Children's fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood": a summary and moral

Since childhood, everyone has loved fairy tales - "The Princess and the Pea", "Snow White", "Cinderella", "Thumbelina", "Puss in Boots" and, of course, "Little Red Riding Hood". The summary of each story is familiar to us almost from the cradle, because after Kolobok, Turnip, and Ryaba Chicken, parents read to the children the compositions of Andersen, the brothers Grimm, and S. Perrault. Each plot is not only entertaining, but also instructive, in an unobtrusive way, instructing the child on the right path. In the article, we recall the summary of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" and try to figure out what the moral of the story is.

Acquaintance with the author

The author of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood", a summary of which is set out below, is the French writer of the Classicism era Charles Perrault. Born at the beginning of the 17th century in France. Being from a noble family, he occupied a prominent position at the court, enjoyed the trust of King Louis IV, and in many ways determined the direction of the development of arts in the kingdom.

little red riding hood summary

Perrault was actively engaged in literary activity and wrote many good poems and short stories, but he is known to his descendants mainly from the small collection "Tales of Mother Goose". The collection was first published in 1697 and immediately glorified the author. The book contained 8 fairy tales, including Little Red Riding Hood. A summary of this extraordinary story is read on.


As always, "there was a girl ..." It is not known what the girlโ€™s name really was, but the villagers called her Little Red Riding Hood because she always wore a pretty little red hat. Once, my mother told her daughter to bring some gifts to her sick grandmother. The tale does not specify, but since the road to the neighboring village went through the forest, I want to believe that my mother strictly ordered the girl not to leave the path and not to talk with strangers.

perro red riding hood summary


The baby walked slowly to her grandmother, picking flowers along the road and singing a cheerful song. Suddenly, a wolf came out from behind the bushes to meet her. He asked the girl in detail about where and why she was going, and she confidently told everything. Then the wolf offered a game, who will quickly reach the grandmother's house. "You follow this road, and I will run that way," said the treacherous villain and ran along the short path, and the main character of the fairy tale went along the long one.

summary of the fairy tale little red riding hood


Of course, the wolf ran to the grandmother first. He knocked on the door, and the sick old woman, lying in bed, shouted a well-known phrase: "Granddaughter! Pull the rope, the door will open!" The wolf ran into the house and ate his grandmother. Then he lay down in her bed and waited for Little Red Riding Hood to come.

The summary of the tale can not do without the famous dialogue at the meeting of the girl and the villain:

โ€œGrandmother, grandmother,โ€ Little Red Riding Hood asked, โ€œand why are your hands so big?โ€

โ€œTo hold you tight, granddaughter,โ€ the wolf answered.

little red riding hood summary

It turned out that he needed big ears in order to hear the girl better, and big eyes in order to see her well. The line went to the teeth ... And the wolf ate the baby, showing her why he needed such huge teeth.


Fortunately, hunters walked by. They suspected something was wrong, ran into the house and killed a gray villain. They opened his belly, and from there the grandmother and her granddaughter came out safe and sound. So ended his story Charles Perrault. Little Red Riding Hood (we already remembered the summary of the story) with her grandmother remained alive, and the wolf suffered a well-deserved punishment.


Why do we read this story to children? The tale teaches that you should not trust the first person you meet, much less tell him where your grandmother lives.


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