Victor Fedorovich Erin: a brief biography

Public service is an extremely responsible matter and requires attention. In this field, not everyone is able to achieve great heights. However, there are people who managed to occupy key positions in society and law enforcement agencies. One of such prominent statesmen of the era of the 1990s is Victor Fedorovich Erin. His biography and his fate will be considered in the article.

Yeltsin - the head of General Erina

general information

The future army general was born on January 17, 1944 in the capital of the Tatar SSR, Kazan. The hero of the article graduated from nine classes of a comprehensive school, after which he began his career at the age of 16. His first job was the Kazan Aviation Plant, where he worked as a toolmaker. It was at this enterprise that the young guy was noticed by the local district inspector, who suggested that Yerin be on duty at the factory club in order to ensure order. Over time, Victor was officially registered as a freelance police officer.


In 1964, Viktor Fedorovich Erin became a full-fledged employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Soviet Union. The first place for fulfilling duties for him was the Leninsky district department in Kazan.

Having started his career as an ordinary, a few months later the hero of the article received the special rank of junior lieutenant. And in 1965 he became a cadet at the Elabuga police school, which he graduated two years later with honors.

Speech by the Army General


After completing his studies at a special educational institution, Victor Yerin (photo above) was transferred to the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as an operational officer in the personnel department of the Ministry of Public Order Protection of the Republic. And a little later, he ended up in the ranks of the criminal investigation officers in Kazan.

In the period 1969-1973, a competent police officer stayed in the walls of the Moscow Higher Police School, which he graduated with a degree in operational search. This diploma allowed him to receive the rank of captain. Once back in his homeland, Erin for seven years steadily headed the department in the criminal investigation department, then he received the post of head of department “A”, whose main task was to work with the agent network. From 1980 to 1983, Viktor was the head of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan.

The shooting of the White House 1993

Fulfillment of international duty

In 1980-1981, Viktor Fedorovich Erin was in Afghanistan. The officer became a member of the newly created detachment called "Cobalt", focused on assisting in the implementation of operational-search activities in the territory of this Asian country. The unit was supposed to help the military department as well.

Initially, Yerin completed a basic combat training course near Tashkent, where he received skills of firing from an automatic rifle, a grenade launcher, mining and orienting on the ground. Directly, they did not train operational work in Afghanistan, since the instructors themselves did not possess the required information on this issue.

Once in the war zone, Victor took command of a detachment of 50 people. For almost 8 months, the division received invaluable experience, which it subsequently passed on to its colleagues.

Victor Erin at the table


From 1983 to 1988, Viktor Fedorovich Erin, a biography whose photos are studied by people today, was the head of the department in the structure of the Main Directorate, dealing with the theft of socialist property.

Then there were two very difficult years (1988-1990), when the officer was in the position of First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs in Armenia. The situation in this country was very difficult at that time: two earthquakes, a huge number of corpses, an armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, and numerous rallies. But, as time has shown, the most difficult trials of Victor were waiting ahead.

90s era

In the spring of 1991, Yerin voluntarily resigned from the CPSU, and in the autumn of that year he was in the chair of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. From January 1992 to July 1995, Viktor Fedorovich worked as the head of the country's law enforcement agency. Moreover, during this period he was able to survive the enormous outflow of qualified personnel, persistent underfunding of the police and a huge surge in crime.

During the coup attempt in the fall of 1993, Viktor Fedorovich Erin did not change his oath and took the side of Boris Yeltsin. The subordinates of the minister severely suppressed the unrest and thwarted the desire of the demonstrators to overthrow the government. For this, on October 1, 1993, the officer received the rank of army general, and six days later he became a Hero of the Russian Federation and received the Golden Star. It is worth noting that Erin’s actions caused discontent not only among ordinary citizens, but also among the prosecutor’s office, who considered that the minister’s actions led to an increase in the conflict in Moscow and the riots.

Coup attempt

At the end of 1994, a high-ranking civil servant became a member of the group engaged in the disarmament of gangs in Chechnya. This work of the general was severely and fairly criticized by journalists and citizens for the huge losses of personnel in the war zone. As a result, on June 30, 1995, a number of leaders, including Viktor, were dismissed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. After that, the general was appointed to the post of deputy head of the country's foreign intelligence, where he worked until his retirement in 2001.

Family status

Victor Fedorovich Erin (date of birth is given above) has been married for many years and raised two children. His son Leonid also chose the path of an officer and works in the FSO of Russia. My daughter’s name is Nadezhda.


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