Traffic Management Projects (POD): Road Safety Management

Any road requires many safety guarantees, which can only be provided by competently drawn up traffic management projects. The complex of such events is called ODD, and for their effectiveness it is necessary to optimize directions for pedestrians and road transport as much as possible.

traffic management projects

Road design

Traffic management projects must be agreed upon, and therefore they are drafted by professionals. Many companies provide similar services, including the development of a package of documents for all types of actions, after which the traffic and pedestrians of a given section of the track change. Developers and produce its coordination in the instances.

Traffic management projects are necessary if it is planned to restore the old road or build a new one, as well as when repairing engineering structures and roads directly, when special and safe movement of garbage and transporting special transport vehicles is required.


It is necessary to draw up such a project in cases where it is planned to lay communications or arrange a parking lot. Traffic management projects must be developed for especially dangerous sections of the road in order to reduce accident rate. If the construction of gas station or car service enterprises begins directly along the road, such documentation must be agreed upon before starting work.

Coordination is carried out in the following departments: State traffic inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; organizations on whose balance this road is maintained; Department of Transportation; FSO; DPC and many others. This is certainly troublesome, but necessary: ​​road accidents are much more expensive. In Moscow and the region, projects are coordinated by Mosgortrans, Mosavtodor and others.

road accidents

Movement rates

The objectives of the development of traffic management projects are as follows: streamlining traffic standards, safety on access roads to industrial zones, shopping centers, microdistricts and other places. Such work should be entrusted only to experienced professionals who will responsibly react to this most important task and know all the nuances and subtleties of creating road schemes. Otherwise, the approval of the road traffic management project may not take place.

The PODD contains all the schematically depicted objects: the contour of the road, marking, indicating sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, the location of traffic lights, fences and road signs, the organization of lighting, bus stops, artificial structures and railway crossings. All this needs to be properly formatted in the project documentation.


Each element has its own symbol, as provided for in the road traffic management project. An example of such a project can be seen in the photo in this article. It was developed in a professional company engaged in similar projects for ten years. In the drawing, even an ignorant person can see how road safety is organized, how to plan traffic in this area correctly.

However, the terrain is all different, and therefore masters of their craft, confident in the entire vast complex of design, should still be engaged in development. First of all, you need to focus on state standards, and in particular - GOST R 52289, where the means for organizing and implementing traffic rules for applying markings, road signs, fences, traffic lights, guiding devices are completely painted.

road safety


There is a procedure for the development of traffic management projects , which requires the implementation of a much larger number of rules than any other documentation. A separate GOST describes the procedure for the use of road signs - GOST R 52290. The types and parameters of the used traffic lights must be confirmed by GOST R 52282. There is also Federal Law No. 196 of 1995, which is fully related to road safety and is always applied in practice of the development and approval of the OOD. DRA projects are being developed at the end of the shelf life of already existing schemes for horizontal marking and deployment of existing road signs.

In order to prevent accidents on the roads, it is necessary to be guided in the development of the SOD primarily by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory acts of the executive branch, as well as by many rules, technical norms and standards. An analysis of the current traffic situation in this section is required. The organization of road safety is always guaranteed by the project, which is developed on the basis of the Federal Law No. 196 (Article 21, paragraph 2). Project customers are authorized to manage: federal roads - the Federal Highway Agency; roads in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities - the executive branch; departmental and private roads - owners.

development of traffic management projects


Road safety during the movement of pedestrians and vehicles is the main goal of the development of the SOD. It is also important to increase throughput. After a detailed analysis of the existing situation, the design of traffic management is carried out taking into account the problems and solving problems to eliminate them. The customer draws up the technical task and approves it himself, after which the developers take up the matter.

PODD must comply with all the requirements of GOST and solve the corresponding problems. First of all, ensure the safety of all participants in the movement; Accordingly, the categories of the road should introduce all the necessary driving modes, in accordance with all factors: structural elements of the road, artificial structures and the like. Particular attention should be paid to timely informing traffic participants about certain road conditions located along the path of settlements, driving directions (for example, transit of large cars through city territories is not allowed, you need to specify detour routes). It is necessary to ensure the correct use of the carriageway by drivers, indicating the narrowing of the road and its other features.

approval of a traffic management project

What does it look like

PODD is a whole book in A3 format binding (197 x 420) and an electronic type of document (in a format with possible editing) on ​​a CD-ROM. As in this book, the PODD opens the title page, followed by an introduction. Further, there are schemes with the arrangement of technical means and traffic lights; sketches of signs for individual design; statement in which the funds of the ODD are placed; a sheet where the electric lighting device, bus stops, sidewalks, paths, crossings (different levels) are reflected. The title page should indicate the name of the governing body of the road; name of the organization that designed the ODD; names of organizations that approved and approved the project.

Below is the name of the road and its designation, volume number, position of the development manager with the name and signature. At the bottom, as always, is the development date of the POD. The linear scale is usually taken 1: 3000, and the width of the road is depicted arbitrarily. The layout of the layout should include the contours of the road plan, graphs of longitudinal slopes and curves in the plan, road signs, marking lines, road and pedestrian fences, traffic lights, guides, pedestrian crossings, lighting, stops, walkways for pedestrians, artificial structures, railway crossings, Existing and planned buildings and structures for road and road use (coordination axes are not needed).

traffic management project example

Vedomosti 1

Multilevel intersection schemes and single-level complex intersections are performed separately (smaller scale), according to the scaling rules. The addresses where the technical means of the traffic police are installed are indicated. Most of the project is targeted statements.

Including a consolidated statement of horizontal marking volumes with the nomenclature of horizontal road marking. A half-kilometer breakdown, types of marking, reduction of its volumes to the 1: 1 line, where the reduction coefficient is indicated - for different types. For each type of marking, the volume is shown in square meters. The marking area in the last column for each kilometer is indicated, the volumes for this road section at the end of the table in kilometers - reduced and linear, as well as the area in square meters.

Vedomosti 2

The sheet with the placement of road signs indicates the numbers and their names, the number and size of the type. If there are signs of individual design, you need to indicate their area.

The third sheet deals with the barrier fence, the fourth - signal posts, the fifth is devoted to artificial lighting.

The list of public transport stops should contain the address, location - left or right, landing sites, access pockets, pavilions, transitional-speed lanes. Still compiled statements on the placement of pedestrian crossings, the presence of traffic lights with schemes of their equipment, on the placement of pedestrian paths. All statements should be summarized.


SODI is subject to mandatory coordination in the units of the State traffic inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The design organization is engaged in this. Project documentation can be considered depending on the object, as mentioned above, or by the Department of Road Traffic of the Russian Federation (trunk roads, federal roads, public roads from the first to fourth categories inclusive, highways and streets of continuous movement of city significance and so on) , or services of departments, divisions, departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Internal Affairs Directorate of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Roads below the fifth category, as well as departmental or private, belong to the traffic police services of districts and cities, where they are consistent.

Approved by the customer. After receiving the finished project, he must timely make all changes that may be associated with the new standards of documents that are being put into effect. All changes to the SOD should also be agreed with the traffic police unit at least once every three years. All previous versions of the LDS are stored at the customer and in the traffic police, as it is supposed to store documentation on the standards. Changes that are associated with the reconstruction or overhaul to improve road safety must be made and agreed upon by the customer.

procedure for the development of traffic management projects


Already approved projects and all subsequent changes must be sent to the following authorities.

  1. Customer management (or department) - one copy plus CD-ROM (document with the ability to edit).
  2. The governing body of this road is one copy plus a CD-ROM (a document with the ability to edit).
  3. The Department of Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (main roads) has exactly the same copy of documentation and CD-ROM (document with the possibility of editing).
  4. The governing body of the traffic police (ATC, GUVD, MVD) - the same one copy in paper and one in electronic form.
  5. Road operating organization - one copy of only a paper version of the documentation.


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