"The Tale of the Goat," Marshak. Remarks in "The Tale of the Goat" by Marshak

It is unlikely that there will be at least one person in Russia who would not be familiar with the work of children's writer Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak. His works are on bookshelves in all homes with small children. This love of readers is explained by the fact that Marshak sincerely loved children and devoted most of his life to them. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of his works were filmed. Among them is "The Tale of the Goat." Marshak in the course of her writing took advantage of the techniques characteristic of Russian folk tales.

Briefly about the author

fairy tale about a goat
The future writer was born in the late nineteenth century in Voronezh. His father was a factory technician and amateur inventor. Therefore, he tried to instill in children a love of knowledge. He taught them to value the world and people. Marshak was seriously interested in literature during his years at the gymnasium. In this field, he was actively supported by a language teacher. A major role in the fate of Samuel Marshak was played by critic and art critic V. Stasov. He accidentally got acquainted with the literary works of young Marshak and helped him enter one of the St. Petersburg gymnasiums.

In 1904, he met M. Gorky. Marshak lived at his dacha in the Crimea. He used this time to develop his literary talent. He read books, talked with interesting people, improved his health.

the tale of the goat marshak
After returning to Petersburg, Samuel Marshak taught children, collaborated with literary magazines. A few years later, he decided to complete his education. To do this, he went to England. His fascination with English ballads, legends and their translation into Russian in the future will glorify him.

Homecoming took place in 1914. In Russia, Marshak continued his literary work. He also helped children in difficult situations.

It was Marshak who became the first employee of the M. Gorky publisher of children's literature. All this time he was engaged in the translation and creation of his own works. They enjoyed success with readers. “Twelve Months”, “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse,” “The Cat's House”, “The Tale of the Goat” - Marshak created these and other works especially for children.

The life of a famous writer was cut short in Moscow in July 1964.

"The Tale of the Goat": a summary

The play-tale of Samuel Marshak tells the story of a goat who lived with his grandfather for many years with his grandmother in the yard. Once he heard the owners complain of old age and weakness. It is already difficult for them to manage their own household, but there are no children and grandchildren who could help. Then the goat offers them his help. Grandfather and grandmother are surprised that their goat knows how to talk, but they give their consent.

what are the remarks in the fairy tale about the goat
The goat prepares lunch for his grandfather and grandmother, feeds them and puts them to bed. While the old people fall asleep, he sings a lullaby to them and spins. Then he decides to go to the forest for mushrooms, since it was raining in the morning. In search of mushrooms, a goat enters the thicket, where seven hungry wolves attack him. A scuffle ensues, during which the goat successfully fights off its many enemies. At that moment he hears the voices of his grandfather and grandmother who call him. They woke up, saw that there was no goat, and went to look for him. The goat scares the wolves, tells them that his master is a stern man and that he will not stand on ceremony with them. Wolves run away in fear. Grandfather and grandmother find their favorite, and they all return home together.

Samuel Marshak “The Tale of the Goat”: characters

There are ten characters in this work. Grandfather and woman are elderly people who have lived a long life. They did not have the strength to farm: walk for water, chop wood, heat the stove, cook, clean the hut. They regret the absence of children who could take care of them.

remarks in the tale of the goat marshak
A goat is a character who is endowed with a number of qualities characteristic of people. He is smart, quick-witted, brave. He can talk, walk on his forepaws, knows how to cook, chop wood, spin.

Wolves are negative characters. They are hungry, angry, aggressive. However, their attempt to eat a goat turns against them. In the course of the plot, the reader sees how they quarrel with each other and refuse to obey the leader.

Samuel Marshak, creating animal characters, used the technique characteristic of Russian folk tales. Their heroes - representatives of the animal world - were also endowed with traits inherent in people.

The role of remarks in the work

Many readers ask what remarks are. In The Tale of the Goat, as in other dramatic works, you can find fragments of text that are not directly related to the plot. These copyright notes are remarks. Most often they are placed in brackets and specify the place and time of action, intonation, movement and facial expression of the actor.

The remarks in Marshak’s Tale of the Goat help the reader understand where, when and at what time the action takes place, what feelings the characters experience. The following author's notes can be found in the text:

- “looks out the window”;

- “appearing on the threshold”;

- “puts the boiler in the furnace”;

- “feeds the grandfather and the woman”;

- “leader”;

- “from afar”;

- “a little closer”;

- “both are crying sobbing”;

- "appears from behind the trees";

- “sing” and others.

The remarks are important, so the reader must pay attention to them. This applies not only to the play “The Tale of the Goat” by Samuel Marshak, but also to other dramatic works.

Film adaptation

In 1960, the Soyuzmultfilm film studio filmed the work of Samuel Marshak's Tale of the Goat. A fifteen-minute puppet cartoon of the same name was shot under the direction of director Vadim Kurchevsky.

samuel marshak the tale of the goat
In 1983, the same film studio released another cartoon with a similar plot called "There Lived a Goat at Grandma's." The script written by Korney Chukovsky was based on a Russian folk tale.

Readers' Opinions

The Tale of the Goat is one of Marshak's most famous works. It is studied by elementary school students in literary reading lessons. Children are happy to read and analyze it. There are frequent cases when school plays are staged on the basis of this fairy tale play.

An interesting plot, understandable to young readers, typical for Russian folk tales characters, bright and expressive speech, poetic form - these are what have been attracting children for several decades.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7086/

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