If Nox App Player does not start, what should I do?

Recently, emulators of mobile operating systems such as Android have become very popular. Some games require serious resources that phones cannot offer. After all, many use their gadgets in order to communicate with their help, and sometimes such mobile games come out that everyone would like to try.

The most striking example is a recent masterpiece called "Pokemon GO." This is a game in which you need to catch Pokemon and fight with other people, while moving directly along the street. To start it, you will need a very powerful smartphone - it is much easier to use a computer than to purchase a new gadget just because of the game. But how to run such projects on a computer? For this you will need emulators.

This article will focus on one specific example, as well as problems that you may have with it. You’ll learn what to do if your Nox App Player emulator does not start, because this is a fairly common problem. You can also read about what it basically is. And when you familiarize yourself with this material, in the event that your Nox App Player does not start, you will know what exactly needs to be done to deal with this problem.

What it is?

nox app player not starting

Before talking about what to do if Nox App Player does not start, you need to learn more about this program, as well as about emulators as such. Such programs for computers themselves are not news - since ancient times, you can install software for playing games of some of the old consoles, such as "Dandy" or "Sbor," and enjoy the old-school games that you played twenty years ago, sitting in front of the TV and using plastic cartridges.

An emulator is a program that creates a specific system shell inside your OS on a computer, and there are all the necessary conditions to run games that are designed originally for another platform. Previously, these were consoles, but now we are talking about a smartphone. Thus, a modern emulator is a certain system environment in which you can run applications for a mobile phone and generally use a personal computer or laptop as a smartphone or tablet. However, this is associated with a number of problems that need to be addressed.

Now the most popular emulator is called Nox App Player. This program does not start on your computer? Then you need to study this article and fix all the problems that arise.


nox app player pokemon go not starting

So, you need to take care of the amount of RAM on your computer before you decide to use the Nox App Player program. Pokemon GO not starting on computer? The reason may lie in the fact that RAM is not enough to support this process. In some cases, you can install the emulator, but games on it will not start. In other cases, you cannot even turn on the program itself.

Speaking specifically about this player, since it is the most popular, then you are best guided by the fact that you have at least two gigabytes of RAM. If you don’t have that much RAM, then the emulator will most likely start up, there’s even a chance that you will be able to play some projects, but you’ll get brakes, crashes and freezes, so you shouldn’t be surprised if something goes wrong with the Nox App Player. The game does not start with one gigabyte of RAM? You will have to fork out and improve your computer or buy a smartphone to do without an emulator.


nox app player the game does not start

However, what if the Nox App Player emulator itself does not start directly? 99% load - this mark becomes fatal for many users. First of all, you need to check whether a function such as virtualization is supported by your processor. To do this, you need to use any utility to analyze the configuration of your computer and pay attention to the section of supported technologies. Look for combinations of VT or just V there (for example, in AMD-V) - this means that your processor supports this technology.

However, this does not mean that the emulator will start. If he still does not want to work, then you need to go into the BIOS and activate virtualization manually - this should solve all the problems. Now you know the main reason why Nox App Player does not start, but there can be many more.


nox app player not starting 99

If you don’t have a powerful smartphone or tablet, and the Nox App Player emulator does not start, Pokémon GO can remain just a dream for you. However, you should not give up before you try all the solutions proposed here. So, if you have enough RAM, and the processor supports virtualization and it is activated, then you have to look for a problem in another.

The first tip is to check the relevance of your drivers, especially for the video card. If they are out of date, then they need to be updated: very often the problem is precisely this. However, again, no one can guarantee that it is for this reason that your Nox App Player emulator does not start. A description of other possible causes can be found below.


why nox app player does not start

As you already understood, for many users the Nox App Player emulator does not start. The reasons for this can be very diverse, and some of them have already been said. You should also pay attention to the name of your profile in the operating system.

With this type of program, there is the same common problem as with modern computer games: they require that the profile in the system be called exclusively in English, that is, it must not contain Cyrillic characters. So if you have them, you will either have to go through the not-so-pleasant and rather lengthy procedure for changing the profile name, or create a separate English-language profile for the emulator and games.

Installation paths

nox app player does not start pokemon go

The same goes for where you are installing the program. If you decide to organize everything on your computer and created the "Emulator" folder in which you installed this program, then you will have problems. All directories contained in the path to the main file must not contain Cyrillic characters.

So you can’t place the program in either the Emulator folder, the Games folder, or any other similar folder. Unfortunately, this is modern reality, and nothing can be done with it. It remains only to obey and get rid of the Russian language on the computer.


nox app player description not starting

Special attention should be paid to such a case in which the antivirus is active during the installation of the program. The fact is that some protective utilities take care of your system very much, therefore, often without asking you, they delete those files that seem suspicious to them. One of the elements of your emulator may also get into their list, which will lead to the fact that you cannot launch it.

Therefore, it is recommended that in the event of such problems, disable the antivirus during installation and launch of the program, and then add the program to the exclusion list to avoid the further possibility of deleting files important for launching.

Admin Rights

Another way that will help you solve the problem with running the emulator is through administrator rights. In most cases, you use programs with limited rights, which is more than enough for them to perform all the necessary actions. However, in some cases, programs require more rights for the processes, so they cannot start with the set that you provide them.

If you have problems installing, try running the installer with administrator privileges. If problems arise when starting the program, try to do the same, but not with the installer, but with the file of the program itself. In many cases, such a simple action can save you from unpleasant problems.

Other emulators

Of course, everyone wants to use only the best software, but sometimes it happens that you can’t start it at all. And then it’s better not to grieve, but to look for alternatives.

For example, you can pay attention to the Bluestacks emulator, which several years ago was considered the best when the program described in this article has not yet gained such fame. With its installation, usually there are no such problems, so that you can quickly and comfortably get the opportunity to play applications from the smartphone on your computer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6924/

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