Echinodorus Vesuvius - aquarium decoration

Aquarium with fish is available to everyone. Comfortable conditions for keeping pets are created with the help of special plants. They are able to grow in a limited "reservoir" and perform several functions at once, namely, they serve as a shelter for fish and purify water. Most plants can transform the habitat into a fantastic picture. Echinodorus Vesuvius can decorate any aquarium.


Aquarium crop production does not know more popular plants than echinodorus. The diversity of the genus and the ability to adapt to a variety of conditions of detention brings them to one of the first places in distribution among fans of aquariums.

echinodorus vesuvius

To date, more than fifty species are known, and this is not counting resistant hybrids that are certified by the International Gardening Organization. Breeders do not stop and breed new species, such as echinodorus vesuvius.

This group of plants is very diverse in size. There are representatives who do not grow more than 5 cm, but there are truly giants with meter-long leaves. The color also pleases with variety: bright green, cherry, raspberry, wine, golden brown, dark (almost black). Leaves can have a basic background of green (all shades) and be decorated with spots of purple, dark red or white.

This choice allows you to plant an aquarium with representatives of only echinodorus, which will greatly simplify maintenance. Several species of the species create unique underwater landscapes, bright and juicy.


Echinodorus vesuvius does not grow in the wild. For a long time, Oriental Aquarium Plants (Singapore) was engaged in its breeding. It is a mutation of Echinodorus angustifolia (Echinodorus angustifoli). The plant first appeared on the market in 2007 and immediately found its fans. Unusual spiraling leaves attract attention.

echinodorus vesuvius does not grow

The name reflects the appearance. Emerald spiral thin leaves up to 15-30 cm long (up to 50 cm maximum) are collected on a short stem in a bundle in a socket. Outwardly resemble the eruption of a small volcano. Small snow-white flowers (in favorable conditions the plant throws an arrow with buds) add to it beauty and attractiveness.

In the absence of favorable conditions, echinodorus vesuvius can upset the loss of decorativeness - the helicity of the leaves. They straighten and lose their exoticism. In rare cases, this occurs due to a plant mutation.

Propagate it by root shoots, daughter offspring are formed on them. Echinodorus vesuvius grows rapidly, with thinning, you can get new young bushes for planting. Before planting, it is recommended to cut the roots (1-1.5 cm), this will accelerate growth, and put a piece of clay, carefully mixed with charcoal.

Conditions of detention

Rapid adaptation and adaptability to new conditions of detention is inherent in the species echinodorus vesuvius. Content does not cause much trouble. Primary requirements:


  • stiffness - dH 7-12 Β°;
  • temperature - 22 0 -28 0 ;
  • acidity - pH 6.5-7.5;
  • soil - fine fraction;
  • lighting - at least 0.5 W / l.

echinodorus vesuvius contents

Water does not require additional filtration, it is enough to replace it with fresh 30% of the total volume weekly. The soil is additionally provided with mineral additives. It is better if it is with a good layer of silt. To ensure sufficient lighting, planted around the perimeter along the side and rear walls. The neighborhood of large plants giving a dense shadow is not recommended. Both single and group compositions will look great. A good layout can visually add volume to the aquarium.


Echinodorus Vesuvius (Echinodorus Vesuvius) belongs to the kingdom of plants. The classification looks like this:

  • habitat - does not occur in nature;
  • genus - Echinodorus;
  • family - Chastuhovye;
  • order - Chastochotsvetnye;
  • class - Monocotyledonous;
  • Division - Angiosperms.


Common aquarium plants belong to this genus of marsh grasses:

  • Echinodorus is tender, it is a dwarf Amazon. The height of elongated bright green leaves reaches 10 cm. It forms dense thickets, grows year-round, and is undemanding to the conditions of detention.
  • Echinodorus Amazonian. A thick rosette with bright green leaves in large specimens can reach 40 cm in height. Withstands prolonged shading, but at the same time loses the brightness of the color.
  • Echinodorus red. There are several varieties.
  • Red diamond - leaves are ruby ​​red, with age, the color becomes more saturated.
  • Red flame - leaves are reddish with bright brown dots, with age the leaves turn green, acquiring a juicy green tint.

echinodorus vesuvius echinodorus vesuvius

  • Echinodorus ocelot. Speckled look, colors any aquarium. It does not occur in nature. There are three varieties, the difference between them is only in the color of the leaves, they grow up to 40 cm. It is endowed with a powerful root system, leaves grow up to 60 cm, shades: dark green - pale green.


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