Uriel Septim: biography, plot, quotes, characters, quests and walkthrough

No one knows how his youth passed. Basically, he was near his father - at that time Pelagius Septim I ruled. When the pope died, the prince was only 22 years old and was crowned. Young Uriel is brave and courageous, sometimes even reckless, but very smart. He distinguished himself by being able to expand the Empire, as well as strengthen its influence. This especially happened in the east, where local traditions reigned.

Governing body

Uriel came to power in 368 and reigned for several decades until his death in 433. Uriel’s rule was marked by a great change on the continent of Tamriel: the Empire became a single state, spread throughout the continent.

Continent Tamriel

On the map is the continent of Tamriel.

At the time of death, Pelagia Tamriel was in the process of uniting the provinces. Uriel sought to continue this integration, pursued an aggressive policy within the Empire and on its outskirts.

Uriel Septim VII trusted his assistant, and indeed, the councils were of great benefit. The assistant at that time was the magician Jagar Tarn. The emperor trusted him greatly and awarded him great powers; later it turned out that he had done it in vain.

Personal life

It just so happened that Kaula Voria practically married him to herself. She was a beautiful girl, but her character was completely the opposite. After some time, the couple began to dislike each other terribly and could not communicate. Despite this, they perfectly understood their duty, therefore Kaula gave birth to her spouse children: 3 sons.

Although Voria was a beautiful and charming woman, the people loved and admired her, the empress alone was a deeply unpleasant, arrogant, ambitious person. Uriel regretted his mistake, so he gave birth to an illegitimate son named Martin, who later succeeded him on the throne. Relations between the spouses gradually became increasingly unbearable, and their three children should have watched this unhappy marriage.


Uriel began to deal with threats and various persuasions. He gave House Hlaal a certain status. When Jagar realized that the student had surpassed him, he went on a betrayal. He used magic to send Emperor Tamriel to Oblivion.

Jagar tharn

Uriel had a flexible mind: economic development in Morrowind is an example. However, he also became too proud and self-confident. These qualities became the key for Jagar Tarn, he gained full confidence, which led to betrayal and imprisonment in Oblivion. When Tarn usurped the throne of the Empire, a dark period followed, known as the Imperial Simulacrum.


Uriel spent ten years in oblivion, falling into Obvilion in 389 and returning to 399.

Gate of Obvilion

He claimed that he did not remember anything about the time he was imprisoned, only different nightmares and waking dreams. He explained that he considered himself a dream and had no idea about reality, that he did not remember dreams and nightmares about the conclusion, but from time to time he described the details of the nightmares that he had.

Imperial Simulacrum

Tarn knew nothing about how to rule the Empire. The provinces began to fight, and there was a recession in the economy. Different riots became more frequent, rebels appeared. As a result, Queen Barenziah decided to speak with the emperor, but realized that the matter was unclean. Since she was a dark elf, it was not difficult for her to find out that in reality it was not Uriel at all, but Jagar. She also learned that the source of the magician's power is the Staff of Chaos.

queen of elves

This same staff was divided into 8 parts, and each of them is hidden in different provinces. A prisoner was found in prison, who was sent to look for a staff. He did this, collected an artifact, after which the enchantment was lifted. Uriel VII was able to return to the throne and delivered a speech, telling the hero that he was named the Eternal Champion. From then on, the Eternal Champion will be the emperor’s right hand and will be able to do various things aimed at the benefit of the Empire.

The eternal champion - race and gender are determined by the player.


Two achievements were made by Uriel after liberation: The miracle of the world - small kingdoms became well-developed counties; the colonization of Vvardenfell, chaired by King Helset Morrowind and Barenziah.


On the map is Vvardenfell, an island in the province of Morrowind. When the Empire entered a period of peace and prosperity, Uriel was able to turn his attention to Morrowind.

Uriel Septim 7 was able to colonize this place, so the Empire again increased its influence. The emperor learned that there is a certain prophecy about the hero Nerevarin. After reading all the conditions of this prophecy, he found a prisoner who suited all of these conditions. The emperor’s plan was successful, because Nerevarin was able to achieve a lot, in particular, he defeated Dagoth Ur. Not everyone understood the emperor’s actions, but in reality he did everything according to his dreams. All of them were prophetic, and perhaps this was due to the fact that Uriel Septim spent a lot of time in Oblivion.

Last prophecy

He knew that he would die soon. He even wrote that for more than 60 years he was the ruler of the continent, he saw with his own eyes the Gates of Oblivion, but his time has come. It was 433 years old when the Third Era was drawing to a close. And also the life of the emperor was drawing to a close. He learned that the killers attacked his sons - Mythical Dawn did this for a specific purpose: Merunes Dagon had to go through the gates of Oblivion.

Mehrunes dagon

But Septim's heirs interfered. The sectarians did not know that the emperor became very cunning and hedged: he had an illegitimate son, which no one knew about, so the continent was saved. Since the emperor saw one of the prisoners in a dream, he gave this man the Amulet of Kings and asked to pass on to his son, so that he could have the right to the throne.

Uriel appeared in the game Elder Scrolls in the following versions: Arena, II, III, IV parts.

Briefly about religion

Mostly worship the Nine Gods, who represent various virtues and powers. But there are other religions - the faith of the Nords. Another major faith is the worship of Daedra, the gods of the Root Causes that preceded the Nine and are good and evil.

They serve as the main driving force in the game, the arrival of the Daedra to mortals is the main story, and usually this is the fulfillment of a prophecy.

Merunes Dagon - Lord of Destruction, one of the Daedre Lords. There are 17 such Lords. The enemy of mortals has repeatedly tried to conquer the physical world. I am firmly convinced that Tamriel is the physical plan of Obvilion, and therefore belongs to him. Already invaded the capital of Mornhold at the end of the First Era. I conspired with Tarn and helped him seize the throne.

In the Temple of the One, Dragonfires go out to the death of every Emperor. Created by Akatosh from the blood of his heart. Dragonfires physically protect the clan from all immortal kingdoms. While they burn, the Daedra cannot exist permanently in Tamriel, and portals to Obvilion are impossible. While the Septims wear the Amulet of Kings, the Dragon Fire will burn as a symbol for all people and gods.

To open the gates of Oblivion and give Dagon the opportunity to return Tamriel, the sects of the Mythical Dawn intend to kill all the Septims, since it was their blood that kept the gates closed. They need to open them outside Bruma, to destroy the Temple of the Cloud Master.

The elder scrolls IV

Uriel Septim VII rules Tamriel. The game takes place in the year 433. The start of the game covers the last hours of Uriel's reign, which gives the hero the Amulet of Kings before being killed with a dagger. The emperor, having heard of the recent murders of his sons, tried to escape through a network of passages under an imperial prison.

Uriel was aware of the impending death, the impending threat over Tamriel and the importance of the prisoner in the cell containing a secret passage.

Shortly before his death, the emperor reveals to the mysterious prisoner (your character) that there is an illegitimate heir, thus preserving the hope that the Septim family can continue. The death of the emperor marked the beginning of the invasion of Tamriel from Mehrun Dagon. It is explained that while the emperor wears the Amulet of Kings and the Fire of Dragons burns, evil forces cannot exit.

The death of Emperor Uriel Septim allowed to break the barrier between Tamriel and Obbilion, portending the end of the period of peace that Uriel so contributed to.

Uriel's heir Martin serves in the Kwache Temple. You follow there, on the road you come to Ergo. There you will find that the city is a steaming ruin. And refugees settled down on the hill. The guards camp behind the gates, and the gates of Obvilion are open. Daedra took advantage of such a kind invitation and go out of the gate. Soon there will be Martin. However, the Daedra do not sleep, they stole the Amulet of Kings and you have to return it.

The game uses Uriel Septim quotes from Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar."

Patrick Stewart

In the original, Uriel VII received the voice of Patrick Stuart (pictured), in the Russian version voiced by Andrei Yaroslavtsev.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7011/

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