How to cover roses for the winter in Siberia? Tips for preparing roses for winter

Even a person who is alien to floriculture and completely unaware of the intricacies of growing plants, stops his eyes on the beautiful flowerbeds, front gardens, alpine hills. Tulips, violets, daffodils, dahlias - they all delight with their colors and unusual shapes.

how to cover roses for the winter in siberia
But a special place on each flower bed, as well as in the soul of the grower, is a rose. It is simple, but insanely elegant, captivates with the depth of color and dizzy with aroma. There is nothing superfluous in it. But every plant needs care and a suitable climate. Nevertheless, such a flower is able to survive even severe weather if the necessary conditions are provided. This article will help you learn how to cover roses for the winter in Siberia so that they can again please their beauty.

Climate climate is different

Siberia is famous for its harsh winters. Spring comes here quite late, and summer does fly by at once. That is why flower growers do not have time for stupidity. It is necessary to plant bushes in time in time, and then prepare for the cold season. Wintering roses in Siberia requires a lot of patience and compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology, which in this area are significantly different from the process of growing in the southern regions.

Suitable varieties

Those who are still not afraid of the Siberian frost may well grow a beautiful rose garden. In order for the efforts to succeed, you should choose those plant varieties that can tolerate such a climate.

preparing roses for winter
There are a lot of them, which means that there is considerable scope for creativity. Gardeners most often prefer the following types:

• New Dawn, Rosarium Utersen - climbing varieties;

• Cinderella, Red Eden Rose - scrubs;

• Burgundy - tea-hybrid species;

• Ice Meidiland, Bonica - groundcover roses;

• Lions Rose, Aspirin - floribunda;

• Harkness, Austinok - varieties that are able to survive in difficult weather conditions, but they are very demanding in care, so they are more suitable for experienced gardeners.

Landing Recommendations

In order for frost-resistant roses for Siberia to endure the cold well, you need to know a few useful secrets:

• It is better if the soil is slightly acidic and contains a large amount of humus.

• It is recommended to prepare the pit in which the rose is placed in advance, in the fall, and in the spring it is good to water it.

• Before planting, they make a small slide in it, consisting of soil and nutrients. The roots of the rose are neatly laid on top of it. Especially long ones need to be shortened.

• The paraffin protecting the aerial part of the plant is removed, and the seedling is covered with soil so that the root neck of the bush is 6-7 cm below the soil level.

• If the rose belongs to the climbing varieties, then the recess must be increased to 12-16 cm.

• Frost-resistant species cover less thoroughly before wintering.

• The plant should be puffed up to about 12 cm so that the moisture evaporates more slowly.

When to start cooking

Growing a strong and healthy plant is one of the main conditions for preparing roses for winter. Proper care and a number of measures will reliably save the plant.

It is important that the work is carried out systematically, because the summer in this area is very short, and the cold will not take long. All roses, regardless of their species differences, begin to prepare for wintering in the second half of summer.

With the onset of August, the plant is ceased to be fed with nitrogen compounds. This impedes the process of building green mass.

climbing roses in Siberia cultivation

Already in September, they make the last fertilizing with phosphorus-potash fertilizers. Gardeners most often use simple wood ash for this.

In order for the plant to have as many nutrients and forces for growth as possible, providing preparation for wintering, all new inflorescences and shoots are nipped.

Caring for roses in September in Siberia involves stopping watering. Such a measure does not allow the plant to go into a dormant period with an excess of moisture, which can cause the appearance of frost holes.

Do you need cropping

This is not to say that this procedure is mandatory, but in most cases it is still necessary. For the winter, the stem bush is dug up with soil, so it is recommended to get rid of excessively long shoots so that the shelter is compact and convenient.

Climbing roses deserve special attention. In Siberia, the cultivation of this species has its own subtleties. If more than 10-12 branches are formed, remove those that are older than three years. Weak and poorly developed shoots are also removed.

how to cover and trim roses for the winter

In vigorous varieties, the stems are long, so they are shortened so that a strong wind does not harm them.

If you find places on the bush that are affected by any diseases or pests, you should trim them. Remote branches are burned to prevent the further spread of disease.

However, some gardeners are of the opinion of the detrimental effects of crop cutting. In their opinion, after removing the branches, wounds may appear where the infection gets. Because of it, the bushes are much harder to adapt to the cold.

Before covering roses for the winter in Siberia, foliage is removed from them. This should be done carefully, holding the trunk with your hand so as not to damage the bark of the shoot. Only faded flowers are left. When fruits begin to form from them, the plant plunges into a dormant state, and the wood matures.

Types of Shelters

Do not be afraid for the safety of your rosary, if the thermometer shows a mark of -10 degrees. The plant is quite tolerable and without complications will endure such short frosts.

But in severe frosts, the flower can die, so you need to know how and what to cover roses in Siberia. Each gardener can bring something of their own in one way or another, but in general they are divided into two main types:

1. Shelter, which consists of hilling with soil and the use of bulk materials (shavings, coniferous spruce branches) as a heater.

2. Construction of a structure providing air-dry protection against frost.

Further details about each of them.

Soil and insulation

How to cover roses for the winter in Siberia in this way? To do this, the bush is spudded to a height of 8-10 cm, if it is small, or 35-40 cm for tall species. The last roses sheltering activities are carried out when the soil is frozen a few centimeters. The bush is carefully covered with coniferous spruce branches. Chips are added to it, as well as fallen leaves.

September Rose Care in Siberia

Gardeners very often use spruce conifers, as it is able to scare away rodents, as well as give a disinfecting effect.

The main problem of wintering roses in Siberia is not fear of severe frosts, but aging due to excess moisture. The following method of shelter helps to fight with him.

Frame-air insulation

This method is good in that it allows you to create the desired microclimate for the plant without moisture penetration. The basis of the design is the frame. You can make it from any available materials. The main thing is that they can withstand the pressure of snow and wind.

A material is stretched onto the frame that does not impede the access of oxygen, and the loan is covered with a plastic film. It should not cover the sides of the structure or end a few centimeters to the ground over the entire coverage area.

wintering roses in Siberia

Despite the fact that you need to work on creating a frame, this type of insulation provides optimal conditions for the plant. The bushes receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, and ventilation does not allow condensation to form. Moreover, the wife is protected from rain and moisture coming from the outside.

For greater reliability, some gardeners additionally fill the structure with snow. Such preparation of roses for the winter will reliably preserve the plants and allow them to again delight the surrounding with flowers and aromas.

When the shelter is removed

We figured out how to cover roses for the winter in Siberia, but it is equally important to timely release the bushes from the insulation so that they can go into the growth stage. It is important to observe the middle ground, because if you hurry, then the roses can freeze, and, otherwise, start to vypryvat.

It is recommended to open bushes covered with warming material when the soil has warmed up and thawed. Thus, the shoots will not suffer from an excess of moisture.

Roses, covered in a frame-air way, open gradually. They start from the side parts, then the north or east side, and after a couple of days it is necessary to remove the insulation layers completely. Since the weather often changes in early spring, the shelter is not completely removed for some time. Gradual analysis of the design allows plants to gradually adapt to changing conditions.

Do not rush to leave a rose in the open sun. To clean the insulation choose cloudy weather, without strong wind. Then the bushes are protected for 7-10 days from direct sunlight in order to avoid burns.

The final stage is the pruning of frozen shoots, incapable of growth and fertilizing with nutritious mixtures.

If all the rules have been followed, then you can safely expect a flowering period.

how to cover roses in Siberia

This article helped to learn the details of how to cover and prune roses for the winter, so that they could even endure severe Siberian frosts. Following these tips, you can create a beautiful rose garden despite the difficult weather conditions. Let Siberia spoil the warmth for very short time, but even in this short time you can please yourself and loved ones with live roses.

Not only people and animals need warmth. Plants can protect themselves only at certain temperatures, but sometimes they need the help of a gardener who knows how to protect them from the cold. If you take care in a timely manner, then the roses will certainly thank you with abundant flowering, and the garden will turn into a fabulous corner.


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