Dan Kennedy's Best Books - Review, Features and Reviews

Dan Kennedy is a successful entrepreneur and business trainer who has written 20 business books and is one of the highest paid direct marketing consultants. For more than two decades he has been conducting his trainings. Kennedy is one of the leading experts in the field of information business, the implementation of which determined the vector of development of Internet marketing for several decades to come.

Dan kennedy

“Tough Direct Marketing”

This book by Dan Kennedy explains in detail why a large number of different firms and companies spend money on advertising for nothing and how to avoid it. This publication is useful to owners of various shops, restaurants, as well as private practice rooms.

It often happens that small and medium-sized businesses, while developing the next advertising campaign, try to be like large corporations in this. They can do this consciously or unconsciously, but this is one of their main mistakes. Indeed, giant corporations may have completely different goals and expectations during the launch of the next campaign.

For example, Coca-Cola can easily spend a couple hundred million dollars to calm its shareholders or board of directors. But the challenge for small or medium-sized businesses, Dan Kennedy writes in Hard Marketing, is to survive in the market and not to please senior executives. In fact, they only need one thing - to sell as much as possible in a minimum period of time.

Correct offer

sales methods

One of the most important rules is to make a proposal for the client. The more interesting and attractive it will be, the better. However, one cannot deviate from the iron rule, which Dan Kennedy writes about in his book - an advertising text is completely unsuitable without an offer.

Most advertisers in newspapers or in contextual ads of search engines post information about their activities and contacts. But customers should receive a direct offer of their work. It should be the reason prompting the potential buyer to make a deal. The proposal should motivate the client, cause the desired reaction in him.

Kennedy's book on time management

Dan Kennedy’s book “Tight Time Management” describes the so-called time-sucking vampires who torment a busy person every day. The consultant identified eight of these monsters and talked about how to effectively deal with them.

One of the most treacherous vampires, Kennedy writes, is Mr. There's a Minute. It is especially difficult for him to resist. After all, one small question can be solved very quickly and no longer put off. Secondly, it may seem that to refuse a person is unreasonable rudeness. However, the truth is that this character does not deserve a ceremony with them. Therefore, we can safely answer: “I am very busy right now. Let's meet at five o’clock, I’ll have ten minutes and I can discuss all the issues with you. ”

Another time-consuming vampire is Mr. Nonsense. In his book, Dan Kennedy writes that Mr. Nonsense does not know how to distinguish important things from trifles. His talent is to knock us down and make us put off important things for the sake of those that cost absolutely nothing.

Other "vampires" of the time

time management

In addition to the described time scavengers, a business consultant talks about such vampires as the Door Open (constant availability for employees), Phone (distraction for incoming phone calls), Dysfunctionality, Crowd (imitation of the “herd”), Aimlessness, Whiner (constantly inventing excuses).

This book by Dan Kennedy is suitable for anyone who would like to organize their activities in the best way and get rid of time eaters. The word "hard" to a greater extent does not refer to the distribution of every minute. Therefore, it should not instill fear. A similar attitude is manifested in relation to these time killers.

Dan Kennedy's book "Tight Management"

In this work, Kennedy writes about how to get his subordinates to give all their best at work. It describes practical recipes for successful business that can be applied in practice: not to allow employees of the company to manage themselves and the business, and also to ensure that their thoughts are only about work. These rules allow you to set the rules for doing business and achieve success in a short time.

success achievement

"How to succeed in business, breaking all the rules"

This is one of Dan Kennedy’s best books in which he debunks various myths about successful business. For example, there is a myth that the client is always right. But this rule has another side - the entrepreneur does not need all the clients that can be obtained.

violation of rules and regulations

To many, such a statement may seem like a real heresy, because the majority of entrepreneurs seek to capture all potential customers and keep them. But the philosophy described in Dan Kennedy’s book is a little different.

Firstly, sometimes he “fires” some clients. For example, customer service is guaranteed in the mail order firm's department. But if someone purchases a product, then returns it, demanding money, and then this story repeats itself again, it is put on the “black list”. After all, the probability of satisfying this client in the future, Dan Kennedy writes in his book, is extremely small. Also, a business coach believes that it is necessary to support your team in cases where it is right. And therefore, sometimes he, as a leader, has to write a letter to the client, expressing indignation at his behavior and sending a notice that cooperation with him is now terminated.

how to become a successful entrepreneur

Kennedy debunks other myths in his book. For example, that you cannot get rich quick, or that without big money you cannot build a business. The myth of the need for positive thinking, hard work, an honest attitude towards people - Kennedy also criticizes all these rules.

Other books

There are many more Dan Kennedy books worthy of attention:

  • "Selling letter";
  • “Smart marketing in tough times”;
  • "Hard sales";
  • "Hard SMM" and others.

Very little is known about Dan Kennedy himself. He believes that personal life and work should be distinguished. That is why very little information is known about him. He lives in Ohio and his wife's name is Carla. Despite his secrecy, Kennedy is an excellent business coach who taught a huge number of businessmen to achieve success.

His work will be useful to every businessman, and will also be useful to people interested in issues of personal effectiveness. They help achieve great results in less time and become successful.

Book reviews

Feedback on Kennedy's work can be found both positive and negative. Some readers write about the usefulness of his books for business leaders and owners. There are middle managers who found his books useful to themselves. Some note that they have a lot of unnecessary information.

But in general, the readership's opinion of Kennedy’s writings is positive. Readers write that his advice is practical. Kennedy does not focus on abstract theories, but gives practical recommendations. Many note that if they had come across these books earlier, they would not have made annoying mistakes in work and business.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7026/

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