Dust removal impregnation for concrete. Types and methods of application

Concrete can be assigned certain qualitative characteristics not only at the stage of preparation and pouring, but also at the stage of operation. Using special impregnations that penetrate the surface layer to a depth of 5 mm, it is possible to dust and harden the structure, which will receive the qualities of invulnerability and non-exposure to aggressive factors.

Varieties of impregnation in composition

dust removal impregnation for concrete

The dedusting impregnation for concrete can be organic or inorganic. In the first case, we are talking about liquid compositions that are made on the basis of acrylic, polyurethane and epoxy resins. The principle of operation of such mixtures is based on filling the pores with a binder. This provides dedusting, lower ability to absorb moisture and inertness with respect to chemical solutions. Organic impregnations are able to hold the surface layer together, making it more durable. Such a group includes polyurethane impregnations, which are more or less universal. All others cope with a narrow range of tasks.

On sale there is sometimes also an inorganic dedusting impregnation for concrete. Such mixtures do not fill the pores, converting soluble molecular compounds to insoluble. Concrete after such processing acquires new properties, among them we can distinguish:

  • dust removal;
  • water resistance;
  • strength.

Variety of prescribing

dedusting for concrete

Most impregnations for concrete perform a fairly narrow range of tasks; there are few universal ones. For this reason, the material is divided according to its purpose: it can serve as a hardener, dust collector and water repellent. In a separate group, color impregnation can be distinguished. Reinforcing substances in most cases are inorganic, they give concrete the quality of resistance to mechanical stress. Such compositions have a deep penetration and are made on the basis of sodium and potassium compounds, which strengthen concrete to a depth of 3.5 mm. This is quite enough, but there are situations when a deeper impact is required. A new development comes to the rescue, which is represented by lithium impregnation. It penetrates to a depth of 5 mm. As a result, it is possible to dust the surface, which will be protected from efflorescence. After this treatment, the floor will be ready for use in just 2 hours.

The dedusting impregnation for concrete is most often used in those rooms where the floor is exposed to high loads and remains open. Quite often, such solutions are even used to protect outdoor street areas. A wide area of ​​use of this modifier is due to its effect. In addition to dust removal, the tool increases wear resistance and strength, protecting the floor from destruction and exposure to atmospheric precipitation, as well as chemical elements and fuel and lubricants. That is why for processing a concrete floor in a garage, you can’t imagine anything better than such an impregnation.

Water-repellent dedusting impregnation for concrete gives the surface water-repellent characteristics. After applying the mixture, the pores and microcracks are filled, the result of the exposure is a surface that can easily transfer moisture and water. Cracks and efflorescence during operation will no longer appear, concrete will be protected from salt, acid precipitation, ultraviolet radiation, as well as moldy fungi and microorganisms. This type of impregnation is called universal, but if such a set of concrete qualities is not required, then it is better to purchase a specialized composition, which will be cheaper and will cope with the tasks assigned to it perfectly.

Is it possible to paint concrete with ordinary paint

dedusting concrete impregnation Price

Dust impregnation for concrete can also paint surfaces. If you apply ordinary paint to the base, then it will last quite a while. It is better to give preference to color impregnations that penetrate 3 mm. They extend the life of the structure by dedusting and hydrophobizing.

Application Methods

dedusting impregnation for concrete types

Dust impregnation for concrete can be applied with a spray gun, roller or brush. In order to rid the impregnation layer of air bubbles, it is treated with an aeration roller, moving along the surface in special shoes with spikes. It is important to comply with the conditions under which the thermometer should not fall below 0 ° C. It is important to prevent the formation of a varnish film on the surface of concrete.

Reviews on reinforcing impregnation "Aquastone"

dedusting impregnation for concrete types and methods

This composition, according to customers, strengthens concrete structures in half. The mixture can be used for old and new concrete coatings, even those that have a low grade. “Aquastone” is chosen by consumers also for the reason that it has no smell, and is also characterized by high penetration. After drying, the surface is not only dust-free, but also acquires a water-repellent layer. You can even apply the mixture to freshly laid concrete. The material is environmentally friendly, as it is made on a water basis. According to consumers, Aquastone is easy to apply and versatile.

Features of the application "Aquastone"

DIY concrete floor dedusting tips

The above dedusting impregnation of concrete, the price of which is 227 rubles. per 1 kg, after complete drying should be sanded, this will ensure good adhesion of the surface with a finish coating, if any. When mixing cement mixtures, it is allowed to replace part of the water with the Aquastone material, which can be added in a volume of 50%. In this case, the surface of the floor does not require further processing. Before applying covering layers based on polymeric materials, the surface should be treated with a primer.

Features of the application of dedusting compounds

Experts say that you can dust the concrete floor with your own hands, you can find tips on applying the mixture below. Most of the compositions are applied to concrete, which is left for two weeks after pouring. As soon as the surface is strong, impregnation can begin. Work should be carried out at a temperature range from +5 to +40 ° , if the thermometer column has dropped below or risen above the recommended values, then the impregnation properties may deteriorate, as well as the quality of the treated concrete.

De-dusting impregnation for concrete, the types and methods of use of which were described in the article, should be applied after surface preparation. Potholes, minor defects and shallow cracks must be removed by dry grinding. Impregnation can strengthen the structure at the molecular level, but will not be able to cope with defects. Before starting work, any surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt.


The dedusting impregnation for concrete, the types of which were described above, can be used by you to strengthen the structure, which will last much longer after processing. In order not to overpay, it is important to choose the right composition before starting work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6975/

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