Arched grapes: variety description, cultivation and care

Many amateur gardeners, trying to create coziness and originality on their site, began to grow rare varieties of fruit trees and shrubs. These include apricots, peaches, barberries. Recently, bold summer residents began to plant grapes, the berry of which is not only tasty, but also healthy. It is gaining more and more popularity. The recommended variety for general cultivation is arched. grapes . This is a win-win option for small garden plots, private houses and cottages.

Arched grapes: description of the variety and its characteristics

Varieties of arched grapes bring not only good crops, but also create unique beauty on the site. They are planted in the shape of an arch. The plant for table use was called - arched grapes . It belongs to a hybrid variety that combines two distinct species - Magaracha and Friendship. It was from them that the plant took the best qualities.

The arched grape variety is characterized by excellent frost resistance, can withstand winter cold up to thirty degrees, and feels great in central Russia. It practically does not respond to fungal diseases, which stands out against the background of other grape varieties.

arched grapes

It is distinguished by a good yield of the crop, it begins to bear fruit already in the second year after planting. Brushes with fruits have a fairly large weight - up to 600 grams. The grape, whose berry is large and beautiful, has a pleasant, sweet taste. The peel of the fruit is quite dense.

Arched grapes perfectly tolerate transportation, for a long time retains all the useful qualities. The ripening period is approximately one hundred twenty days. Depending on climatic conditions, ripening begins in mid-August or early September.

The grape bush itself is quite powerful, and most of its shoots bear fruit. Young shoots grow quickly enough, easily and painlessly tolerate vaccinations and root well. Grape harvest can be postponed to a later time. The fact is that the brushes hold rather firmly on the branches, and the quality of the berries lasts a very long time. The fruits left on the branches have a beautiful, original and attractive appearance.

Growing Arched Grapes

The cultivation and cultivation of grapes is not particularly troublesome. The plant multiplies very well by shoots, which perfectly take root and give 100% growth. They root perfectly and give a pretty good harvest the very next year. Pruning of branches must be carried out, leaving 3-4 buds, the rest must be removed.

grape berry

Grapes respond well to fertilizing, organic and mineral. When growing this variety, it is imperative to install supports or trellis nearby. In the absence of supports, there is a risk that during heavy watering, branches will rot and mold will form, which can subsequently lead to the death of plants.

Grapes, which grows on a support, has the ability to grow horizontally on it, so he is given enough space, and he himself finds a direction for growth. It needs to be provided with adequate ventilation, which will lead to improved growth and facilitate care conditions.

Arched grape care

Leaving consists in constant weeding, loosening of the soil. Mulching has proven itself, which perfectly retains moisture and prevents weeds from breaking out. Further care consists in the destruction of pests.

spraying grapes

It is for this purpose that, first of all, ventilation is required, which prevents the development of pests such as grape cicadas, wireworms, aphids, and so on. These pests hide and feel good in the thickets of weeds. When they are found, it is necessary to immediately spray the grapes with a special tool, and the processing must be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

Grape Disease Prevention

The next step in grape care is the detection and treatment of plants for fungus. If any signs of the disease appear, immediately spray the grapes with a preparation such as Acrobat or Quadris 250. These are complex agents that have a wide spectrum of action, they kill the infection that affects the plants.

When using these drugs, do not forget about the duration of their validity, which should end before the start of the harvest. It is worth noting that with the proper use of such funds, they will not bring harm.

The use of arched vineyards

Arched grape varieties are very well used to decorate garden plots, playgrounds and alleys for sports. The advantage of such plants is that for planting they do not require a large territory.

grape variety arched

Having planted arched grapes, you need to take care of the availability of supports for it on the site. The arbor decorated with grapes or the path to the garden house in the form of an arch looks original . It will not be difficult to build an arched support for the grapes on their own.

Before making the arch, you should inspect the site and determine the installation location of the structure. It is necessary to place it so that the plants receive maximum sunlight, and a free approach to the bushes is provided. If you plan to plant grapes on both sides of the arch, then you need to produce it horizontally for the convenience of planting and care for grapes.

If you need to plant plants on one side, for example, near a house, you need to make an arch with a vertical horizontal slope (if possible, direct the slope of the arch to the south-west or west).

Arch Benefits

Placing grapes on the arch not only provides beauty, but also creates a comfortable environment for growth. A bush growing in this way receives a sufficient amount of sunlight. He has the opportunity to grow on the arches horizontally and vertically.

grape arched description

Bunches of grapes do not touch each other. They receive the required access of air, which allows the bushes to quickly dry out after rain or watering. In addition to all of the above, grapes growing on arches are conveniently processed and sprayed with various preparations.


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