Victory Memorial in Krasnoyarsk: memory will live forever

Any city or village honors the memory of the Great Patriotic War. The names of the heroes are streets, parks and squares, in memory of them are installed monuments and sculptural compositions. About one of these structures - the Victory Memorial in Krasnoyarsk - our material.

Victory Memorial Krasnoyarsk

History of the creation of the memorial

The decision to create it was made at a meeting of the party regional committee. The occasion was significant - the 30th anniversary of the Victory. A specific date for its opening was also determined - May 9, 1975. They began to design the future complex two years earlier than this date. Work on the project was carried out by leading architects of Krasnoyarsk Alexander Sergeyevich Brusyanin and Vladimir Ivanovich Ulyanov. And of course, an invaluable contribution to the work on the Victory Memorial in Krasnoyarsk is by the author, chief architect - Areg Sarkisovich Demirkhanov, honored architect of the country.

The choice of location of the complex was not accidental: it is inextricably linked with the events of the war years and is filled with deep symbolism. In the early 40s, there was an urban outskirts, built up with one-story wooden houses. Other buildings include a school, Holy Trinity Cathedral, an old cemetery.

As soon as seriously wounded soldiers arrived in the city, there was a need for the conversion of buildings for evacuation hospitals. So, evacuation hospital No. 3489 was located in the premises of a local school. At present, it also houses a secondary school.

Despite all efforts, the medical staff was not omnipotent: it was not possible to save all the fighters. The burial place of soldiers who died from wounds became a military burial site in the old Trinity cemetery.

In 1965, the city authorities decided to perpetuate the memory of Red Army soldiers who died in Krasnoyarsk hospitals. On the territory of the cemetery, the opening of memorial plates containing the names of 239 soldiers. In preparation for the 30th anniversary of the Victory, the memorial plates underwent reconstruction. Thanks to the long and painstaking work, the list was corrected and supplemented. Currently, Victory Square stores 640 names of soldiers who died from wounds in urban evacuation hospitals. This is the story of the creation of the Victory Memorial in Krasnoyarsk.

memorial victory Krasnoyarsk address

Museum opening

Thousands of townspeople gathered to witness the opening of the monument. Hero of the Soviet Union Dmitry Martynov was awarded the honorary right to carry the torch. Currently, his bust is in one of the halls of the memorial. An interesting fact: it was this person who became the last of the participants in the war living in the city, bearing the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

When the rally ended, residents for the first time were able to visit the memorial building.

Victory Memorial Krasnoyarsk photo

Victory Memorial (Krasnoyarsk): description

According to the authors, the role of the architectural dominant of the square was assigned to the building of the memorial - the future museum. On its inner walls listed the names of citizens who died in the war. Between the memorial plates and the building there is an eternal flame. A monument to the unknown soldier remained in the square (it was installed here earlier). That is how the Victory Memorial was opened in Krasnoyarsk (the photo of which we provide in this material) on the Victory Day of 1975.


So, the result of one of the reconstructions was the introduction of significant changes to the lists of the Hall of Memory. Today, there are 11,700 names in the lists of dead and missing warriors who were called up from the city.

In the future, the complex was repeatedly reconstructed: the changes affected the street ensemble of the square, the appearance of the museum building, there was an increase in its area.

Victory Memorial Krasnoyarsk Description

For example, during the reconstruction of 2005, the facade of the memorial underwent changes - a dome was added to it, the previous monument to an unknown soldier was replaced with a new one, a sculptural group called β€œFront and Rear” appeared (the author of both projects is sculptor Konstantin Zinich).

At the same time, the attitude of the townspeople to his activities has changed: it is understood that the Victory Memorial in Krasnoyarsk has the function of preserving the memory of specific people. The formation of the museum collection began, the basis of which became archival and biographical materials of the participants of the Second World War.

The modern history of the museum

At present, everyone has the opportunity to get acquainted with the exposition of the memorial, it was based on those artifacts that were presented by public organizations and residents of the region.

As for the current appearance of the square, a fence was installed behind the tombstones, it separates the square and the cemetery. The installation site of the monument to the unknown soldier has changed; it is now located near memorial plates.

The status of the museum was assigned to the memorial in 1995. His visit is free.

The history of the Victory Memorial in Krasnoyarsk (its address is Dudinskaya, 2a ) once again recalls how important it is to preserve the memory of those tragic and heroic pages of the annals of both a single city and the whole country.


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