Luzhkov bridge: history and structural features

Luzhkov bridge is quite a popular place in Moscow among tourists and indigenous residents of the metropolis. There are several good reasons for this, which will be discussed later in the article. Also in the material you can find other useful information about this attraction and read traveler reviews.

Location and other information

The question of how to get to the Luzhkov bridge, appears immediately when visiting the capital. The bridge is located at: Kadashevskaya embankment 14/2.

Tourists can use public transport or take the metro to get to the sights. The reference point may be the Tretyakov Gallery, which is located nearby. This bridge is one of ten similar structures that pass through the drainage channel. The bridge connects Lavrushinsky Lane and the route to Bolotnaya Square, which begins at the Repin Monument.

meadows bridge

History and Design

The name of the Luzhkov bridge, many people associate with the fact that during the construction of the mayor there was a man with the same surname. The bridge was included in the architectural ensemble of the Tretyakov Gallery, which served as the occasion for the second name - the Tretyakov Bridge. Among the local population, the construction is better known as the “Bridge of Kisses”. For lovers, this place is of particular importance, because here an incredible number of couples recognized love.

Meadows bridge in Moscow

In mid-1994, the leading engineers and architects of the city worked on the construction of the Luzhkov bridge. After construction, it appeared in the form of a single-span arch with a typical Moscow design. There is a fence with medallions on the bridge. According to the designers, this design touch added sophistication to the building and emphasized its own style.

Some more history and attractions in the area

If you have reached the Luzhkov bridge by metro, you can enjoy not only the views of the Vodootvodny Canal and the attraction itself, but also visit other interesting places in the district. Not far from the bridge you can see a monument to the famous artist Repin. The Tretyakov Gallery, which is also nearby, has already been mentioned above. Also noteworthy is the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Kadashi. This building was threatened due to the active development of the area, and therefore you should definitely have time to look at the magnificent architecture, while there is such an opportunity. In the fifteenth century, there was only wetland on this site. At that time, Tsar Ivan III banned the construction of any buildings in the area due to the threat of fire that could spread to the Kremlin. For this reason, the square has become a haven for a variety of fairs, fisticuffs, as well as gardens and gardens of high-ranking officials. That is how the name of the area - Tsaritsyn meadow.

meadows bridge how to get

Favorite place for young couples

Luzhkov bridge in Moscow is a favorite place for a huge number of young couples. Initially, people came here to leave a castle on the railing of the bridge, which symbolizes eternal love. Many people hung them on the sidelines, and over time, a huge number of locks began to threaten the structure. Then it was decided to cut off all the locks and put a special steel tree for such a hobby. Couples in love liked the idea, and they began to hang locks on metal branches. Soon there was no longer enough space for this, and therefore began to put other similar trees. At the moment, an improvised garden has arisen around the Luzhkov bridge, which includes seven steel trees on it and another fifteen nearby. All of them are hung with a huge number of castles with inscriptions symbolizing eternal love. People come here not only for the declaration of love, but also just to look at these unusual trees.

meadows subway bridge

Tourists reviews

Luzhkov bridge is a favorite place for travelers, because there is an atmosphere of joy and love. Hiking routes through the city pass through it, and therefore many tourists managed to share their impressions of visiting this attraction. It is worth noting that the idea of ​​leaving the castle on the branches of steel trees like a huge number of people. This tradition has arisen for a long time, and couples continue to follow it. Tourists note that boys and girls come here, hang up their castle, and then go happy home. An atmosphere of creativity and love reigns on the bridge, because creative people should definitely look here. Here you can safely walk, watch the waters of the canal and find peace of mind. Most visitors like this place, and therefore no negative reviews have been noticed. The romantic atmosphere is complemented by a bench of reconciliation, which should help young people to forget all differences. When visiting Moscow, you should definitely visit this magical place.


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