How to choose a cutting wheel for metal

For almost any used construction power tool, you can choose special nozzles that have specific characteristics and purpose. Let's look at how to choose a metal disc for a grinder, what types of it it can work with.

Types of cutting wheels

metal cutting wheel

They can be aimed at working not only with metal, but also with stone, tile, concrete and brick. Conventionally, they can be divided into polishing, abrasive and diamond cutting wheels for the grinder. The former are just metal or additionally with a fabric coating. Abrasives are made of crumbs, gradually during operation, these cutting wheels for grinders grind. Diamonds have small elements of industrial diamond, which positively affects their life and production characteristics.

Choose size

cutting wheels for grinder
When choosing a cutting wheel for metal, pay attention to its inner and outer diameter. There are nine types of nozzles. On a professional grinder, you can install any cutting wheel for metal. Pets usually have an external parameter of 125 millimeters, which makes it possible to judge them as the most popular in everyday life. The inside is called a small circle, thanks to which the circle is installed on the grinder. It is not recommended to overlook these drive parameters from your attention, as they may differ from what is on the device. Although if we talk about the cutting circle of 125 millimeters, then the occurrence of such a precedent is very unlikely. And if we talk about the use of a famous angle grinder with a no less popular disk model, the emergence of such a situation is generally from the realm of fantasy.

When do we need a cutting wheel for metal and which one to take?

cutting wheel price
This is the most affordable type. It is intended exclusively for working with metal products. For the most part they are made abrasive. Thanks to them, it is possible to cut sheet metal, metal profiles, corners, channels. If we consider the most popular grinder in everyday life with 125 millimeters, it should be noted the great variety of the range of circles that the market offers us. You can pick up both domestic and foreign samples. But, despite this diversity, the cutting wheel for metal should be used exclusively for this material. If you try to work with a stone with such a disk, then at best it will simply wear out quickly. But it is also possible that it will collapse and cause some harm to humans.

They are slightly different from abrasive diamond blades. It is worth paying special attention to their labeling. The letters indicate what was used in the manufacture. Next to them are digital signs. They indicate how large the grain is. If the numbers are large, then the disk was created to cut ferrous metal. Small - it focuses on color. If the numbers are generally miniature, then this indicates that the circle was created for cutting steel.

Disks of various companies

The choice of circle depends on the amount of work and financial capabilities. The market is widely represented products of the CIS countries, the European Union and China. Luga Abrasive Plant and its products deserve special attention. The most successful and at the same time pleasant in quality are the following products:

  1. "Meadows".
  2. Hitachi
  3. "Russland".

For products from other countries, it is worth noting that manufacturers from the European Union lag behind us slightly in quality. The least successful range offers us China. When choosing a drive, make sure that it contains information on compliance with GOST, as well as the legend of the scope. Go around those circles where the European Union is indicated as the manufacturer, and not a specific country. The presence of such a mark indicates that before you is a Chinese (read - low-quality) fake. But to avoid unpleasant moments, it is recommended to focus on domestic samples. They are very cheap (which makes their fake unattractive), in addition, they are of high quality. But how much does the cutting wheel cost? The price of abrasive models starts at 20 rubles / piece (if we talk about Hitachi and Luga) and can easily exceed the mark of 50 rubles (and if you buy more expensive models or from resellers, do not be surprised at the cost of several hundred). Diamonds are more hardy to use, so their average price is estimated at 3-4 thousand rubles, and one must be added to the best ones.

Change the disk

cutting wheel 125
Periodically, circles must be changed as they are used. It is not difficult to do this with a special key. Carefully consider the grinding machine and find the button, when pressed, the axis is fixed. Press it and, without letting go, begin to unscrew the nut with the key. Then you should remove the used disk and install another in its place. Tighten the nut and tighten it with a wrench.


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