Knowing how to give a shot to a child is always useful in life

Knowing how to give a shot to a child includes the technical and psychological parts. Even nurses in a hospital often say:

how to give a shot to a child
“Be patient, little, be patient, dear!”, Although they practice this practice from morning till night.

A mother or relative is much more difficult. At the sight of a sick, unfortunate baby, his heart breaks, but you still have to hurt him!

Many will ask: "Isn’t it easier to invite a nurse?"

If injections need to be given intravenously, they usually do just that, but if they need intramuscular injections and have to do them 2-3 times a day, they usually do it on their own.

The technical part of the procedure

It’s easy to figure out how to give the child an injection . To do this, you must have:

  • syringe;
  • medicine;
  • antiseptic;
  • cotton wool.

And it is desirable (especially if the child is small) another person who will help the baby to fix.

how little children get injections

So, how to give injections to children.

  • First of all, they perform certain hygiene measures, namely, they wash their hands thoroughly.
  • Then, the ampoule is wiped with cotton wool, with an antiseptic previously applied to it, the tip is broken off, previously wrapped with cotton wool with the same tool.
  • Open the packaging of the syringe and gently take it by the body. Remove the packaging from the needle and collect the medicine.
  • After a set of drugs, the syringe is turned over, releasing excess air with a piston.

How to make an injection in the buttock?

It is advisable that the assistant all this time talk with the baby, explain to him the need for the procedure, gently suggest that nothing bad happens.

The difference is how little children get injections.

how to give injections to children
and how they make it big - only in a psychological approach. They explain to older children that they need to lie still and be patient. Kids need to be kept, even if they already understand what is happening. Involuntarily jerking, a small child can hurt himself.

Mentally, the buttock is divided into 4 parts, and the injection is placed in the outer quarter. It is advisable to massage the place first, after which it must be wiped with an antiseptic.

A needle is inserted at an angle of 90 degrees, approximately half, pre-collecting the skin in a crease. It’s not worth it to stick a needle into your buttock, as hospital nurses often do. They have a “full” hand, and they know very well how to give a shot to a child. The baby has practically no body fat, and if you enter it sharply, without skill, you can damage the periosteum.

After inserting the needle, the piston is slightly pulled towards itself to find out if the needle has entered the vessel. If there is no blood, you can enter the medicine.

Then, at the same angle from which the needle was inserted, it is removed. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the edges of the wound. It is clamped with a cotton swab with an antiseptic and rubbed, slightly pressing.

If you use a children's syringe "BogMark", the technique of how to inject a child changes slightly.

General rules and psychological attitude

If the injection is painful, you need to do it as quickly as possible. Sometimes, according to the instructions, slow administration of the medicine is required. This is done if the drug is viscous in consistency.

The injection site must be massaged so that the medicine resolves faster.

And do not forget about the psychological mood! The more confident and calmer the one who performs the medical manipulation, the calmer the baby will be more comfortable with the procedure.


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