Lyrical heroes of Lermontov's poetry. Features of the lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov

A feature of the work of Mikhail Yurievich (years of life - 1814-1841) is that the lyrical heroes of Lermontov's poetry are internally united. Gradually they change, but this transformation is insignificant in comparison with the development of images of other poets of the XIX century. In the last period of Lermontov's work, the character of a person who is tired of life, who does not at all look like the character of early poems, is increasingly shown. But still, these lyrical heroes of Lermontovā€™s poetry are closely related. Continuity is due to the preservation of the main themes, motifs that permeate the poet's work and form the image of the hero.

lyrical heroes of Lermontov's poetry

Romantic hero

Along with the early works of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin and the poetry of Zhukovsky, the lyrics of Lermontov marked the rise of romanticism in our country. This is due to the fact that the hero of Mikhail Yuryevich is an exalted dreamer. He is endowed with all the features typical of romance: he is a sufferer, a fighter, a poet, a rebel, a prophet, a lover. Such are the lyrical heroes of Lermontov's poetry at all stages of his work.

Theme of loneliness

The notes of isolation from everyday life are especially strong in the image of the romantic hero Mikhail Yuryevich. Loneliness acquires various variations in his works: love, arising in many works on the subject; imprisonment in a dungeon; isolation of man in the world.

In many works ("And Boring and Sad ...", "Duma"), an image appears that is associated with the general motive of loneliness of the modern Lermontov generation. Here we are faced with one of the most important problems that Mikhail Yurievich is concerned with - this is reflection that destroys the soul, a disease that, according to the poet, kills the generation and closes the personality in itself, dooming the person to loneliness.

lyric hero of the poetry of Lermontov

Death motive

The best feelings that exist in people disappear with the voice of reason. Reflection is deadly to faith and feelings. The author considers himself to be a generation ā€œlostā€. Thus, the lyrical hero of Lermontovā€™s poetry is compared with ā€œa ripe fruit for the time beingā€. The motive for early death is traditional in romantic literature, but Mikhail Yurievich brings a fresh idea to this topic: he is not talking about physical death, but about the death of feelings caused by unbelief, lack of struggle and purpose. We are ā€œshamelessly indifferentā€ to evil and good, and before the government we are only ā€œdespicable slaves,ā€ he writes.

Motive of struggle

This topic is crucial for romantic literature, not only in our country, but throughout the world. In Mikhail Yurievich, she receives an original development. The struggle is the essence, the basis of the characters that the lyrical heroes of Lermontovā€™s poetry have. The composition of Mikhail Yuryevich "Sail" is a poem in which a man in the image of a ship fights with a hostile element. But once the storm is silenced, he begins to ā€œaskā€ for it and seek it, since he is looking not for happiness, but for overcoming.

Opposition of the external and internal world

composition lyric hero of poetry Lermontov

The lyrical heroes of Lermontovā€™s poetry, the composition of which we are writing now, are internally contradictory. The discord within a person, arising from destructive, dark reflection, cannot but give rise to struggle and conflict in his soul. In one of the poems entitled "How often a motley crowd is surrounded ..." the author contrasts the rebellious inner world of the lyrical hero with the real external world, hiding indifferent mask under a noble mask. There are "soulless images" of people.

The masquerade metaphors in general and masks in particular appear very often in the poet. They symbolize spirituality, the falsity of the world in which the lyrical heroes of Lermontov's poetry are forced to exist.

The theme of unbelief and faith

lyric heroes of Lermontov's poetry

Closely related to the motive of the struggle is the theme of unbelief and faith. The lyrical hero of Lermontovā€™s poetry reproaches God for the fact that the world is imperfect. The romantic and demonic characters of the poems "Mtsyri" and "Demon" deny the Creator, while not accepting the world in which they live. But, seeing precisely in the absence of ideals, in disbelief, the reason for such a worldview, Mikhail Yuryevich could not but lead in the end to a romantic personality in agreement with the Creator. Therefore, the lyrical hero of Lermontovā€™s poetry comes to a compromise with heaven.

lyric hero of poetry mu lermontova

Such a pacifier begins in the work "When the yellowing cornfield is worried ..." nature. The heroā€™s thought ā€œplunges into a dreamā€, thereby freeing his feelings, and love for the ā€œpeaceful landā€ gives him the opportunity to ā€œseeā€ the Creator.


Let's continue our essay. The lyrical hero of Lermontovā€™s poetry in some works is Napoleon. The image of a rebel who knew both the deepest fall and the pinnacle of power is generally traditional for romantic lyrics in the Russian tradition. For Lermontov in Napoleon (and also in the image of Byron) the main features of the romantic hero were combined: flight, rebellion, struggle, exile and loneliness of the person.

The relationship of the crowd and the poet

Our essay is coming to an end. The lyrical hero of Lermontovā€™s poetry, like that of other authors, is opposed to the masses. Traditionally, in Russian literature, the relationship between the crowd and the poet was seen as a conflict, which is inevitable. This topic occupied an important place in the work of many writers, and the image of the poet himself always came close to the appearance of the lyrical hero. Lermontov is no exception, but his resolution of this difficult conflict is very peculiar.

Traditionally, the crowd was defined as "soulless", "deaf", "mob." She was characterized by soulless earthliness, self-interest, and the image of the poet was close in his features to the exile, singer, and prophet. Otherwise, Lermontov resolves this conflict. On the one hand, he portrays the crowd more respectfully, saying that the people are ā€œcrushedā€ by torture and loss. On the other hand, in an 1838 work entitled ā€œThe Poetā€ he holds the idea that each century begets ā€œhisā€ prophet, one with the crowd that needs him and which he needs. "Rust," corroding the blade of talent, calls Lermontov contempt for the people.

A new image of a simple, tired of human life appears in poems such as "Neighbor", "Testament", "Homeland", "Valerik", and others. With earlier characters, this lyrical hero of the poetry of M. Yu. Lermontov is deeply rooted. All changes in his features are subordinated to internal unity on a subconscious level.


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