Analysis of the poem "She was sitting on the floor ..." F. Tyutcheva

Classics are distinguished by the fact that time is not dominant over it. Years, centuries pass, and the work is still as relevant as in the first days of publication, it also worries minds and souls, it also makes you empathize. And it is easy to prove this by making an analysis of the poem "She was sitting on the floor ...".

History of writing a work

Literary scholars suggest that the poem was dedicated to Ernestina Fyodorovna Tyutcheva, nee Pfeffel.

analysis of the poem she sat on the floor

Making an analysis of the poem "She was sitting on the floor ...", the reader involuntarily guesses that everything was not going smoothly in Ernestina’s relationship with her husband. The love that burned between the two, which united their hearts and destinies, met a barrier?

Yes, that was true. Elena Denisieva, the beloved of the poet, disturbed the late course of family life. Being the same age as the daughter of Tyutchev from his first marriage, the beloved of the poet incurred cruel accusations of secular society, relatives and friends renounced her.

Tyutchev himself could not find a solution to the situation. He suffered tormenting his lawful wife and mistress. It was impossible to hide extramarital affairs. And Ernestina understood that her spouse’s love for her was no longer the same as the old feelings - that’s already passed ... Irrevocably ...

Classic is something close to our contemporaries

The analysis of the poem “She sat on the floor and piled a pile of letters ...” is impossible to do without drawing an analogy with modernity. The mental torment of infidelity, betrayal, loss of love - have all these experiences to this day not tormented people?

If you do not associate the verses with the poet’s personality, with his biography, then you can imagine a situation when a woman-mother received terrible news about her son’s death during a war or in military service or in prison. And now she recalls the past years, there are no tears to cry. She just goes over the sheets, scribbled painfully in a familiar handwriting. And the author is just an observer, whose heart aches from the sight of this picture.

analysis of the poem she sat on the floor tutchev

And it can be assumed that the young girl learned about the marriage of a guy whom she faithfully expected from the army. And the author is no longer an outsider, but a messenger?

But literary scholars say, by analyzing the poem “She was sitting on the floor ...”: Tyutchev conveyed in verse the state of his wife, who learned about her husband’s betrayal, and the feelings that overwhelmed him in this situation. Although today, many people in moments of mental debauchery try on this poetic creation on themselves. And this is despite the fact that few people today use letters on paper carriers.

Analysis of the poem "She was sitting on the floor ..."

The work is small in volume. Four stanzas describe the state of a woman, her feelings and experiences of an observer-author. The lyrical heroine does not utter a single sound. She does not scream, does not cry, does not lament. But, making an analysis of the poem "She was sitting on the floor ...", the reader realizes that the soul of a woman is screaming from unbearable pain. Silence and slow motion only increase contrast.

analysis of the poem she sat on the floor and parsed a pile of letters

The first line is filled with a flurry of feelings. You can sit on the floor only in the most critical situations: from fatigue, from grief that has covered a person like a tsunami, from loss and loneliness. Moreover, it strikes, if you know that the lyrical heroine is a lady from high society. She despised the rules of decency, she does not care what outsiders think of her.

The second line is no less bright than the first. Critics say in an analysis of the poem "She was sitting on the floor ...": Tyutchev not just introduces a metaphor into the poem, drawing an analogy of letters with cooled ash. These are not letters that have become like ashes; it is life itself that has cooled along with feelings. The lyrical heroine is cold, lonely, bitter.

The second stanza even surpasses the first in strength, continuing its thought. There is no even movement here. This is a description of the look of a woman. In it is loss, shock. “How souls look from above at their abandoned body” - here the author metaphorically says that the soul of the woman he once loved and loved him died. And there can be no return to the past!

The third stanza reinforces the meaning of what was said in the second. Yes, love and joy are killed, life itself is killed, although the human body is still breathing, thinking, and making certain movements. And the author uses verbs in the past tense, which gives the whole work the character of a memory.

The personality of the author in verse

Critics say, by analyzing the poem “She was sitting on the floor and sorting through a pile of letters ...”: Tyutchev suffers no less than the heroine herself. This is what is reflected in the last quatrain. He shows himself in inaction, in silence. But the words "was ready to fall to his knees" reveal the greatest suffering he is experiencing. However, the author does not. Why? Apparently, he realizes that he was the culprit of the suffering of a close soul, he understands that his actions will only aggravate them. And so he is silent, looks at his ex-wife sitting on the floor and suffers immensely.

analysis of the poem, she was sitting on the floor and sorted the pile of letters tyutchev

Leo Tolstoy highly appreciated Tyutchev's love lyrics, speaking of his poems, that the poet was able to express feelings that are almost impossible to convey in words.


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