How many years the military retires: length of service, age limits and features of registration of pension documents

Military personnel can retire much earlier and for this it is not necessary to wait for a certain age. By all rules, such security is rightly called preferential. Let us consider in more detail all the nuances of the military getting a well-deserved rest.

Who can count on a military pension?

Back in 1993, a law of the Russian Federation was adopted, which allows retirement by the military after years of service. Such a right could be ensigns, officers, warrant officers who served in the USSR. It should be noted that a person who has twenty years of experience has every right to draw up documents for receiving a pension. It should be noted that on the question of how many years the military retires, there are many nuances that need special attention.

how old are the military retiring

Calculation of a military pension necessarily includes all types of activities that have been established by law. Let us consider in detail what persons are entitled to a military pension:

  1. The military who served in law enforcement agencies have the right to receive such security.
  2. Workers in the field of fire safety.
  3. Employees of agencies that track drug movements in the country.
  4. Executive officers.

There are also additional conditions to consider when retiring:

  1. The military service experience should be twenty years, but only if there is no reason for an early exit.
  2. The total length of service must be at least 25 years, and 12.5 years is mandatory - these are the years when a citizen directly performed his official duties.

Such rules will not apply to people who quit because they have reached a certain age, as well as if they have health problems that make further service simply impossible.

How many years does it take to retire after a military service?

Let us consider in more detail the question of how much the military retires after length of service. As a rule, such a pension is awarded to the military in two cases:

  1. If the length of service exceeds twenty years.
  2. When the total length of service is twenty-five years, and the length of military service is 12.5. An important point is also considered that at the time of dismissal, a person should already be 45 years old, and the basis for dismissal is the achievement of a certain age, disability or reduction in work.

In the calculations, it is worth knowing that the experience may include not only service in the Armed Forces, but also in other units. By law, military service may include service in partisan units during the Second World War. It’s difficult to say exactly how long the military retires, since officers also provide seniority for the duration of their training, but in this case it is calculated differently, six months of seniority are awarded for a year of training. Recently, in connection with the pension reform, the issue has been considered in order to increase the age for retirement, and the military could go on length of service after they have 25 years of experience instead of 20.

military retire at age

We must also consider another option, when the military can retire. It is not necessary to do this after years of service. The military has every right to leave for a well-deserved rest in 60 - men, in 55 - women. In this case, it is imperative to remember not only about age, but also about the points that a citizen must score. To retire, therefore, you need to work at least 9 years and score 11.5 points, while their number can grow. There are cases when the military retires early and receives deductions from the Pension Fund:

  1. When a person works in difficult or harmful conditions. In Russia, these are areas of the Far North or places where hostilities take place.
  2. If the duty fell on the military to fulfill the requirements of society, for example, it is necessary to raise a child with a disability or take care of legally incapacitated elderly parents.

A former military man can receive pensions not only for his seniority, but also if he himself is disabled.

Disability retirement military?

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of how many years the military retires, because sometimes people with disabilities have the right to receive payments:

  1. The military can count on retirement if they received a disability during the service or within three months when the service was completed.
  2. It happens that the cause of disability was a wound or illness that was diagnosed during the service.

In this case, it is important to obtain documentary evidence, which is issued by medical and social expertise. As we see, it is difficult to determine exactly at what age the military retires, because there are cases where neither experience nor age matters.

Features of service pension

Before you make a length of service, you need to know what is included in the experience, and what does not count when calculating the years worked. The experience may include work:

  1. In the armed forces of the Russian Federation, USSR and CIS.
  2. The years of service in the internal, border and railway troops are considered.
  3. The federal structures under the government will be taken into account.
  4. Civil defense.
  5. State protection.
  6. Service in counterintelligence.
  7. Work in any institutions of the penal system.

It should be noted that in addition, when calculating payments, activities that are not related to the service will be taken into account:

  1. Work in state authorities.
  2. The period that a citizen was held captive.
  3. The time of a person in custody, if it was later proved that the citizen was not guilty and the charges were dropped.
  4. Studying in military structures.
after how many years the military retire

Naturally, this is not all the points that need to be taken into account, but the main nuances are listed above, and they should be paid attention to.


When the military retires in Russia, in order to start calculating payments, you will need to collect a full package of documents and provide them to the Pension Fund. Consider what is required to process payments:

  1. First of all, you need a passport of a citizen of Russia.
  2. Military ID, where there must be a stamp indicating dismissal.
  3. The order of the part indicating exactly where the citizen served with the order attached to him.
  4. The archive will need to get a private matter.
  5. A work book and photocopies are submitted to the Pension Fund.
  6. SNILS and certificate of FIU.
  7. Additionally, certificates and photographs are handed over.

To collect all these documents, it is not at all necessary to exert maximum effort, almost all of them are in the military unit where the citizen served. If it is necessary to collect documents for receiving a seniority pension, then an application, passport, and a certificate from the duty station should be provided. In the Pension Fund, all documents must be checked within ten days by law, and then make a decision. If there are not enough documents, the potential pensioner will receive a notification, and the term for consideration of the application may increase up to three months.

Who pays military pensions?

Former military men are provided with pensions according to acts, therefore incomes are slightly different. For example, funds are paid from the federal budget, they are transferred not through the Pension Fund, but directly through the ministry. The military has the right to choose the method for receiving a pension:

  1. You can use the mail of Russia for this purpose. A citizen can bring money home, or he can contact the nearest post office, where he will be given the necessary amount.
  2. A person can issue a card at a bank without any problems or receive his pension at any branch.
  3. In Russia, there are separate organizations that are engaged in the delivery of pensions, you can apply for registration in them.

A statement is written in the Pension Fund, which indicates the method of receiving the funds, details and the day of delivery are recorded.

Payment Procedure

The order of payments depends on the type of pension, which will be calculated:

  1. After-service pension is paid until the end of a person’s life.
  2. If the military retires on disability, then payments are made for the duration of the certificate, for example, the medical board may set an unlimited or fixed time.
  3. Sometimes payments are made to the family for the loss of the breadwinner.

When the military retires by age, there are four main principles in the Pension Fund according to which security is issued:

  1. Charges arrive on the 3rd of each month, but sometimes there are delays.
  2. The date may also depend on the region where the soldier lives.
  3. It happens that a pension is issued earlier, for example, in the event that the third number falls on a holiday.
military retire at age

If a citizen does not need money, then he has every right to not receive a pension, but to accumulate it until a certain time, and then resume payments when necessary.

How is the supplement paid?

It is important to know not only how long the military retires, but also to find out if the right to receive a surcharge. This is possible, but under certain conditions:

  1. In case there are dependents. Three incapacitated citizens can be considered as such, for all other surcharges are not charged.
  2. If a person has reached 80 years of age or has received a disability.
  3. When a citizen is a member of the Second World War or lives in difficult conditions of the Far North.
  4. If you have work experience in the North, it must be at least nine years.

Regardless of how much the military retires, payments can increase every year, this is due to inflation. The former military man has the right to continue to work as a civilian, while this does not affect the payment of a pension.

Pension amount

There are certain factors on which the length of service pension depends:

  1. First of all, the presence of a military rank is taken into account.
    when the military retires
  2. There should be experience established by law.
  3. The calculation is made taking into account the position in which the citizen was when he retired.
  4. The presence of dependents and their number are taken into account.

It must be remembered that the more people serve and climb the career ladder, the more they will have a pension. When the length of service reaches 20 years, then 50% is paid from above, and each year the payment increases by 3%. Pensioners with a mixed experience of 25 years can receive their 50% and an additional 1% each year from the main pension. The maximum pension may be 85%, while incomplete years will not be considered.

How to calculate the pension according to the formula?

Before you become interested in the question of how many years the military retires, you can try to calculate it yourself using the formula:

B = (D * 50% + D * 3% * E) * P

B is directly the amount of the pension itself, D is the allowance, which depends on the rank and is established by law, T is the year that the person has served additionally, after 20 years of work experience, P is the decreasing coefficient. With mixed experience, the formula changes slightly, and instead of 3%, 1% is taken. When a person goes on a disability pension, the formula for calculating the following is used: B = P * D * K, where K is the cash payments that the group and the cause of disability influence.

Under what conditions can there be an increase?

Regardless of how many years the military retires, they can count on higher payouts. By law, military personnel are entitled to allowances, but only if there are reasons for this:

  1. Disabled people of the 1st group and citizens who are 80 years old can apply for a pension increase of 100%.
  2. If there is custody of the former military dependents, then payments are accrued depending on their number and make up 32%, 64% and 100%.
  3. The allowance is paid to the participant of the Second World War. Disability group is taken into account, if it is not there, then 32% is paid, and as soon as a citizen reaches 80 years old, another 64% is paid.
when the military can retire

As you can see, there are quite a few nuances that must be taken into account when calculating your pension.

Does the military have the right to a second pension?

Citizens who reach retirement age can easily get a second pension, which is called insurance. To make such payments, it is enough for a military man to gain civilian experience, since he is not taken into account when assigning a military pension. The amount of the second pension will already depend on the salary and the total length of service.

how much the military retires

An important role is played by the premium. In this case, dependents are no longer taken into account.


Having examined in detail the question of how many years the military retires, it should be noted that there are many other nuances that are worth paying attention to. Payments to military personnel are made subject to certain laws that apply only to employees of law enforcement agencies. The military, as a rule, is protected at the federal level and is a group of citizens who are financially stable, which attracts more and more young people to serve in the power structures.


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