Fusariosis - Aster Disease

aster disease
Astra is a flower that pleases us with its beauty in early autumn. She adorns gardens and parks with bright colors. But sometimes many asters, the diseases and pests of which we will consider in this article, do not look very beautiful, and sometimes they even die. Therefore, you must constantly monitor the plant. There are about 24 different diseases in asters. In most cases, the disease manifests itself on the leaves, which begin to frown, and flowers. A diseased plant ceases to grow at all.

To protect the flower from this, it is recommended to use healthy seeds and seedlings. The varieties you have chosen to plant must be resistant to viruses. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the plant, fight insects that carry diseases. Another condition is to constantly clean infected and diseased flowers. The astra, the diseases of which we will now consider, becomes infected mainly when it has grown well.

asters diseases and pests
The first and most dangerous disease is fusariosis. This aster disease is obtained from the soil, from a fungus called Fusarium. The virus enters the plant through the root system and infects it completely. If at this moment the aster blossoms or just picks up a bud, then most likely it will simply wither. Young plants become extremely rare with this virus. When the aster became ill, at first the leaves turn yellow, then they become brown, and then they simply curl and fall off. Brown stains appear on the stems, and dark streaks appear near the roots - this disease is to blame. Asters are covered with a pink bloom - this is the main sign of fusarium. This disease affects only annual flowers. To deal with it, you need to: ensure the right crop rotation; seeds are sowed before sowing with 0.2% solution of foundationazole and 0.1% topsin; regularly need to spray asters with 0.5% copper chloroxide; the land on which the diseased plants were located is disinfected with quicklime.

Another known aster disease is the black leg. The fungus that affects the flower spreads quickly in acidic soils. First, seedlings begin to blacken, then the roots rot, which contributes to the withering of the stem. As a result, the plant bends to the ground and dies. You can deal with the black leg in the following ways: the soil must be treated with a one percent solution of potassium permanganate (100 g per 10 l); there is still a folk remedy - 20 g of onion husks need to be poured 1 liter of water, left to infuse for 1 day, then strain and every 6 days to spray the flowers 3 times.

aster disease flowers
The third aster disease we will look at is jaundice. This disease of aphids is transmitted. The infected plant has light leaves and green buds. Astra ceases to grow up and, conversely, grows to the side. This disease must be combated as follows: in order to get rid of carriers - aphids, the plant must be treated with a solution that includes 0.1% actellica and intavira, 2% pyrethrum and 8% yarrow, which is diluted with a 0.2% soap solution.

Given all these recommendations, your asters will always be healthy and beautiful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6987/

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