Sealyham Terrier: nature, description of the breed, behavior, grooming and reviews of the owners

In the famous Krylov’s fable, where Moska barks at an elephant, a silihem terrier could become the main character, because the distinguishing feature of this small dog is that she considers herself very large. At the same time, this beautiful breed, elegant, beautiful, energetic, can become an excellent companion and friend for those who will be able to appreciate it.

Sealyham Terrier

Breed history

Sealyham Terrier was bred in the 50s of the 19th century. He owes his appearance to retired captain John Edwards. Possessing several individuals of otterhounds and terriers, Edwards was not completely satisfied with their hunting qualities, so he decided to bring a short-legged, small, but very strong and active dog of white color.

Quickly enough, he got what he was looking for; dogs of this type looked like modern siliems. In the character of animals, Edwards wanted to see aggression, courage and viciousness so that they could fearlessly engage in a fight with a badger or other rodent for example. After a thorough examination and selection according to the physical characteristics, the sylichem terrier puppies and young individuals were first etched on rats, then on ferrets. Those who did not pass the test were ruthlessly rejected.

When creating the breed, Welsh Corgi blood was mixed in to improve tracking, a fox terrier for hunting passion and fearlessness, a dandy of the dinmont terrier to improve the coat - hard and thick, protecting from the weather and attack of the victim.

As a result, a breed was born that was distinguished by ardor and courage in hunting for a rodent, otter and badger. The breed Sealyham Terrier, whose kennel John Edwards called Of Sealy, quickly became known and spread throughout the world. In 1911, it was recognized by English dog breeders. And in 1912, the official standard of this breed appeared.

Sealyham Terrier Description


Like all representatives of its species, the Sealyham Terrier has excellent physical characteristics, well-developed muscles, a strong long neck and powerful bones, which, when properly trained, makes him the star of exhibitions.

He has a beautiful thick and, most importantly, non-shedding coat, so you can get a pet not only in his house, but also in the apartment. The dog must be white, with small marks on the face and ears. In exceptional cases, it may be yellowish. Since the wool of silihem terriers has an internal undercoat, they perfectly tolerate sharp changes and low temperatures.

Their funny features are thick white whiskers and small shiny black eyes with thick eyebrows pulled over them, giving the dog a formidable and domineering appearance. The nose is black and large. The tail is short, docked, directed vertically upwards.

According to exhibition standards, adult growth should not exceed 31 cm, weight - not more than 9 kg (males), 8.2 kg (females). Of course, there are other generally accepted standards for this breed.

Sealyham Terrier character breed description

Sealham Terrier breed standard

English "Kennel Club" in 1912 brought the following main features of this breed:

  • Oblong body.
  • Convex skull with a wide gap between the ears.
  • Dark little shiny eyes.
  • Wide rounded ears located closer to the cheeks.
  • Scissor bite with an even strong jaw.
  • Long, thick, very muscular neck.
  • The chest is wide, located low to the front legs, with convex ribs.
  • Paws are round, with thick pads.
  • The tail sticks up or is parallel to the body.
  • The coat is very thick, stiff (like a wire).
  • The color is completely white or lemon white, small specks of chocolate or black are allowed.

The dog is energetic, non-aggressive, with free balanced movements.

puppies Sealyham Terrier

Character and temperament

The Sealyham Terrier, whose character is considered by many dog ​​breeders to be formidable and aggressive, is in fact a very loving, funny and mischievous dog. She is devoted to her family, loves children and will want to be with you wherever you go. She is friendly to outsiders if they behave in a friendly manner towards her. Be sure to bark to the owner about the guests who arrived. It can be aggressive towards other pets, but basically, it is quite peaceful, since it has historically been accustomed to working in a pack.

Despite their, to put it mildly, small sizes (at the withers such dogs rarely exceed 30 cm) and short legs, like all terriers, they are very active, fast-moving and curious pets. They make wonderful runners, jumpers, and you will be extremely surprised where so much agility and energy comes from in such a small dog.

They have a lively, quick-witted and curious mind, so they are easy to educate and train. Especially good is the Sealyham Terrier breed in agility - competition to overcome the obstacle course for dogs.

It can be masterful, like all terriers, but with proper upbringing and authority, the owner will become a very obedient pet. Truly noble dogs, which, incidentally, were the pets of the royal family of England.

Sealyham Terrier character

Pet content

Everything that is known about dogs, the silihem terrier (character, description of the breed) confirms that they can be kept in the apartment without any problems. Wool does not fade, therefore it will not settle on furniture and clothes, and if someone in the family has allergies or has children, the content of silychem will not become a problem. At the same time, it is thick enough, warm, with an inner undercoat to endure the cold, so keeping in your home is quite possible. Plus, the animal is practically odorless.

Do not forget that the Sealyham Terrier is an active hunting dog, it definitely needs to release its irrepressible energy, so daily long walks are required. It is also necessary for her well-being. In addition to hot summer days, the dog tolerates high temperatures with great difficulty. But in winter you can walk longer, it is well adapted to the cold.

sealyham terrier reviews

Pet care

Despite the absence of molting, which is famous for the breed Silichem-Terrier, hair care should always be regular and thorough. Daily comb the dog with a rubber brush, massage the withers.

It is impossible to bathe animals of this breed more often than once a month because of their extremely sensitive skin. Bath procedures should be carried out only with special dog shampoos. But they need to clean their ears regularly, 1-2 times a month.

Also, weekly the dog is important to brush your teeth and rinse your eyes with a decoction of chamomile. These are mandatory procedures.

Sealyham Terrier Kennel

Dog trimming

With regularity 1-2 times a week do trimming - plucking old hair in dogs that cannot shed on their own. Of course, at the first stages it is better to do this with a professional master, otherwise you can cause irreparable psychological trauma to a puppy that you will hurt by inexperience.

In the future, it will be possible to trim at home, and not at the hairdresser, when the dog gets used to this process and understands that you are not doing any harm to it (because in stiff-haired dogs, dead hair is separated off painlessly). If this is not done, the old wool will fall off and create the so-called warlocks, which will have to be very difficult and painful to remove.

But the shearing of a breed of silihem terrier, the description of which speaks of the stiffness of the hair, can in no case be done, since the hair of the animal can change its structure, acquire unusual softness and brittleness. Therefore, only trimming.

Health and Disease

Is the silihem terrier subject to any ailments? Diseases visit him infrequently. In general, the health of this dog is excellent: excellent immunity, endurance to low temperatures, heavy loads, etc. Congenital deafness is rare in puppies, but all breeds of a dominant white coat are not immune from this problem. Allergic reactions to some products may occur, therefore, the diet of the silychem should be balanced, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian about this. By old age, the dog may begin to suffer from eye diseases, therefore we provide the animal with thorough care, which is described above.

About nutrition

The health of any dog ​​primarily depends on how it eats. If you feed your silychem with natural food or a special balanced food, the pet will be strong. It is strictly forbidden to feed from the owner's table:

  • sweets lead to tooth loss and diabetes;
  • fish leads to diarrhea, vomiting and parasites;
  • potatoes - for diarrhea;
  • yeast dough can cause a rupture of the intestines and stomach;
  • dairy products can cause indigestion;
  • bones are not digested, there is a risk of kidney stones.

Ideally, of course, silihem feed is a special feed for this breed, it will contain all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. And gradually introduce into their diet fresh meat (except for pork), cereals, some vegetables, cottage cheese.

It is important to monitor the number of meals and portions, because silichemes love to eat a lot and are extremely prone to obesity. Feed your dog no more than 2 times a day without feeding at intervals, with its size a larger amount can become hazardous to health. But the water should always be in the dog’s bowl.


Despite a lively mind, quick wit and activity, the training of the Sealyham Terrier is a real test for its owner. On the one hand, they understand what is required of them, and are quite capable of doing it; on the other, they don’t want to act on anyone’s order, even the master’s, and they strongly resist training. Therefore, if you want to have a trained obedient dog, a professional dog handler should take part in raising a sealyhem. If you feel the strength, perseverance and firmness of character behind you, you may be able to subdue the dog yourself.

Since this type of terrier belongs to the hunting breed, it is a great happiness for them to run after some rodents or cats. An option for a more serious training is to overcome an obstacle course (agility), here the syleche simply has no equal among the fellow terriers.

Do not forget to praise and encourage obedience and execution of your dog’s commands, it is best to use a small treat, but verbal praise is also suitable.

Breed popularity

The breed Sealyham Terrier, reviews of which are the best, is gaining more and more popularity over time. And this is not surprising, because they are energetic, funny, cheerful and amazing dogs with a high level of intelligence and extraordinary devotion. At the same time, they are wayward, have a difficult character, so the location of the dog must be truly earned. Therefore, terriers will be a huge test for the owner, but also the most faithful beloved and amazing friend.

Therefore, silichemes are increasingly appearing in celebrity families, for example, they were with Alfred Hitchcock, Harry Cooper and many others, and are also favorites among some members of the English royal family.

Today they are popular not only in England, but throughout the world. They can be found in the USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, Italy and even in Africa.


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