A sample of a collective complaint against neighbors. Application to the district police officer: sample

Living in any apartment building can be overshadowed by unyielding neighbors who do not put other residents into anything and disturb peace with their actions. Therefore, when buying an apartment, it is important to pay attention not only to the condition of the apartment and the entrance, but also to the people who already live in it. The most common complaint is noise from construction equipment, loud music, family squabbles. It’s great if you can agree with the violating neighbors. But if you can’t do this, then you already have to turn to specialists for help. In this case, all actions begin with writing a complaint.

sample collective complaint against neighbors

Collective complaint against neighbors

What problems with neighbors spoil our life the most? There are not many of them, but any of them can harm thoroughly. For instance:

  1. Overhaul is a serious stress for neighbors, especially in Soviet houses. And it's not just about building electrical appliances that work without interruption. When repairing an apartment, the driveway is almost always occupied by large bags of garbage (boards tiled from the floor, foam blocks, tiles, boxes, linoleum, laminate).
  2. Another case is when neighbors are simply lazy to take out household garbage, especially in a house where there is no garbage chute. They do not want to keep extra bags in their apartment, and then such neighbors accumulate garbage near the staircase between floors. It happens that the neighbors are not going to clean up the trash at the entrance.
  3. There are other situations where adults can not cope with the maintenance of pets, and an unpleasant odor emanates from their apartment. Basically this happens to single people who acquire a large number of cats and dogs. And it also happens that pets released without a leash can bite someone from passers-by. Or a loud barking of a dog can cause a storm of indignation from neighbors.

complaint against neighbors


It flows uninterruptedly from the ceiling, and now the whole repair is down the drain. In this case, you don’t need to start solving the problem right away by clarifying the relationship with the offender, so you won’t achieve anything. First of all, it is necessary to call the emergency service, record the fact of flooding and eliminate the leak. This is the most important nuance that will play in your favor in future proceedings. In the best case, the culprits should compensate the damage caused to the property in the apartment below the floor, otherwise you will have to go to court.

If flooding has affected more than one apartment, then neighbors can write a collective complaint.

Noise, showdown

If you are lucky enough to settle next to alcoholics or rowdy people, then in case of regular noise, parties, loud music or fights, you need to call the police. No need to wait in the morning to write a complaint to the district police officer, you can safely call 02 and call the outfit.

Where can I make a complaint to my neighbors?

It all depends on the type of violation. Each case is considered individually. For example, after visiting one instance, to sign the appeal, you will need to run to the second, third, and so on. It is good if each state body will really do its job, and not put the letter in a distant box.

In any difficult situation, you can write a complaint to the district police officer about the neighbors. This is the simplest and most common option, especially at the beginning of the " war " with neighbors. The district policeman must familiarize himself with the complaint received from the victims and must immediately respond to it . In this case, the district policeman visits the β€œ problem apartment ” , then he must interview all the neighbors at the entrance and draw up a protocol.

police application sample

To the prosecutor's office

If there is no action on the part of the district policeman to solve the problem situation, then you can contact the prosecutor. In this case, it is necessary to take a written refusal from the district police officer and go with him to higher authorities .

To the sanitary and epidemiological service

This organization will help solve the problem of eternal dirt in the entrance, dog excrement in the flowerbed - all these are epidemiological violations. Well, if the complaint will be attached to the protocol, which was previously drawn up by the precinct.

To the fire department

It is one of the options when stairwells and floors are occupied with various trash (garbage, frames, furniture). The reason for contacting the fire inspectorate is quite simple - clutter data can make it difficult to evacuate people in case of fire.

application to the district sample

To the administration

In most cities, you can send a complaint to the district administration directly by e-mail or by registering on the official website of the instance. This does not mean at all that deputies and heads will certainly be engaged in this appeal. However, specially trained staff will sort out complaints and send them where they should.

In many situations, Rospotrebnazdor can help. By calling the " hot line ", you can quite quickly solve the problem, get the necessary advice.

collective complaint against a neighbor

How to write a collective complaint about the neighbors of the district? Sample

Collective struggle has always been the most effective method in the " war " with violators of public order. A single sample for writing a collective complaint to the police and to the administration does not exist. But there are a few standard rules. They are not registered anywhere, but they are quite effective over the many years of the existence of " lawless people " and seekers of truth. When writing a statement, it is necessary to rely on the following nuances, which are indicated in the sample of a collective complaint against neighbors:

  1. Correctly addressed. There is no need to write immediately to all inspections where they will answer. It is necessary to contact only certain authorities that are qualified for this type of problem. In case there are doubts about the correct choice of the addressee, it is worth writing in addition: "Please redirect our appeal if this body is not authorized to resolve such issues."

  2. In the sample complaint against the neighbors, the district policeman said that the appeal should be written essentially without unnecessary color and exaggeration. A collective complaint against neighbors should describe only the facts.
  3. According to the model, statements to the district police officer should be short and clear . Suggestions should be short and clear.
  4. The appeal must be reasoned. One case is when you simply dislike a person, another thing is when he violates your rights.
  5. Written appeal must be composed correctly. The statement should not contain errors.
  6. If possible, attach audio and video materials. If someone's car is parked in the playground, for example.
  7. With specific requests. For example: " Please oblige the neighbors to eliminate the indicated violations before ... " .

An individual complaint is made according to the same rules as described above.

neighbors complaint

What should be in circulation?

An example of a collective complaint against neighbors can be found on the Internet and downloaded. The application is usually written in free form. A written appeal must necessarily consist of three parts:

  • introduction, initial part;
  • main part;
  • final part.

A sample of a collective complaint about neighbors to the police can also be found on the Internet or ask for a paper version from your local policeman. A police officer can write a written appeal based on the words of the residents, after which it must be signed. If there are difficulties in drawing up the application, then the lawyer will help to solve the problem and show how to write the complaint correctly.

What information should be provided when writing a collective complaint to a district police officer?

The following information is indicated in the sample application to the police, with which you can write an appeal:

  • The name of the company or organization to which the complaint is filed.
  • Position of the head of the institution, his initials.
  • Name of the people who file the complaint, their signature.
  • The house number and the name of the street whose residents file a complaint.
  • House number and street name of neighbors that create problems.
  • A specific and detailed description of the essence of the treatment with a mention of all the details.
  • List of people who participated in writing the appeal.
  • The date, month and year of the collective complaint against the neighbors.

neighborhood complaint

Features of writing a collective complaint

The pattern of collective complaint about neighbors clearly shows that more pronouns β€œwe” should be present. Since the statements do not come from one person, but from several (of society). When writing an appeal, it is necessary to make references to articles and norms of the current legislation. According to the sample, a statement to the police is made in duplicate. One application is sent to the appropriate authority, the second remains with the residents of the house.

You can send a complaint in two ways:

  • the addressee directly in hand, through the secretary;
  • by mail or registered mail.

Deadlines for filing and considering a collective complaint

According to Art. 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the policeman must decide on collective appeal (the district police officer is given about three days for this).

If there is an official request from the district police officer, the police head has the right to increase this period to 10 days, according to part 3 of article 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

The consideration of a collective complaint by the prosecutor's office is up to thirty days from the date of receipt of the appeal.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6933/

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