How to make Baba Yaga's nose with your own hands?

New Year's party is approaching and you want to update your costumes? Or maybe soon a costume party and you need to dress up with some evil spirits? Baba Yaga is an original Russian character whom both children and adults love. Despite the fact that this insidious woman is doing nasty things all the time, she has a big Russian soul. In this article, we will tell you how to make the nose of Baba Yaga with your own hands.

Gummy nose

how to make a woman’s nose yaga step by step
What kind of material is this? Gummosis is a theatrical plastic. How to make the nose of Baba Yaga from this material? Everything is very simple. Gummosis is similar in texture to plasticine. You need to stretch it in your hands and begin to mold a mold right on the nose of the model. Apply gummosis layer by layer until you reach the desired length. Then it will be possible to correct the form.

When the nose is ready, it needs to be lubricated with baby cream and gently smooth all the edges. Particular attention should be paid to places that come into contact with the skin. Now you can cover your nose with liquid latex. It dries quickly, so it should be applied from 6 to 8 layers. When the nose is ready, it should be sprinkled with baby powder and carefully removed from the model. Now using acrylic or special theater paints you need to give color to the product. You can glue Baba Yaga's nose to your face with a special glue for the skin. If it was not at hand, liquid latex is also suitable.

Papier-mâché nose

how to make a woman’s yagi nose out of paper
How to make the nose of Baba Yaga with your own hands? The easiest way is to make it from papier-mâché. All decorators used this method until theater plastic, silicone and polymer clay appeared. How to make Baba Yaga's nose out of paper?

The old newspaper needs to be torn into small pieces and soaked in water. In order for the substance to become more viscous, stationery glue and flour can be added to it. While the newspaper is soaking, you should make a blank of plasticine. It may not necessarily have a clear form, but in size it should converge with the desired final result. When the paper is well wetted, lay it in a thin layer on a plasticine blank. Now you need to wait until the base is dry. After an hour or two, grease the first layer of the PVA newspaper and stick the second layer to it. Repeat the procedure again. More than 3-4 layers should not be done, otherwise the nose will become too heavy. When the form is ready, you can proceed to the manufacture of parts.

If desired, moles or growths can be made from paper. When the form has dried, plasticine must be removed from it, and then cover the paper with soil. Now you can paint the product in any color. To preserve the nose for a long time, it must be varnished. And so that the product does not shine, you should make sure that the varnish is matte.

Epoxy nose

how to make baba yagi nose at home
To make one of the most difficult makeup elements for Baba Yaga, you do not need to make a lot of effort. The nose is easy to make from epoxy. You can buy it at any hardware store. How to make the nose of Baba Yaga?

The creativity kit consists of the resin itself and the hardener. We dilute the brown substance in any plastic container and add cut paper or sawdust for the volume. Mix everything thoroughly and add hardener. Now you need to create a nose shape. Model the product should be in gloves. When everything is ready, leave the workpiece to harden. It is advisable to allow the form to dry at least during the day. After the nose hardens, it must be treated with sandpaper to smooth out all the surface irregularities. Now the product can be painted. To do this, use acrylic. If this option for making the nose seems too complicated, you can buy epoxy plasticine. The process of creating the form will be the same, only you will not have to add sawdust and paper to the substance.

Plasticine nose

make the nose of a woman yagi at home
You can create such a product from improvised means. How to make a Baba Yaga nose from plasticine? To do this, make a form of foil. This will be the basis. It should be in the shape of a triangle. Now you can stick plasticine around the workpiece. Remember that this material cannot be painted. Therefore, you should either immediately buy flesh-colored plasticine , or buy a sculpted plasticine and mix it with grated beige pastel. You can simulate the shape with your hands or use stacks. You can glue the finished product to the nose with a special glue for the skin.

Clay nose

how to make a woman’s nose yaga with your own hands
Material for making the mold can be purchased at any art store. How to make Baba Yaga’s nose out of it at home? Knead polymer clay in the hands to the consistency of plasticine. Now you can start forming. The easiest way to do this is on the model. First you need to form the bulk, and then move on to the details. We give the nose a bend and make wings. If desired, various growths or bulky moles can be glued to the nose. Using a toothpick, you can add texture to the skin.

When the nose is ready, it can be painted immediately. This should be done with the usual eye shadow. First, we rub the beige color into the form, and then darken the wings of the nose with brown. We bake the finished product in the oven. So that the nose can be used repeatedly, it should be painted with varnish. And so that the product does not shine, you should choose a matte finish.

Plaster nose

how to make a woman’s nose yagi
You can make one of the important details of the fairy-tale heroine from improvised materials. How to make a Baba Yaga nose at home? To do this, we need clay and plaster. As well as acrylic paint and a plastic container. How to make the nose of Baba Yaga step by step?

You need to start with the manufacture of molds from plasticine. We fashion the shape of the future product. Now you need to prepare the container. Lubricate the plastic container with any grease. It can be cream or sunflower oil. Immerse the plasticine blank in the mold. We put it so that the hole that is put on the nose is on top. Now you need to dilute the gypsum with water and pour the white substance into the mold. Shake the plastic mold a couple of times so that air bubbles come to the surface. Leave the workpiece to harden.

When the gypsum sets, take it out of the plastic container and divide it with a sharp knife into two parts. We remove the clay and grease the workpiece with grease. Immerse the form back into the container and again fill it with gypsum. When the white substance is seized, pour out the excess. As a result, we get a hollow nose shape. When the gypsum finally hardens, we take it out of shape and paint it in flesh color.


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