Application "Tulips" from different materials

The application "Tulips" can be very beautiful and original. You can make it from different materials, and in several ways. Choose your favorite option and engage in creativity with children.

applique tulips

Tulips: paper applique (simple)

For the easiest method, stencils in the form of a flower and a leaf will be required. Preparations are best done in advance from thick paper or cardboard. If the work is done by a very small child, then adults will have to immediately cut out all the elements from colored paper.

When the lesson is held with a child who can draw a contour on a stencil and cut a workpiece, the sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Take a stencil of a flower and circle it on a red, yellow or other sheet of a suitable shade the required number of times.
  2. Cut the workpiece.
  3. Also make blanks of leaves.
  4. Cut thin strips of green paper. These will be the stems.
  5. To make the application "Tulips" look neat and complete, you will need to draw the panel into the frame, so prepare four strips of paper or cardboard, which at the end of work, glue on the sides of the base.
  6. When all the elements of the craft are cut, proceed to the "assembly". This process is simple. Glue the tulip blanks on top of the base.
  7. Glue a stalk going down from each flower.
  8. Place the leaves on top of the stems.

colored paper tulips
Place in a frame - and the craft is ready.

Craft from paper (intermediate level)

A more complex, but beautiful application "Tulips" can be made on the basis of a stencil of a lanceolate shape, which plays the role of a leaf and a petal at the same time. The adjustment is performed as follows:

  1. Prepare a stencil from cardboard in the form of a leaf, but not too elongated, draw and cut the blank.
  2. According to the template made, circle a few details on a sheet of green paper. These will be the leaves. Two pieces are enough for one tulip.
  3. Cut the elements along the contour.
  4. If desired and with a sufficient amount of time, it is possible to perform for each leaflet one more blank of a larger size from paper of a different shade, elements that will be glued in the first place and serve as a decorative outline of the leaflet.
  5. From green paper, make narrow strips of suitable length for the stems.
  6. Circle the previously executed pattern on a sheet of red (orange, pink, yellow) paper three times for one flower. You can fold the sheet, if the paper is thin, in the desired number of layers and circle the stencil once.
  7. Cut blanks of colored petals.
  8. Perform the same number of blanks from white paper. From them a fringe will be formed for each petal. Fringed tulips look very impressive on a flowerbed, therefore, in the form of paper crafts, they will also be very unusual.
  9. Now you need to cut the fringe. For one tulip in two white blanks, it is cut along the inner sides, which will be directed to the center, and for the third white blank, only a sharp apex is required, on the sides of which a fringe is cut.
  10. When all the elements are prepared, take the base and proceed with the gluing process. You can pre-apply a contour drawing showing the location of the parts.
  11. Glue the central white blanks first.
  12. Glue the colored petals a second layer gently to the white fringe.
  13. Glue the fringe of a pair of extreme petals, and then the petals themselves.
  14. Glue the stems and leaves.
    tulips paper application

Fill the craft or use it to decorate the front side of the postcard.

Tulips from napkins

If the application “Tulips” made of colored paper seems difficult for your child, use a simpler technique when the baby will lay out an article from previously rolled up lumps of particles of colored napkins along the drawn outline. You can use the white ones, but they will have to be dipped in gouache after rolling into balls and dried.

Tulips: fabric applique

This craft can be used simply as a decorative panel or as an element of decoration of some accessory, for example, a bag, pillowcase. Any fabric is suitable, but it is better to use fleece or felt. They do not require processing of the edges of the parts and allow the bonding of small elements.

tulips fabric applique

You already know how the Tulips applique is made of colored paper. It is easy to make decor using felt technology from felt. The only difference is that the blanks can not be glued, but sew along the contour with a needle and thread.

So, the application "Tulips" is easily done both from paper in different ways, and from fabric or other materials. Choose your favorite craft option. Perform a mural with your child to decorate a wall or a spring-themed postcard.


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