Expression of Faina Ranevskaya: “It is better to be a good person cursing than a quiet well-educated creature”

Faina Ranevskaya is known throughout the world for her witty, ironic, funny and truthfully revealing statements. Many of them became aphorisms, winged expressions. This actress knew no equal - she was quoted by generations, and until now the words of Ranevskaya are the standard of wit and humor. The contribution of this great woman to Russian theatrical and cinematic art is invaluable. Let's remember today one of the most famous phrases of Faina Ranevskaya, which is still relevant today: "It is better to be a good person, swearing obscenities, than a quiet well-educated creature."

Ranevskaya in the theater

Let's think deeply

Ranevskaya very accurately characterized our society. If we think globally, then, looking into history, we can find a huge number of examples of sincere people with noble impulses and intentions to improve our world, to eradicate injustice. As a result, many of them were burned at the stake, shot, and killed in various ways for their honest, bold words and deeds. While the sly ones who remained silent and sat out in the corner, deceiving everyone, successfully came out dry from the water.

Our world is so tripled - the person who wins out in time to say what others wanted to hear from him wins in time, and real personalities turn out to be abandoned, expelled and unnecessary. Ranevskaya is against this: indeed, it is better to be a decent person and curse than to silently hate others and pretend to be good. True for the great actress is more expensive. Let us be fully in agreement with this.

The crowd is stupid

What prevents us from being ourselves?

Impulsive people, such as Faina Ranevskaya, very often have an explosive character. They are interesting and unpredictable, their mood is impossible to predict. These individuals do not hide their thoughts, share strong judgments with others, often not observing censorship, and why? Who are they afraid of? Why should there be some kind of “filters” above a strong and free person that prevent him from being sincere? If he wants to say that, why can't he do it? If someone does not like this style of speech, please do not use it and do not communicate with those who use it, this is your choice. Thus (by using obscene language) we protect ourselves from a society of well-intentioned silent people, who in all respects adhere to the rules and principles established by society.

You can swear and be a good person! Each of us simply expresses our emotions in different ways: someone is sincere and honest, while someone prefers to put on a mask and hide his true gut. If you are bold and desperate enough and you have enough willpower and courage to say exactly what you think, try it - it is much more correct than keeping your thoughts in your head, showing in reality a completely different attitude.

To be yourself or not?

What do you choose: polite hypocrisy or rude truth?

Hypocrisy is a disgusting quality, which, unfortunately, is very common in people. It would seem that everything is so simple - tell the truth and that's it, but no. Difficult, difficult and scary. It’s much easier to pretend to be who the other person wants to see you. After all, acting in this way, it is easier to get someone's favor, trust. You can say something neutral that will not go against the opinion of the interlocutor - let him think that they agree with him, but in reality everything is completely wrong. Keep silent, and then let him figure out what is there and how. Hence quarrels, misunderstanding and a number of human problems of enormous proportions. Here is one more proof that it is better to be a decent person swearing obscenities than a "quiet well-educated creature."

Who to be?

Profanity in our life

From early childhood, they form a realization in us that obscene language is evil, that we need to be polite, friendly and affectionate. “Baby,” they say to the child, “do not say the words“ damn ”,“ hell ”,“ pipets ”and“ zadolbalo ”- it's ugly. After all, you're a girl!” And so in almost every family. Is it correct? The child will grow up, and sooner or later he will still learn all those "terrible" words from which you tried to protect him so carefully. Then the most terrible thing will start - something that the younger generation suffers in most cases: swearing takes the main place in people's speech, replacing ordinary vocabulary.

Silence or not?

Let's look at things from the perspective of a realist: profanity is a separate part of our language. It has its own special properties. For example, reading the verses of Yesenin and Mayakovsky, one can meet the "swear word" more than once, but in most cases it is used so appropriately and precisely that there is no disturbance or doubt. These poets were brave and free people, despite the time in which they had to exist. They were able to maintain their firm, unbending inner core and even “infect” other people with it. The work of Yesenin and Mayakovsky is yet another confirmation of the accuracy of the expression "it is better to be a good person, cursing obscenities than a quiet well-educated creature."

Mat - is it really that bad?

Mat is not always indecent and aggression. It is such vocabulary that can decorate, sometimes even create a joke, ideally complement a witty and sarcastic phrase, and clearly express your state of mind. You just need to be able to use it, you do not need to be afraid of such words. It is also not worthwhile to insert them through each letter as an attempt to assert oneself and make an impression on others, but you can use it accurately and in the case, but not everyone has been given it. If you are a weak-willed and fearful person, then most likely this vocabulary is not for you. It requires impulsiveness, desperation and independence from the opinions of others, emotional freedom and spaciousness, a good sense of humor and language.

Swear or not?

"Better to be a good person swearing obscenities ..."

Even if your speech is full of swear words, and your thoughts are crumpled and confused, you will still remain a good person, if you have an inner strength in you - your core. Believe me, “it’s better to be a well-educated person swearing obscenities” than a quiet bastard. If you combine aggressiveness and unpredictability with honesty and truthfulness, you definitely will not keep a stone in your bosom. But what can be expected from people who never say what they think, from those who use sophisticated and polite words in their speech, just to not seem to others to be somehow unworthy and wrong? Nothing good and decent, only inconstancy and hypocrisy.

Faina Ranevskaya once again tells us that openness and sincerity should be appreciated and that "it is better to be a good person swearing obscenities" than a vile quiet man and a coward.


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