White cucumber: varieties, cultivation

Cucumber is a favorite and annually grown vegetable in the gardens of summer residents. And it would seem, how can he surprise? But thanks to breeders, unusual new varieties of this culture appear: white, yellow, giant and very tiny ...

This article will be devoted to white cucumber. It is difficult to name his homeland, since he was bred simultaneously by breeders of several countries. Today, the most common white Chinese cucumber, which is successfully grown in our areas.

white cucumber


The main difference of white cucumbers is their snow-white color, high yield and low maintenance.

In taste, the fruits are very similar to ordinary greens, but their peel is slightly thinner, the flesh is softer, in addition, they do not have bitterness. A good white cucumber, both fresh and canned.

A powerful stem of such varieties can reach three meters in length, so these plants are grown mainly in open ground vertically, on trellises, which allows them to get a lot of sunlight and aerate, and the fruits remain clean. In addition, for summer residents who use every patch of land to good use, this is the most rational way of planting.

White cucumbers are more hardy, tolerate heat (up to +45 ° C) and shadow, are resistant to diseases and pests, and fruiting in greenhouse conditions can continue until the frost. In addition, aphids practically do not start on them, the plant is not affected by peronosporosis, and does not require additional spraying.

white cucumbers in a greenhouse

White cucumbers in the greenhouse

Growing white varieties of cucumbers in greenhouses and hotbeds is very popular among summer residents. This method allows you to get a high yield. White cucumber is planted in greenhouses with both seeds and seedlings. Since this is a long-planted plant, you must take care of the trellises in advance for garter stems.

The formation of fruits occurs on the main stem and on the side shoots. To increase the number of side shoots and improve yield, pinching the growth point is carried out. Fruiting of white cucumbers in the greenhouse can continue until frost.

Soil preparation

The success of growing white cucumbers largely depends on the correctness of the preparation of the soil for planting this vegetable. The principle of soil preparation is standard and the same for open beds and greenhouses.

The earth should be dug up and left for several weeks. During this time, it will settle, and then it will be possible to form beds. When digging up the soil, do not forget about the introduction of organic fertilizers.

Using fresh manure is not recommended; it is better to use humus or purchased organic products.

canned white cucumbers

Planting and growing

Planting seeds and seedlings is carried out in rows at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. In the future, when the plant grows, its stem will need to be tied to a stretched mesh or trellis.

It is important to remember the need for loosening the soil, as well as removing weeds. It will be useful to feed the plants with mineral fertilizers, which can be purchased at most gardening stores.

As you know, cucumber is a moisture-loving vegetable, but white varieties are not so demanding on moisture. For them, one plentiful watering in 4-5 days will be quite enough. When growing white cucumbers in a greenhouse, it is recommended to install a barrel of water to moisten the air and get the plant through the leaves of the necessary moisture.

Watering the bushes is best done in the morning or evening. Water should have an air temperature. Remember that pouring ice water from a well is strictly prohibited. It is also not recommended to water the cucumbers in the hot time of the day, as this can cause a thermal burn of the leaves.

Popular varieties

Today, the following varieties of white cucumbers are considered the most common:

  • Bidigo Lungo. This is a hybrid to a greater extent salad purpose and for fresh consumption. The variety is ripe, allowing you to get the crop after planting in the greenhouse after 50 days. This white cucumber is excellent fruiting and allows you to get a good harvest until October-November.
  • Snow Leopard. This is a high-yielding variety with excellent taste characteristics of fruits reaching a maximum size of 20 cm. The cucumber is intended for pickles, pickles and fresh consumption.
  • Snow White. It belongs to one of the popular varieties of white cucumbers. The plant is distinguished by increased resistance to low temperature. Snow White is successfully grown on open ground. Planting can be done already in April, and the first crop appears already in late May. Cucumbers are excellent fruits and are intended for the preparation of salads and selections.
  • Bride. Variety requiring regular watering and fertilizing. Only experienced gardeners can get a high yield with excellent taste.

white cucumbers


White varieties of cucumbers are easy to grow and have excellent yields. They are undemanding to care and are perfect for amateur gardeners and gardeners. Even with minimal care, you can harvest a wonderful crop. Fruits are used for the preparation of salads and seafood. Just imagine how unusual white cucumbers look like, canned in a jar with their green counterparts!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F694/

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