The acclaimed The Hunger Games trilogy by Susan Collins

Who is the author of the Hunger Games book trilogy? Today, even a person who is extremely far from literature will answer this question. The name Susan Collins is known all over the globe, and some especially zealous fans repeat it even in a dream. This is a woman who gave readers and viewers the opportunity to travel to the world of their fantasies and feel what is happening in it. This is an anti-utopia, and most events will make you sad or even cry, but the book is worth reading, there is no doubt about it.


hunger games trilogy author

Susan Collins was born in 1962 in a small town in Connecticut, USA. Her father was a soldier, so the family moved a lot. Not having time to get used to one team, Susan was already forced to take off and move on, but, despite this, Collins received a good education, went to university.


Collins received her first recognition as a screenwriter for children's television shows. She moved to New York and decided to prove herself in such a field. Unconditional talent and hard work have done their job: she has become a sought-after screenwriter. Then there was no question of writing something similar to The Hunger Games. The author of children's stories, cartoons and shows received her first prize - an award from the American Guild of Writers for one of her works.

First books

who is the author of the hunger games book trilogy

Later, after meeting with James Proimos, also a children's author, Collins came up with the idea of ​​a new story that could touch the reader. No, it was not The Hunger Games again. The author of the book that brought her world fame, first decided to tell a story about a boy who fell into a magical land by jumping into a sewer hatch. Gradually, one novel grows into a whole series, and now books are arranged in rows on bookshelves, the authorship of which undoubtedly belongs to Susan Collins.


The author of the book calls the Hunger Games his main brainchild, because they contain her father’s memories of the Vietnam War, of hunger, poverty, orphans and widows. Another facet of the novel was the ancient Greek myths about Theseus and the Minotaur, in which it was also required to collect the best boys and girls and send the monsters to death in their clutches. In the book, this role is played by the state system, which seeks to maintain power through the fragmentation of residents and constant fear.

In 2008, in the early fall, the first part of the Hunger Games trilogy was published. The author, as they say, woke up famous. Her work sold an unprecedented print run, literally immediately hit the list of world best sellers, where it is located to this day.

Continuation of the novel

hunger games mockingjay jay author

The author did not put off the release of the following books, The Hunger Games. While luck and inspiration accompanied her, the words quickly and harmoniously fell on the paper. And a year later, the second volume, “And the Flames Cry,” or “Ignition,” appeared on store shelves. The author released the book The Hunger Games: Mockingjay even earlier, on August 24, 2010, thus putting an end to the history of Katnis, Pete, Gale, Heimich and other characters. Fans were very impressed by the number of battle scenes and sad fragments. Many characters did not live to see the finals, but this underlined the rigidity in which they had existed all this time. Not a single fight goes without loss, but if you don’t fight at all, you can lose absolutely everything. This is what this wonderful book teaches readers.

Film adaptation

hunger games author

In 2012, the Hunger Games trilogy, the author of which was already world famous, appeared in the cinema. The script for the first film was written together with Collins and adapted for a wide range of viewers, since some of the scenes in the book were still harsh for a children's audience. A compromise was found, and in March the first part of the epic appeared on wide screens.

A little more than a year later, on the twentieth of November, a second film appeared, which was received by the audience with no less enthusiasm. Actors who play the main roles received worldwide fame, and the film was nominated for several awards at once. Collins began an active period of moving, filming for advertising and signing autographs. Photoshoots with your fans, interviews and, of course, invitations to social events. And all this apart from a good fee for using her books as materials for the film. In between films, publishers had to make an additional one and a half million copies of the Hunger Games trilogy. The author has gained world-wide fame not only in English-speaking countries, but also beyond them. Books are translated into Russian, Chinese, Arabic and dozens more languages.

hunger games book author

Without delay, the directors release the last two films one after another, despite the fact that one of the leading actors (Philip Seymour Hoffman) died before the end of the filming.

In addition, Susan Collins earned the approval of colleagues and the journalistic community. The Hunger Games lasted sixty weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. This, of course, is not an absolute record, but an excellent achievement.

Now, after the release of all four films (the last part of the trilogy was split into two), passions begin to cool. Collins still lives in Connecticut and does not intend to use his influence to enrich himself or something like that. Everyone expects new creative ideas from her, as grand as the Hunger Games. If you have not read them yet, then be sure to do it - the hours spent with the book will fly by.


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