Poisonous mushrooms of Russia: photos, names

Since ancient times, people eat these tasty, healthy and satisfying gifts of nature (macromycetes). However, not all of them may be suitable for consumption, and some even pose a rather serious danger to the body due to their high toxicity.

In this article we will try to answer the question about what poisonous mushrooms of Russia can be found in the forest. In order not to be a victim, you should know them well. There are very dangerous mushrooms for human health and life.

How not to poison yourself?

Before we describe the most poisonous mushrooms in Russia, we will try to learn to recognize edible ones. Silent Hunting (mushroom picking) is one of the most beloved and common activities of many Russians.

Poisonous mushrooms of Russia

About 30 species of poisonous mushrooms grow in our country, which often disguise themselves as edible relatives, which makes it very difficult to detect them. There are also pitfalls here. So, what poisonous mushrooms of Russia can be found in the forests? How to distinguish between edible, inedible and poisonous?

More on doubles

The list of edible mushrooms and poisonous doubles:

• It is very easy to confuse inedible and poisonous mushrooms with real ones. Their main difference is the color of the plates. Edible mushrooms have a white color with a creamy tint, it darkens after the cut. Records of false honey mushrooms immediately become brown-black after a cut.

• It is difficult to distinguish a porcini mushroom from a satanic or poisonous bile, which have exactly the same appearance and shape. A cut of a leg in an edible mushroom always remains white, and on poisonous ones it turns red.

The most poisonous mushrooms in Russia

• Pepper mushroom - a false double oiler. Here, in order to decide, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the plates and caps. In poisonous mushrooms it is browner than in butter, and they also have red pores on the leg and pulp.

Poisonous mushrooms of Russia

Photos and names of some mushrooms will be presented below. It should always be remembered that if there is no self-confidence and there are still some doubts during a visual inspection of the fungus, it is best to leave it alone and not take it to the basket.

Below are the most common ones:

  • From July to October, false fox (orange talker) is found in the forests. The hat has a bright orange (up to copper-red) color, and the shape is a funnel with smooth edges. This type of fungus often grows in groups, and always near real chanterelles. They are very easy to distinguish. A rather unpleasant odor has the flesh of false chanterelles. This is a poisonous mushroom, and to get rid of the signs of poisoning, it is enough to do a gastric lavage.
  • From August to September you can find a pale grebe. The hat is yellow-brown, pale green or olive in color. Usually her edges are lighter than the center. There is a white ring on top of the legs. In appearance, toxic toadstool practically does not differ from edible mushrooms, which is a danger.
  • Poisonous mushrooms of Russia include in their list and false honey, found from June to October. Disguised as an edible congener, it has a convex hat of pink, yellow, or pale orange. The center is usually darker than the edges. The light yellow flesh has a bitter taste and a rather unpleasant odor. It usually grows in large groups, usually on rotting wood. A few hours after use in food, symptoms of poisoning occur, including loss of consciousness.

Poisonous mushrooms of central Russia

  • From midsummer to autumn, you can meet the Russula, burning-caustic. There are harmless representatives of the genus, but among them there are also dangerous ones that cause a lot of trouble. It is almost impossible to distinguish a burning-caustic russula from a red one. When its spores ripening in ocher color ripen, then it is easier to distinguish. Symptoms of poisoning are usually disguised as simple food poisoning, so mushroom pickers may not be aware of the cause of the disaster. All parts of this russula have a bitter taste. After the fungus touches the tongue and lips, a burning sensation arises.
  • It is impossible to imagine the poisonous mushrooms of Russia without the fly agaric known to everyone, which occurs from mid-August to September. Amanita muscaria has a remarkable hat (diameter 10 cm), covered with large white scales. The color of the hat is pale cream. On a long white leg there is a darker dense ring. Its flesh gives off an aroma similar to the smell of freshly peeled potatoes.

Satanic mushroom, gray-pink lactarius, red trellis, beautiful hymnopilus, valui false - all this poses a danger not only to health but also to life.

Deadly poisonous mushrooms of Russia

  • False foal is one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the whole world. It can cause kidney failure, leading to death.
  • Pig has long been considered an edible mushroom. Studies have shown that periodically eating it destroys blood cells - white blood cells. Renal failure also occurs, leading to death.

poisonous mushrooms of Russia photo and name

  • Ergot purple is also included in the list of "the most poisonous mushrooms in Russia." It parasitizes on some cereal crops. If a large dose of ergot enters the body , this also leads to the death of a person.
  • Amanita ranks second in the list of the most poisonous mushrooms not only in Russia, but also in the world. No wonder the people call him the "angel of death." The dangerous substances of fly agaric destroy both the kidneys and the liver.

The most poisonous mushroom in the world

The most poisonous in the world is the above-described pale grebe. It affects such vital organs as the kidneys and liver, leading to death. Toadstool is so poisonous that it is not recommended to touch it with bare hands. Also, its contact with edible mushrooms should not be allowed. Dizziness, colic, loose stools, and vomiting occur during poisoning. The destruction of the above organs occurs already in this period, so you should immediately seek medical help.

deadly poisonous mushrooms of Russia

The most poisonous mushrooms in central Russia: pale toadstool, false honey agaric, red fly agaric and panther fly agaric.


Like wild plants and animals, representatives of the vast kingdom of mushrooms can be dangerous. To become an experienced mushroom picker and live a long life, it is worth getting to know these unusual creatures of nature. An important tip for mushroom pickers: if you don’t know a mushroom, don’t take it. Even a single toadstool that has fallen into the basket can poison the entire “catch”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6885/

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