Shelf life of breast milk: decantation procedure, storage features, pediatrician advice

Of course, breast milk is the most useful and valuable for the baby. No alternative diet can compare with all the benefits of breastfeeding. Almost every mother knows about the beneficial properties of this product. However, some are unaware of the shelf life of breast milk. This is what we will talk about in the article.

general information

During lactation, young women may encounter various problems and situations, for example:

  1. The kid bit his chest.
  2. A woman needs to go to work.
  3. The child suddenly refused to take breasts.
  4. Urgent need to leave the woman.
  5. Life circumstances in which the baby must be left at home with her grandmother, nanny.
expiration date of breast milk in the refrigerator

As a rule, during such periods, mothers try to express and leave milk in order to solve the problem as accurately as possible. Thanks to this, it will be possible not to violate the baby's diet, if the milk is expressed. However, often in such situations, the question arises about the shelf life of breast milk. How much can it be stored so that the product does not lose its beneficial properties? How to store breast milk?

What does it look like?

Breast expressed milk differs in appearance from simple, which we used to see in bags. As a rule, when it is infused, it begins to separate into layers. The top layer of expressed milk is the fattest part. However, after shaking the container, all the liquid inside becomes uniform in its consistency.

Also pay attention to the fact that breast milk, which was expressed at different times, will look different. This is because the qualitative and quantitative composition changes under the influence of certain factors, for example, the drinking regime, as well as the nutrition of the nursing mother.

expiration date of breast milk after decantation

Storage tank

There are several varieties of containers for storing breast milk. To do this, you can use a glass, plastic or plastic container. These include various containers, bags, bottles and glasses. Speaking about the shelf life of breast milk, one should also pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to adhere to other storage criteria, which should include the closure density of the containers, sterility, ease of use. In addition, it is desirable that the tank was a measuring scale.

Before you buy a container, you need to decide for what specific purpose it will be used.


For example, if you are going to freeze milk, it is best to purchase plastic disposable bags for this. Their advantage is that they are hermetically sealed and simply sealed. In addition, they are sterile, made of very dense polyethylene, and are also ready for use. Another plus is that on such packages there is a measuring scale, and there is also a place where you can specify the time, as well as the date, so that you can control the expiration date of breast milk. Such packages are currently available at any pharmacy.

feeding a baby

Polyethylene bottle liners

Some women prefer to use polyethylene disposable liners for freezing, which are placed in a bottle. However, this method is unreliable. They are not intended for normal storage, and seams may burst during freezing. When defrosting, all contents will leak. But if you do not have another storage option, then for reliability, milk must be poured in a double bag. Also note that in this case, the shelf life of breast milk after decantation will be short.

Special containers

The most popular containers for storing milk are glass containers. In second place are plastic containers, and in third are plastic containers. However, scientists have proven that milk can be successfully stored in both plastic and glass containers. For convenience, it is necessary to select such a container, the volume of which will be such that it is enough for only one feeding. Without fail, the date and time after decantation must be indicated on the container. The shelf life of breast milk in this case will be controlled much easier.

ore milk in a bottle

Milk storage for a walk

Young mothers may encounter problems such as storing expressed milk during a walk. For these purposes, you can purchase a special thermobag or a thermos for a bottle. Such devices are quite convenient, especially if you relax for a long time. Thus, you can stock up at once with several servings of milk to feed your baby.

Where to store?

So, we continue to consider the expiration date of expressed breast milk. Very relevant is the question of the storage location of this product. In the intervals between pumping and feeding, certain conditions for the conservation of milk must be observed.

For example, if you want to store milk for a long time, it is best to do this by freezing. Only fresh, expressed milk is suitable for this purpose. Before freezing, it is imperative to leave the milk in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. To control the expiration date of breast milk in bags, do not forget to write the time and date. Of course, a frozen product will lose some useful properties, but it will still be better than artificial infant formula.

If expressed milk will be used for several days, then it can be stored simply in the refrigerator. The shelf life of breast milk in the refrigerator, of course, will be less than in the freezer, but the chilled product will retain almost all of its useful properties in this form. The main condition is that milk should not be left on the refrigerator door.

If you are planning to store breast milk at room temperature, the shelf life will be very short. We will talk about this below. Storage must be carried out in this case in a sterile container with a tightly closed lid.

baby is fed from a bottle

Rules for heating and defrosting milk

If you want to defrost expressed milk, then first you need to put it in the refrigerator to avoid sudden changes in temperature. After that, the portion is poured into a bottle for feeding, and then heated in a water bath. You can also purchase a special bottle warmer to make it convenient for you to warm the milk. Please note that in no case should you reheat the product for feeding in the microwave, in a saucepan, and also do not boil. In such cases, milk will lose all its beneficial substances. Also, you should never freeze already thawed milk. In such situations, all the useful properties of the product will also be lost.

Freezing rules

To ensure that mother's milk retains the maximum of its unique beneficial properties, as well as does not deteriorate during storage, you need to know how to freeze foods properly. In no case will milk be sterilized. However, storage containers must be sterile. Strained milk must first be cooled in the refrigerator for 2 hours, and then placed in the freezer. Be sure to affix the marking on the container.

If you want to add a new portion of milk to an already frozen product, it must also be pre-cooled so that the portion that was previously prepared does not melt. Pick the right amount of servings that you need.

Expiration date of breast milk

How much can expressed milk be stored? Duration of storage will depend on the conditions in which this product is stored. Let's consider them separately.


If you store expressed milk in the refrigerator, then it can be there for up to one day, if the temperature is from +4 to +6 degrees. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that milk should be stored as deep as possible. The fresh product must be cooled before placing it in the refrigerator.

breast milk storage


And what will be the shelf life of frozen breast milk? In the freezer, the expressed product will be stored at a temperature of -13 to -8 degrees. Under such conditions, milk can be up to 3 months. And if the temperature will be from -18 to -20 degrees, then the shelf life is up to 1 year. Before freezing expressed milk, it must be refrigerated.


Now consider what the shelf life of breast milk will be at room temperature. Fresh product in such conditions can be no more than 10 hours (at a temperature of +19 to +22 degrees). At the same time, pay attention to the fact that if the air temperature is up to +25 degrees, then the milk is stored for no more than 6 hours. If the temperature is more than +25 degrees, then the shelf life is a maximum of 3 hours. Scientists have proved that the substances that make up expressed milk counteract the growth of various microbes, which is why milk does not deteriorate.

Some tips for pediatricians

If expressed milk is stratified when it is standing, then this is absolutely normal. In such situations, the product must be shaken well so that it becomes even.

If the milk is sour, then in no case should you give it to your baby.

If defrosted milk has stood for more than a day, then it should also not be given to a child in any case.

Also note that you should never freeze expressed milk repeatedly.

The most common mistakes

As mentioned earlier, a microwave oven is not suitable for heating expressed milk. This is due to the fact that microwave radiation negates all the beneficial properties of breast milk. In addition, the product is heated unevenly, and the protein structure changes in the liquid itself.

breast milk in jars

Unable to control milk heating. As a rule, in one minute, milk can be brought to a boil, after which it can no longer be used for its intended purpose.

Breast-boiled milk does not have any beneficial properties, like a reheated product.

Little conclusion

Breast milk is the best, wholesome and most suitable product for your baby. It is perfectly balanced, therefore it is necessary and it is possible to reserve for future use, in particular, if you have to often leave your child. In most cases, the more often mothers express breast milk, the more it is produced by the body. In addition, it will not deteriorate in the event of prolonged freezing, but needs careful heating. If for some reason the mother had to leave her child, he still has the opportunity to have a tasty lunch with his beloved milk, getting all the useful properties for harmonious development, as well as normal weight gain.

Storage of expressed breast milk is an excellent solution for many problems that are associated with violation of the feeding regime of the baby. The most important thing in this case is that the fair sex must study the conditions and rules for storing such an indispensable food product for her child.


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