Bledina baby food: brand history, product description

Bledina baby food appeared on the Russian market of children's products in the distant 90s. The brand's products were of high quality, but they did not deserve great popularity. The reason was directly related to the name unusual for a Russian person. That is why, soon after the introduction of Bledina baby food on the Russian market, the product was discontinued and left the store shelves forever.


baby food bledina

In the early 90s, Danone was actively promoting the French baby food brand Bledina in Russia. One of the most sought after items was baby cereals with different tastes. Children's mashed potatoes and milk drinks enjoyed considerable success. According to manufacturers, the nutrition for babies included exclusively natural ingredients. Newly made parents who were able to evaluate the products of the eminent brand, noted the good taste of the products, as well as affordable cost.

In the Soviet Bledina baby food advertisement on Russian screens, the main slogan was the phrase "Bledina - everything your child needs!" Famous artists - Ugolnikov and Fomenko took part in its shooting. The slogan did not add popularity to Bledina baby food, but, on the contrary, exacerbated the situation.

Brand products are very popular among French and Slovak moms and dads. In these countries, Bledina has occupied its niche due to its excellent quality and affordable price.

A little bit about brand name

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Bledina baby food was very popular among millions of European citizens. The demand for brand products is due to the high quality of products. Russian representatives of Danone tried to contact their French counterparts to make a decision on the modernization of the name or on its change, however, representatives of the French side did not respond to this appeal, arguing that Russian consumers did not understand anything about the products presented at children's goods market.

soviet advertising baby food pale

Russian consumers were also not supported by Slovak customers, who reacted quite loyally and calmly to the unusual brand name. In their opinion, you should not pay attention to the name.

Instead of a conclusion

Danone Bledina baby food was valued throughout Europe. However, in Russia the products of the brand-manufacturer of its consumer did not find and a few years after the appearance on the market of baby food disappeared from the shelves. And this despite the excellent taste, natural composition, affordable price and rich assortment, which was presented by baby cereals, mashed potatoes and milk drinks. Many parents were interested in questions about Bledin’s baby food: whose production, which components are included.

In the memory of Russian consumers, brand products remained thanks to a loud slogan, which, in combination with an unusual name, was more like a parody or joke. Today, Bledina is a leader in the Top 10 ranking among products with an unpleasant and unexpected name.


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