Dimensional grid "Nike": clothes, shoes and accessories

When purchasing sports shoes, clothes or accessories, it is very important to guess with the size, so that classes and workouts bring joy, take place in comfort and good mood. For these purposes, most well-known manufacturers provide their own data tables that help you navigate before buying. This is especially true during shopping in the online store. The “Nike” size grid is no exception to the rule, helping brand fans make purchases with confidence in a great result.

dimensional grid nike


Caps and caps of the brand are the most popular of the offered accessories. They will be discussed. The size grid "Nike" is represented by the following indicators: S / M, M / L and L / XL. With two parameters, it is better to give preference to a smaller one for a tight fit and a larger one for free wearing. There are also dimensionless male and female models of hats. These are traditionally caps.

To determine the size of the socks, the dimensional grid given by the manufacturer for shoes is used. Socks are labeled from S (33-37) to XL (45-49).


Women's sportswear brand is divided into the following categories: bottom, sconces and dresses. To determine the size of the latter, chest, waist and hips are measured. Next, the Nike dimensional grid is used for this category of clothing. When buying a bottom, you need to measure the waist, hips and take into account the length of the trouser leg along the inner seam. Extended or shortened lengths are available for some models.

When determining the men's size of sportswear from Nike, it is necessary to obtain data on the waist, hips, leg length along the inner seam. Next, correlate the numbers with the table and select a model.


To measure the size, you must first put on socks that are planned to be worn with shoes. Manufacturers recommend a procedure in the afternoon, when the legs swell. So the result will be more accurate. It is necessary to put a sheet of paper on the floor, stand flat on it with a complete stack and mark the most protruding points in front and behind. Repeat the same with the second foot, as the results may vary. Using a ruler, distance is measured and reconciled with data from Nike. The dimensional grid of shoes (male and female) is as follows:

nike dimensional mesh shoes

An increase in length by half a centimeter makes selection easier. With careful measurement procedures, purchases will be fun. Please note that the received foot length data will be slightly less than those specified in the Nike size grid. This is always additionally mentioned on the seller’s website.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6964/

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