List of main Skyrim characters

In the famous Skyrim game, there are just an incredible amount of characters. In each town and beyond, you can meet some kind of personality, perform a task from her. As a result, the hero can become a companion to the central character. The list is simply huge, but if you want to get acquainted with the most important figures in this project, then you should read this material.

The main character

To create a character in Skyrim should be approached with all responsibility, because he will not be a simple nameless person through whom they turn directly to the player. The user takes control of the last Dragonborn - Dovakin. Such people were blessed by Akatosh himself with the blood of powerful dinosaurs. They can use special “Dragon Shouts” spells, but the main distinguishing feature is the absorption of souls of defeated lizards. The developers made the protagonist a great personality, but also gave players the opportunity to be creative. With the help of an extensive editor, users create looks, choose the race of Dovakin, and also name him by their name.

skyrim characters

Controversial personality

In Skyrim, the characters are not always definitely good or evil. There are conflicting personalities like Ulfric Petrel. The player gets to know him in the starting scene when they are taken together to execution. He is called the true king of the province of Skyrim, because he killed in a duel Toruga, who wore this title at that moment. In his life, a man managed to celebrate several bright actions. As a child, he studied with gray beards and tried to walk the Voice Path. He did not finish his studies, but fled to the war. In 174, 4 Era, Ulfric agreed with Igmund and attacked the limit where the outcasts lived. He did not obey the order of the Empire, according to which they should not have been touched. The thing is that the Talmors had already recruited a young warrior then. The petrel organized a massacre in the city, he tortured and executed not only outcasts, but also the native Nords. In the events of the game, he raises an uprising for the freedom of the province, and he himself holds the post of Jarl Windhelm. A player in the role of Dovakin can support him or take the side of the Empire.

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Empire Leader

Among the important characters in Skyrim, one should also recall General Tullius, who is also a participant in the fighting, but from the Empire. This man could be seen in the prologue when the execution was to be carried out. He told Ulfric that a true leader would never have killed the King of the Nords with the help of the Voice, just for the sake of the throne. After the attack of the dragon Alduin and subsequent events, the general placed his headquarters in the Gloomy Fortress of Solitude. It was there that he was developing new strategies to counter the rebels. The player can take the side of the Empire, and Thulius will directly accept the ranks of the Legion. He will issue quests in the Civil War lineup. The general himself does not like the Nords, although he treats them with due respect. A character was born in Cyrodiil and, at the time of the events in the game, is one of the most experienced military leaders in the imperial forces. He is sent to the hottest spots, and he has his own views on the situation inside the country. For example, Tullius does not support the oppression of the dark elves in Windhelm.

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Dark cardinal

In the Skyrim game, character mods are useful for changing looks or adding new personalities. You should not expect that they will play some important role in this universe, but for a change it will do. As for the main characters, here it is necessary to mention the Maven Black Heather. She owns a honey factory in Riften, which is named after her last name. All people in this village know that its influence is greater than that of the jarl himself. The thieves guild exists under its cover. A woman helps them, and they solve her problems in return. When a player completes a mission to support the Imperial Legion, Maven becomes the city’s eagle. This woman feels the power, and all the people of Riften have to reckon with her words. If you conduct an investigation in the woman’s house, you can find her connection with the Black Brotherhood. According to rumors, Maven once held the Black Sacrament ceremony for the murder of Christoph Bartle. In the tavern "Prancing Mare" lies a letter that confirms this interesting information.

skyrim female characters

King widow

In Skyrim, it’s really hard to find a beautiful character. Many races are not distinguished by external grace, and often look closely at people do not have time for more important activities. An exception to the rule is rightfully considered a woman named Elisif the Beautiful. She is the widow of King Torug and occupies the position of Jarl Haafingar at the time of Dovakin's adventures. Her ambitions for future rule in the province are visible to the naked eye, but the woman is also distinguished by a sharp mind. She understands that supporting General Tullius is not the best choice in the struggle for power. Many Nords do not approve of this, but she has no chance against the Ulfric Petrel without the Legion. Elisif justifiably considers the leader of the uprising only a usurper, because he killed Torug by the power of the Voice. During his adventures, Dovakin can visit the city, talk to her and take on the task. In it, she asks to bring her husband's battle horn to the sanctuary of Talos. Among the female characters in Skyrim, Elisif plays a significant role in the plot. She supports the power of the Empire, but against the prohibition of Talos worship, which was imposed by the Talmor after the war.

skyrim beautiful character

Leader with a hard fate

In Skyrim, the characters that are among the main personalities often have a complex and controversial fate. This happened with Madanah, who proclaimed himself the leader of the Outcasts. In 174, 4 era, he rebelled against the Empire and occupied the city of Markarth. He drove out most of the Nords from there, which Ulfric Petrel drew attention to. The future leader of the uprising decided to suppress this rebellion, in battle he actively used the Voice, which brought victory. At that time, the Empire agreed to recognize the Outcasts, but Ulfric did not like it. He occupied Markart, staged a real massacre there, and Madanah was threatened with death. He was saved by Tonar Silver Blood, but placed in the mines of Sidna for 25 years as a punishment. All this time, Madanah was planning an escape and revenge. Dovakin will meet with him when he investigates strange events in Markarth.


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