Aphorisms and sayings about parenting

Those who had a chance to raise children, one way or another made their own amazing discoveries. Our offspring are unique creatures, they live in their own world, which sometimes differs from the adult world. Statements about parenting help parents better understand their babies, pay more attention to their concerns and problems.

Aphorisms are simple in presentation and understandable to everyone. In order to learn to listen to them, you must first have a great desire to be aware of what is happening with your child.

statements about parenting

The observations of great thinkers

Statements of the great about parenting reflect the belief system for growing up the child, what it should be. The famous aphorisms about parenting contain centuries-old wisdom that cannot be understood by the mind, but only by the heart. If you carefully listen to these statements, you can make your child's life simpler and easier. The most important thing in the world is understanding. It cannot be bought for money, but can be acquired through deep inner work.

sayings of the great about parenting

Makarenko A.S.

This is a famous Soviet teacher who gained wide international fame. Statements of Makarenko about raising children are striking in their simplicity and clarity. It seems that Anton Semenovich thoroughly knew the soul of a child, understood what the child feels and experiences at a particular stage of development. Statements about the moral education of children emphasize the humane orientation of his activities.

Makarenko was deeply convinced that a person is shaped by society, the environment in which he grows and has been for a long time. If you surround a child with warmth and care from childhood, he will grow up to be an attentive and sensitive person. If the person is subjected to physical punishment, violence, then it is highly likely that the best qualities of character in her will be destroyed, perish. Anton Semenovich also argued that it is impossible to teach a child to be happy, it is important to create an atmosphere of love and prosperity around him. A child, like fertile soil - what you sow, you will reap.

The rules of Maria Montessori

Wise remarks about raising children are contained in the aphorisms of the Italian teacher and expert on the child's soul, Maria Montessori. She was able to very subtly notice the significant features of development, the formation of personality and the deep connection of these phenomena with attitude to the child. Montessori notes that if a child is criticized in every way, not allowed to try something new, then he will learn to be timid, shy, insecure. There is hardly a more accurate statement by educators about raising children.

The main idea of ​​all Montessori aphorisms is that the social forms the individual. If you collect all these statements and conduct a deep analysis, you get a very voluminous work on pedagogy and psychology of human development. Statements of the great about raising children would be incomplete without the rules of Maria Montessori. Here are some of them.

  1. “If a child lives with a sense of security, he learns to believe.”
  2. “If a child is often dishonored, he learns to feel guilty.”
  3. “Children are taught what surrounds them.”

These short, but voluminous aphorisms in content contain a truly philosophical wisdom of life, and therefore have great power.

statement of teachers about parenting

Sukhomlinsky V.A.

This scientist approached the issue of raising a child with the greatest care and attention to his internal state. He notes that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother is far from the same thing, and only someone who has not forgotten how he was a child can be a real teacher. Sukhomlinsky’s statements about raising children are filled with a sincere feeling of comprehensive love for the child, the greatest attention to his needs, ailments, joys, feelings, difficulties. If you do not share his feelings and moods with the baby, do not show his participation, you can hardly expect that he will become happy in adulthood, achieve something significant. It is difficult to find something more kind and bright than the famous statements of Sukhomlinsky about raising children (“Children must live in a world of beauty, play, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity”, “Raising your child, you educate yourself, affirm your human dignity").

statements by Sukhomlinsky about parenting

“Children are an expensive pleasure” (Michaela Yosof)

The meaning of this wonderful expression is that one who has decided to become a father or mother must first analyze, but can he provide his child with everything necessary? Today it is very expensive to give an offspring education, dress, pay for clubs and sports sections. Not everyone can let a child buy expensive mobile equipment, clothes, fashion accessories, interactive toys, the cost of which amounts to thousands.

The child cannot be denied the necessary, otherwise he will feel uncomfortable among his peers. He needs both the spiritual and financial well-being of the family. Statements about parenting emphasize one indisputable truth: parents are more responsible for the fate of a small child than they are responsible for themselves.

statements about preschool education of children

“That educator who does not remember himself in childhood is bad” (Maria von Ebner-Eshenbach)

Only by turning to yourself, remembering your childhood dreams and needs, you can understand what really excites your child. If you close this childhood memory in yourself, you can never imagine yourself in the place of a baby who so needs your protection and patronage. The statement of educators about parenting given here is quite profound. Often we treat our own children as parents once did to us.

This subconscious action is dictated by our internal memory. Children unconsciously learn from their parents, even if they do not want to be like them for anything in the world. Having learned to feel the deep needs of the child, parents and educators will help him to develop the existing individual abilities, strengthen his faith in himself, realize what he wants and what interests him.

utterances of makarenko about parenting

“A child is an artist creating reality” (Pablo Picasso)

Look at the little kid - with what interest he learns about the surrounding reality! How surprised at everything unusual, enjoys the day, the whole world, the moment! Each morning brings a new discovery leading to development and self-improvement.

The child does not set limits for himself, in the future he can do anything: he can become a talented artist and a brilliant artist. He tries different roles for himself, as if trying on an elegant dress: does he suit him, does he succeed? The child is not afraid of experiments, he is ready to make endless journeys and exploits on the path of self-knowledge. All statements about parenting only emphasize the cognitive nature of a small child, his great desire to live fully in this world. It is only necessary that adults do not interfere with this, but help.

“Learning from your own child is not stupid” (Baurzhan Toyshibekov)

Sometimes situations arise in each family when a parent can learn from his child patience, endurance, perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties, and resolve conflicts. Someone may consider it humiliating and wrong to learn from their son or daughter, but wise parents will only be glad of this opportunity. Statements about the upbringing of children in most cases emphasize the need to invest in building a warm trusting relationship.

wise sayings about parenting

“Do not make an idol out of a child” (P. Buast)

How much the situation is fraught with consequences when the parents cannot provide the child with everything necessary, everyone knows. But another extreme happens when mom and dad at all costs strive to satisfy the baby’s slightest whim and cannot refuse him anything. Even if the parents do not have enough money, they would rather limit themselves than the child. And so the baby grows, not knowing the price of money, not knowing where they come from and how much work they earn. Statements about preschool education of children in this aspect demonstrate the importance of not accustoming the child to such a perception of life when the whole world revolves around him alone. No matter how difficult financially, the child should know that, in addition to his constantly growing demands, there are also the wishes of the parents, which also need to be respected. Otherwise, there is a great risk of raising a big egoist, who will have a very hard time in life: someone who does not know how to take into account the interests of others cannot be truly caring and generous.

Thus, statements about raising children are a storehouse of folk wisdom, which is passed down from generation to generation. It will be especially useful to read such aphorisms to young parents or young girls who are only planning to become mothers in the future. By listening to these wise phrases, you will gradually gain inner confidence that you are doing everything right, make sure of your own spiritual strength and power.

Children are flowers of life. But how they grow up, what moral values they absorb and how they can then prove themselves in society, it depends directly on the parents. Love your children and give them the best you can!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6955/

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