Drywall niches in the living room. How to make drywall niches in the bedroom

Modern apartment owners and professional builders and designers are lucky. Today they have at their disposal an excellent material combining a number of advantages: relative cheapness, ease of installation and decoration, as well as environmental friendliness that meets international standards.

Find for builders

We are talking about drywall - a material that over the past years has successfully occupied a niche in the segment of "folk" and "advanced" repair work. Today it is used not just for the standard transformation of the interior, which each of us is forced to resort to from time to time in an effort to refresh our home ownership.

drywall niches in the living room
With its help, the appearance of our houses and apartments is radically changing, whether it’s a battered “Khrushchev” or “elite” of a modern project. With the help of structures from this building material, any author’s idea can be realized: to build partitions, arches or niches from drywall in the living room. And for this it is not necessary to be a professional. Work with this material is within the power of any man with his hands.

How to make a niche yourself?

Drywall niches can be created in almost any wall: wooden, concrete, brick, etc. There are two main methods for making a niche out of drywall: using glue or on a metal frame. As you might guess, in the first case we use special glue for sheets. In the second - in the same building stores we buy a metal profile.

how to make a niche out of drywall

According to the sketch we invented, we markup. If the width and height of a niche is determined by the layout of the room in combination with the author’s imagination, then there are a few tips in depth. So, if your niche of drywall in the living room will serve as a place for electrical equipment, books or other paper products, it is worth providing a small margin for wiring and ventilation.

Installation tools are in the arsenal of any good owner. This is a puncher, screwdriver, grinder, level and plumb.

Getting to fastening the profile. Sections of the required length are mounted to the wall and pre-installed vertical racks using self-tapping screws. The contour of the niche must be ideal in geometry (here we will find the level and plumb line useful).

The finished frame is sheathed with sheets of drywall, which is fastened with screws to the metal profile. The joints are aligned with a reinforcing tape, the corners are fixed with special devices. It is time for processing: putty and grinding. For drywall, they are no different from work on other surfaces. The main thing is accuracy. The final stage is painting or any other design surface design: lining with various materials, the use of transparent or multi-colored glass, etc.

Back to the classics

One of the favorite decisions of modern designers is drywall niches in the living room or in other rooms of your house. These original recesses in the wall (a kind of return to the classics) have a long history. In different times and eras, niches performed two functions: pragmatic - to store a variety of things, aesthetic - to give the interior a unique originality.

Skillfully executed recess visually expands the room and hides the initial design flaws and minor interior defects. And vice versa, a careless approach to design will lead, rather, to a sloppiness, a feeling of chaotic clutter, than to a good result.

Myself to the delight, guests to marvel

The living room with drywall niches emphasizes the high aesthetic taste of the owner and can serve for various purposes. Today, these recesses in the walls are very relevant. You can put photos of your favorite people or memorable events, dishes, paintings, figurines, vases, books and magazines, musical equipment in niches from drywall. At the same time, individual design allows you to make a recess in the wall in any style - from a restrained classical version to a modern one. Here, as they say, the taste and color ...

living room with drywall niches

Drywall niches can be of any kind. They can be vertical, horizontal and even occupy the entire wall. There are two types: open and closed. The former are mainly used to store various things, the latter as a decoration element. The color design of niches also depends only on the imagination of the owner. Among the classic solutions: in tone with the main color scheme of the room or in contrasting shades, and between them - a lot of other options.

Modern alcove

Drywall niches in the bedroom are rapidly gaining in popularity. Most often they are performed at the head of the bed, equipping with various decorative elements, original lighting, interesting colors.

drywall niches in the bedroom
Due to their size, they can fit quite a lot of necessary things and interior elements. In some (not only small!) Rooms, drywall niches in the bedroom can even hide a folding bed, thereby freeing up space for other activities. Agree, an interesting solution!

Style personality

The relatively simple construction of drywall niches does not mean that we choose something standard, gray, dull and faceless. There are as many niche design options as there are people on earth.

Among the most common ideas is lighting design. From a simple backlight to a multitude of colorful lights merging into a symphony of light - all this can contain niches made of drywall in the living room.

Some go even further: false fireplaces have become popular today, turning a standard recess in the wall into something special. If you show a little imagination and decorate an antique niche (for example, natural or artificial stone), a romantic atmosphere in your home is guaranteed.

drywall niches photo

By the way, designers are advised to be careful with the design of rooms in dark colors. To ensure that the niche does not look frankly gloomy, it is also worth using the play of light. When decorating the interior of your home, you need very little imagination, diligence and, of course, desire. For those who want to change something with their own hands, there can be no obstacles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6945/

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