The state budget is what it is

According to the current legislation, the state budget is a fundamental element of the entire financial system of the country, linking the flow of income to the treasury and the distribution of accumulated funds according to needs. In the process of redistribution of funds between the population and state bodies, budget relations arise.

the state budget is

The government creates the conditions for the accumulation of funds from individuals and individual enterprises, then distributes the collected resources among the budgets of other levels and various funds. In other words, the state budget is a complex of relations that develop when authorities fulfill their duties. First of all, the received resources are intended for financing the management apparatus, the military complex, providing the most important branches of management, as well as the implementation of basic social programs. If we consider the budget from a quantitative point of view, then its size characterizes the financial condition of the country, the ability of the government to improve the standard of living of the population.

state budget of Russia

Thus, the state budget is a single fund of resources accumulated from various sources in order to implement the most important tasks and goals in the country. Relations formed in this case can be divided into three groups:

  1. Regarding raising funds (between the government and the population).
  2. Regarding the redistribution of finances (by the levels of the budget system).
  3. Regarding budget execution.

With the competent organization of these relations, it is possible to achieve a fundamental goal - equilibrium on a macroeconomic scale. The state budget of Russia is presented in the form of three levels: the republican or federal and local budgets, as well as the budget of the subjects of the federation. Moreover, the latter is an intermediate link between the republican and local levels. At the end of each reporting period, the specialists receive a consolidated budget, that is, a document reflecting the receipt and use of funds in the context of individual territorial units.

state budget and its functions

Revenues to the state budget are the flow of funds through the use of various sources. The largest share in the income structure, of course, is occupied by tax payments and fees. Often countries with temporary financial difficulties are given loans and loans from other states, then the budget is replenished from external sources. And the expenditure part is compiled in the context of the main areas of financing of certain industries.

State budget and its functions

The most important function can be called the competent distribution of collected funds among budgets of all levels with subsequent redistribution in the areas of financing the economy. Government bodies have a very difficult task: to manage the available resources with the maximum benefit for the population. For our country, this is quite difficult to do, especially in the post-crisis period. No less important is the control function, which consists in monitoring the activities of various organizations and areas to which assistance was provided in the form of subsidies or subventions. The key to the success of the developed plan is the targeted use of funds!


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