kazan Astronomical Observatory has been located near Kazan. She bears the name of V.P. Engelhardt. It represents an excellent "base" for the staff of this institution of higher education. However, in addition to research, there are day and night excursions for all astronomy lovers.

General information

The Kazan planetarium is located on the territory of the scientific astronomical observatory, covering an area of โ€‹โ€‹21 hectares. In the future, this object will become part of the Astropark, which will be a scientific-educational and educational-entertaining object. The mission of this scientific object is to revive interest in astronautics, astronomy, high technology and science. All this will contribute to the development of science as a whole.

Observatory building

The observatory itself was created in 1901, and the foundation of the future scientific and educational center (observatory, Kazan planetarium) was laid in August 2011, and after 2 years in June 2013 it was opened in the presence of the President of Tatarstan.

The Kazan Planetarium incorporates the best world experience and extensive knowledge about the technical equipment of such structures. An example for him were 22 planetariums located in various parts of the world.


The Kazan Observatory Planetarium is the only one in Russia created at an educational institution, which is an indicator that KFU is one of the most advanced universities not only in Russia but also in the world.

The planetarium building has a spacious auditorium with 83 seats. It is equipped with the latest technology. A huge dome-shaped screen with an inclination of 10 degrees and a complex system of projectors create the effect of a three-dimensional image. A great impression is created both by the interior and exterior, decorated in the spirit of space theme.


The observatory is located in the village of Oktyabrsky. The height of the terrain is 92 meters above sea level. seas. This research center has only four departments: design, astrometric, meteor, photographic astrometry. The Engelhardt Observatory is located at the passage of the 55th meridian, and this is indicated by white paint on the pavement. It is worth telling about one interesting belief: you need to step over this mark only from the right leg, making a wish at the same time.

What can be seen in the center?

For viewers, the Kazan Observatoryโ€™s planetarium has comfortable folding chairs, sitting in which you can immerse yourself in the mysterious world of planets and stars in 3D format. This is a real journey to the most remote corners of the entire solar system.

Here you have the opportunity to go around the moon and see with its own eyes its dark side, as well as fly closer to the rings of Saturn. You can ride a rover and see the amazingly beautiful and mysterious Milky Way. The planetarium provides an opportunity to admire the fantastic interweaving of thousands of galaxies, see the Big Bang and the birth of new stars.

Planetarium Hall


The planetarium is only part of the observatory. There is also a museum, in the exposition of which a variety of telescopes and other astronomical instruments are collected, as well as documents and photographs. On the memorial plaque are the names of astronomers of Kazan. In their honor comets, lunar craters and asteroids are named.

One of the most unique exhibits is the refractor telescope, which is over one hundred years old. This is the largest of all telescopes of this kind in Russia.

Telescope of the Kazan Observatory

How to get, address

The Kazan Planetarium (observatory) is located near the city - at a distance of about 20 kilometers in a picturesque corner of the astronomical science town.

From Kazan by car should leave from the Gorky highway. About 16 kilometers, you need to move straight ahead, driving along the path of Lake Lebyazhye and the village of Zalesny. Then you should turn in the direction of the village of Orekhovka and the technopolis "New Tour". Then, after a turn of about 2 kilometers, go to the right turn from the main highway, following the sign for the Children's Tuberculosis Dispensary. Follow another 2 kilometers to the forged iron gate located to the right of the road. This is the location of the Kazan observatory planetarium. The Kazan Planetarium is located in a modern building (right section of the territory).

You can get on the train. You should take a seat at the Central or Northern station, taking a ticket to the Observatory station in the direction of Green Dol. The trip takes approximately 40 minutes. From the Observatory railway station, go towards Podgornaya street (to the north-east) and move along the AOE street for about 1300 meters to the Astronomical Observatory itself.

Observatory address: RT, Oktyabrsky village, st. AOE, d. 7, building 1.

A visit to this scientific center is interesting for people of all ages, and especially for children.

Kazan planetarium

Mode of operation

The Kazan Observatory Planetarium has the following work schedule:

  • Sessions on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: from 11:00 to 16:30 (every hour and a half);
  • Sessions on Friday: from 15:00 to 19:30 (every hour);
  • Saturday and Sunday: from 10:30 to 16:30 (hourly);
  • the day off is Tuesday.

On weekdays, the cost of tickets is 400 rubles for adults, 350 rubles for children, and on holidays and weekends for adults - 450-550 rubles, for children - from 350 to 450 rubles.


At least once in their life, everyone admired the view of the mysterious starry sky. However, it is possible not only to admire the stars, but also to study them in more detail. One of the excursions in the scientific and educational center, called the "Secrets of the Starry Sky", will plunge into amazing night romance and fully feel like an astronomer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6879/

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