Roxellanic rhinopithecus: description, behavior, photo

Roxellan rhinopithecus, or golden snub-nosed monkeys are very unusual outwardly animals. They have a golden coat, short upturned noses. But most of all, the complexion of the monkeys is striking: they have blue! The article will describe the distinguishing features, living conditions, habits of Roxellan rhinopithecus. Photos will also be presented.

History of discovery and name

It is believed that the French Lazarist preacher, botanist and zoologist Arman David was the first to discover these amazing animals in the untouched mountain Sichuan forests. It happened in the 60s of the 19th century. Looking ahead, we can say that he went down in history primarily as a person who discovered for Europeans new species of animals from distant China, and not as a successful missionary. Among them, for example, are David's deer, reed one (bird of the Slavkov family), and a large panda.

roxellan rhinopithecus

The name of the species was given in honor of a historical character - the wife of Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Sultan, who, as you know, was called Roksolana. According to legend, she struck the Istanbul people with her elegant upturned Slavic nose. But the noses of some of the old golden rhinopithecus seen by Armand David were so bent up that they reached the forehead! Therefore, a new species of monkeys with an unusual appearance was called Rhinopithecus roxellanae (now Pygathrix roxellana).

General characteristics, description

These are relatively small primates. The body length of an adult monkey is 57-75 centimeters, the tail is almost the same length: 50-70 centimeters. Roxellan rhinopithecus female monkeys are usually larger than males: their weight is from 25 to 35 kilograms. Males weigh about 16 kilograms on average.

Males differ from females not only in size, but also in coat color. So, they have a gray-black color on the back of the head, shoulders, back of the arms and tail, and brown-black on the females. On the face, the inner surface of the limbs, it is golden. Skin flaps on the wide nostrils give the nose a puffiness.


These amazing animals in China live in the southwestern region, in the mountains located along the Tibetan plateau, at an altitude of 1400 - 4000 meters. Their habitual environment is deciduous and coniferous forests. Formally, this is a region of subtropics, however, the temperature here in the cold season is quite low, below zero, and often snow falls, which can lie up to six months. However, Roxellan rhinophytes tolerate frosts well. Thick wool with lush undercoat helps them out, and also that at night they sleep all together, clinging closely to each other.

roxellan rhinopithecus animal

In search of food, Roxellan rhinopithecus can leave the usual area and go down to the valleys and foothills. In summer, these primates, on the contrary, rise higher, to the very border of the forests.

The largest populations of golden rhinopithecus live in the territory of the Wolong National Park, located in the province of Sichuan (Wenchuan County). However, their distribution range goes far north, to the southern regions of the neighboring Gansu province.

roxellan rhinopithecus

Behavior features

Roxellan rhinophytes are collective animals. They live in groups, often of 5-10 individuals, but can also get together in huge flocks, in which there are about 600 individuals. Inside the clans there is a division into families, whose leaders are usually kept separate from females and cubs. They can combine with other males. Females are quite loud and cocky, because of this, noise often reigns around and quarrels arise. Angry monkeys can make a growl or even scream like a bark.

Roxellanic rhinopithecus sleep , as mentioned above, closely clinging to each other and warming in this way. The helpers are watching the babies. Cubs are usually placed in the center of the group, guarding and guarding. Males are located outside to protect the family in case of danger.


The diet of golden rhinopithecus in summer consists of young shoots of plants and foliage, flowers, fruits and seeds, lichens. In winter, their food is more coarse: tree bark, pine needles. Animals get food both on trees and on the ground.


Females of Roxellan rhinopithecus reach puberty at the age of four to five, and males - seven years. Mating, depending on the area of ​​habitat, occurs in different months, from August to November. Pregnancy lasts 7 months. The female gives birth to one cub, which is fed with milk for a year, and sometimes longer, if winter time and food are not enough.

roxellan rhinopithecus photo

Interesting Facts

  • A significant part of the time of the Roxellan rhinopithecus is spent caring for its golden fur.
  • These animals are listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature as a threatened species. In the wild, no more than 5,000 individuals survived. They live in hard-to-reach areas, so most of the information about golden rhinopods - their behavior, breeding, etc., was obtained through observation of primates in captivity.
  • Monkeys spend most of their lives in trees. If they feel danger, they climb to the very tops.


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