February 14 - Day of the mental patient in Germany ... Rumors or truth?

February 14 ... Everyone knows what date it is and what holiday is celebrated on this day by people of the whole world. But there are some interesting points that are worth mentioning separately. For example, do you know that February 14th is Mental Illness Day in Germany?

mental patient day in Germany

Truth or lie?

Many people, by the way, are aware of this interesting fact. And others do not believe that February 14th is Mental Illness Day in Germany. Well, it’s worth sorting out this issue.

In fact, it is not surprising that the Germans christened February 14th as Mental Illness Day. In Germany, everyone clearly understands that love is the real clouding of reason. And, by the way, everyone who has ever been hit by the arrow of the Amur knows this. However, the Germans are famous for their meticulousness, which is why February 14th is the Day of the Mental Patient in Germany. By the way, this is not just a date. The Germans on this day adorn psychiatric hospitals with a special attribute - scarlet ribbons , balloons and posters. And in the churches on this occasion conduct special services. So the information that the Day of the Mentally Ill February 14th is celebrated in Germany is actually true.

day of the mentally ill February 14

Common holiday

But in fact, one more nuance should be highlighted. Valentine's Day is celebrated everywhere - Germany was no exception. Day of mental patients is an additional reason to celebrate February 14th. Showcases of German stores the day before to failure are filled with various cute trinkets and attractive souvenirs. The Germans gladly congratulate each other, delivering flowers, cards, soft toys, pendants and bracelets. In general, everything that will bring a person joy.

Many German brands, by the way, in honor of February 14, make quite substantial discounts. So this is a good time for good shopping. It is worth noting that pedantic Germans, accustomed to saving their time, make purchases through the Internet. Online stores in Germany also meet their customers, make pleasant discounts and organize a variety of promotions.

germany mental illness day

Interesting Facts

Returning to the fact that in Germany the Day of the Mentally Ill - February 14, it is worth noting a few more interesting nuances. Germans consider St. Valentine the patron of people suffering from mental disorders. It should also be said that the Day of the Mentally Ill (February 14) is also the day of flower shops. Why? Everything is logical - after all, on this day the flowers are snapped up, as if hot cakes. On no other day of the year is there such a stir and demand for roses. By the way, in this wonderful country, the most popular gift is a large bouquet of red roses.

And on the Day of Mentally Ill People in Germany, they launch a special express train. What is its feature? And the fact is that only lonely people who want to get to know someone are buying tickets for this train. A very interesting idea. By the way, this express is popular. Few Germans want to spend a wonderful day alone. Therefore, they buy a ticket, board the train and choose their interlocutor. After the express arrives at the end station, the resulting couple (or company) will be invited to a bar or restaurant. There they can get to know each other in a more romantic atmosphere. A few days later, participants are sent the contact details of the person who liked.

day of mentally ill people in Germany

German traditions

Residents of Germany are very cheerful and friendly people who like to have fun. And February 14th is one of those holidays that they celebrate on a grand scale. The Germans enjoy going to bars, walking around the city, baking gingerbread cookies with icing, traditional for this holiday, spending time with their loved ones (even if there is no loved one, it is not unusual to spend this day with friends or family), buy or make gifts on their own. By the way, if a tourist ended up in Germany at that time, he can see very unusual souvenirs on sale dedicated specifically to Valentine's Day, for example, figurines in the form of couples in unambiguous poses.

The Germans very unusually celebrate February 14th. Many of them attend services on this day and help mentally ill people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6905/

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