It is not known when there will be a solar eclipse in Moscow

In an age when the secrets of nature surrender under the pressure of the human mind, some phenomena remain surrounded by a mystical halo. Solar eclipse is one such phenomenon. On August 21, 2017, mankind could observe a phenomenon rare for the Earth - a total solar eclipse. He has already been given a name - the Great American Eclipse. This name is given due to the fact that this event occurred over the territory of the United States. Unfortunately, in Moscow, the solar eclipse in August 2017 was not visible, as well as on the territory of almost all of Russia.

when there will be a solar eclipse in Moscow

What is a solar eclipse

Since ancient times, people have observed solar eclipses. But they could not explain why the heavenly luminary suddenly went out. The only thing that occurred to our ancestors was the divinity of the nature of the phenomenon. Many mystics of those years, oracles, shamans considered the eclipse an unkind sign. But with the advent of astronomy, it turned out that there was nothing to be afraid of. After all, this is simple physics. An eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth meet and line up. As a result, the Earth’s satellite blocks the Sun and casts a shadow on our planet. But there are a number of nuances without which it is impossible to overshadow the luminary:

  • The moon should be near the nodes, that is, in the place where the moon’s orbit intersects with the ecliptic.
  • The moon is in the new moon phase.

Knowing all the necessary parameters, it is possible to calculate, for example, when there will be a total solar eclipse in Moscow.

Everyone knows that the Sun is a giant ball of fire, the diameter of which exceeds the diameter of the Earth by 110 times. How can a small satellite overshadow the heavenly body, even for a few minutes? This is due to the fact that the Sun is at a distance from the Earth, 400 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon. As a result, the dimeters of the Moon and the Sun are practically compared in the celestial sphere, although in reality the celestial luminary is 400 times larger than the satellite.

solar eclipse august 2017 Moscow

Types of Solar Eclipses

Astronomers classify solar eclipses according to how the Earth’s satellite covers the solar disk. As a result of observations, scientists identified three main types:

  • Ring. It occurs when the Moon is at a great distance from the Earth, and at the time of the eclipse the diameter of the satellite is less than the diameter of the solar disk. As a result, a dark disk can be observed from our planet, around which the solar ring shines.
  • Complete. Occurs when the disk of the moon completely covers the disk of the sun.
  • Private When the solar disk is not fully closed.

There are hybrid options.

Will there be a solar eclipse in Moscow

Interesting about the solar eclipse

We list some interesting facts about the eclipse of the heavenly body:

  • The first to describe the solar eclipse were the Chinese. This happened in 1050 BC.
  • The longest solar eclipse lasted about eleven minutes. Observed it in the south-eastern part of Asia and tropical Africa.
  • During a total solar eclipse, the air temperature in areas where the total shadow of the moon falls, the ambient temperature decreases by 10-12 degrees.
  • During a solar eclipse, animals show anxiety, sometimes aggression.
  • During an eclipse, a person can lose several tens of grams in weight. This is due to the effect on the person of the gravitational fields of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. For example, an observer weighing 80 kg will be able to throw 48 g effortlessly, but only for a few minutes.
    the beginning of the solar eclipse in Moscow

Where the eclipse was observed in August 2017

The only earthlings who observed a total solar eclipse were the Americans. A shadow from the moon passed from the west coast of America to the east, covering fourteen states. The beginning of the solar eclipse in Moscow is 19:04, local time at 9:04. In order to witness the great event, millions of Americans visited states that were in the moonlight. On the day of the eclipse, almost all hotel and motel rooms were occupied by tourists who arrived. US authorities warned all eyewitnesses of the great event of the necessary security that should be respected. The first thing the government asked to take care of was the purchase of special safety glasses. Indeed, observation of a solar eclipse without special protective equipment will adversely affect vision.

Was a solar eclipse visible in Moscow in August 2017?

Unfortunately, only the inhabitants of the northern regions of Russia, namely Chukotka and Kamchatka, were able to observe the Great Solar Eclipse in Russia. But for people who were waiting, for example, when there would be a solar eclipse in Moscow, they came up with an online broadcast of this event. With the help of special equipment, NASA specialists allowed observing the miracle without leaving their own home.

But on the eve of the great phenomenon in Russia and other countries, it was possible to see a partial lunar eclipse. Muscovites could see the disk of the moon, which was not completely red. The "performance" began on August 7 at 20:35, so people who were waiting for the solar eclipse in Moscow received a little "compensation" when they saw another no less beautiful phenomenon. Those who could not attend this had the opportunity to view the recording of an astronomical event.

total solar eclipse in Moscow when will

When will there be a total solar eclipse in Moscow?

On the territory of Russia, a solar eclipse, which residents can see, will occur on August 12, 2026. A shadow from the moon will pass through the northern parts of our homeland and Europe. In the capital, it will not be necessary to observe the complete closure of the solar disk by the moon. Six years later, the northern outskirts of Russia will again be able to admire the astronomical phenomenon. It’s not yet possible to say exactly when there will be a solar eclipse in Moscow. Do not despair. Thanks to the development of technology and science, a person living anywhere in the world is given the opportunity to observe cosmic phenomena without overcoming great distances. It is possible that when there will be a solar eclipse in Moscow, people will be able to observe it.


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