Cannes Lion - the main award of the advertising festival

Cannes Lion is a prestigious international award given to the best advertising producers in several categories, as well as for a number of technical achievements. This festival is very popular not only among the direct creators, but also among ordinary viewers and users. It is not surprising, therefore, that the most successful videos are immediately thrown onto the Internet, and the ceremony itself gathers full halls.


Cannes Lion is awarded to the creators of the most successful advertising videos. The ceremony was first held in 1954. After this, the festival was held several times in other countries, but since 1977 it has been stably organized in the French city of Cannes. The idea of ​​holding such a competition arose as an analogue of a film festival, the popularity of which made many advertising producers seriously think about their own ceremony. Thus arose one of the most prestigious social events in the field of marketing and advertising.

cannes lion


Cannes Lion is awarded in several categories. There are gold, silver, bronze awards. In addition, one of the owners of the golden lion receives a special prize - the Grand Prix. The jury evaluates not only the idea of ​​advertising, but also its embodiment, implementation. The competition presents a variety of types of popularization of their products by companies. We are talking about television, outdoor, radio and other advertisements. In addition, special prizes are awarded to the best advertising networks, agencies, production studios. Prizes are also awarded to winners in other subcategories, for example, in the field of charity. In addition to the award ceremony, the organizers organize master classes, training sessions, various social events for the contest participants. Most often, agencies are represented at the festival, although theoretically anyone can submit their project.

Cannes Lions Winners

In Russia

"Cannes Lion" is highly regarded in our country. Since 1995, a special Russian representative office of this organization has been operating in the capital, which annually gives presentations in major cities of the state. Representatives of domestic advertising companies have been nominated for prestigious prizes more than once and won treasured figurines. Among the most famous winners are, for example, Megafon, which received ten awards and a grand prix. Her project was successfully implemented during the Sochi Olympics in 2014. In general, since 2011, domestic agencies have been steadily winning prizes.

golden cannon lions


A kind of analogue of the prestigious film awards are Cannes Lions. Advertising producers seek them not only in order to increase the reputation of their company, but also in order to promote their own nonsense. Indeed, at present, interest in the advertising business is constantly growing, the ceremony attracts millions of viewers, for many agencies this is a real chance to express themselves not only on the stage itself, but also live. After all, this festival, like a good movie, gathers full rooms, many viewers are seriously interested in seeing the creations of their favorite creators, and popular videos are quickly distributed on the Internet, gaining a huge number of views.

Cannes Lions advertising producers

Victory of Sberbank

A particularly prestigious award is, of course, the golden Cannes Lions. The winners who received the coveted statuette, in fact, immediately become famous. Recently, the jury was not very supportive of domestic manufacturers, however, this year the advertising project of Sberbank received a silver lion. An interesting idea was appreciated at the festival. Within the framework of the “Streets” project, bank employees successfully realized their idea of ​​popularizing a new channel for transfers using SMS or special mobile applications. To do this, they turned to street performers who, for some time, carried out the corresponding action, and collected applications on the sites. The success was achieved largely due to the fact that Sberbank found a rather successful solution to implement its ideas. Modern street art is extremely popular among young people, and artists working in this direction invariably attract attention. Therefore, they received money, donations from bank customers, live. The result was a well-deserved second place at the festival.


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