Glue for linoleum consumption per 1m2: instructions for use

For each type of linoleum, special glue should be selected, taking into account the physico-chemical characteristics of the coating and base. Professionals prefer special formulations of the Homacola type, which are used for different types of coatings. However, on the market you can find other options that can be household, conductive and designed for bonding commercial coatings of polyvinyl chloride.

If you have to work with a fabric, foamed or pile sub-base, then it is best to prefer household glue. Under the heterogeneous linoleum flooring , commercial glue is used, which is also suitable for single-layer coating. Mixtures are produced in different containers by foreign and domestic manufacturers.

In order to properly carry out the work associated with gluing linoleum, you must use the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. It will ensure a rational consumption of the mixture.

On the consumption of reaction and dispersion types of glue

glue for linoleum consumption per 1m2

The glue consumption for linoleum per 1m2 usually reaches 0.6 kg. The minimum indicator may be equal to 0.2 kg / m 2 . The final figure will depend on the type of base. As for dispersion adhesives, their consumption is not too large and is approximately 300 g / m 2 . The basis of the composition is water, acrylic or polyvinyl acetate. This material can be washed off with water, and they are used to work with household types of linoleum, which can be created on the basis of felt synthetic fibers or foamed polyurethane.

As the main disadvantage of this composition, one can single out the loss of the main properties when the temperature in the room decreases. The glue consumption for linoleum per 1m2 will be higher if you use the reaction composition. You will spend at least 0.3 kg on the mentioned area. Whereas such types of glue as Bustilat or PVA have a more tangible flow rate, which is 400 g / m 2 . This glue is more resistant to humid environments and temperature fluctuations, it copes with mechanical stress.

Glue consumption in cold welding technology

glue for linoleum consumption per 1m2 instruction

If you decide to glue surfaces using the cold welding technique, you should purchase a special chemical composition. Such mixtures are divided into two subspecies. One of them is class C. This glue is a thick consistency and is used for linoleum, which has already been used.

For laying new linoleum, it is better to use class A glue. Consumption in this case will range from 50 to 60 ml per 25 linear meters. The coating thickness should be about 3 mm.

Instructions for use of adhesive "Bustilat-M"

adhesive for linoleum consumption per 1m2 instructions for use

The consumption of glue for linoleum per 1m2 was mentioned above. This composition is universal and is used for gluing linoleum and other coatings on any basis. This mixture can be used for mounting tiles to any surface. The mixture is highly elastic and able to provide a strong connection of materials for a long time. Shrinkage is negligible, glue is frost-resistant and water-resistant. Among the surfaces to be used are:

  • Fiberboard;
  • Chipboard;
  • concrete;
  • wood.

Concrete can be cellular. As soon as you know the glue consumption for linoleum per 1m2, you can purchase the right amount of mixture. Before applying it, make sure that the surface is solid and free from contamination. If it is crumbling and weak, treatment should be carried out with firming impregnation.

Before use, โ€œBustilateโ€ must be mixed well in a container and applied with a brush or a notched trowel. Application to the floor surface is carried out as evenly as possible, after which linoleum is pressed over the entire area. The consumption may be different for different types of glue for linoleum. The glue for linoleum, the consumption of 1 m2 of which was mentioned above, will dry for about 2 days. You can spend up to 0.8 kg per square meter.

Glue consumption FORBO 522

glue for linoleum consumption per 1m2 types of glue for linoleum

This adhesive is a dispersion compound that is used for PVC foil-coated vinyl coatings. It can be used when gluing new PVC coatings on old ones. The mixture is sold in finished form and has a pasty viscous mass based on a polymer type dispersion. It is easy to apply glue, the plasticizer should not be allowed to migrate.

To determine the required amount of material, you can use the adhesive consumption calculator for linoleum per 1 m2. If you decide to use FORBO 522 for work, you should know that for one square meter you will need about 0.25 kg of the composition. The thickness of the coating layer should be equal to 1 mm. There are no volatile solvents in the adhesive; it has a low water content. The composition does not shrink during polymerization, and the adhesive joint is highly durable. This means that linoleum will not move and exfoliate. Applying it is quite simple with a notched trowel.

Additional glue recommendations

Glue is usually applied in patches. For this, part of the linoleum must be bent so as not to displace the bulk. The floor under this material is coated with glue. For its distribution, it is better to use a wide spatula, which is used for puttying.

Once you are done with the distribution of glue, you need to lay the linoleum back. It is recommended to walk along the surface with a heavy roller from the center to the edges. You can remove the remaining air from under the cover and securely fasten the material to the base. To ensure that the consumption of Homacol glue for linoleum per 1m2 is not exceeded, it is recommended to level the floor first. It will reduce the cost of work.

When combining several bands, care should be taken about reliability and safety by gluing joints. For this, a colorless silicone-based compound is usually used. At the edges of the joint, stick masking tape and apply colorless glue. It is squeezed between the strips by linoleum and a small layer is left over the joint. Once the mixture has dried, you can remove the masking tape. The glue layer will be invisible in the future.

Glue consumption PMP-10

Before starting work, you should study the instructions for use for glue for linoleum. Consumption per 1m2 is also registered there. For example, for the composition of PMP-10 per square meter, you need about 500 g. The layer thickness should be about 0.5 mm.

This mixture is a creamy mass of light color. Ethyl acetate, polyvinyl chloride resins and dibutyl phthalate are used as the base. The composition is waterproof, non-toxic. It can be stored for no more than a month in an airtight container.

Adhesive Consumption 88-N

glue for linoleum

Another type of glue for linoleum is coumaronobutyl formaldehyde composition, which is a viscous mass of gray. The mixture has a yellowish tint and should be stored for no more than 3 months in an airtight container. Before use, dilute the material with gasoline to the desired consistency. The layer thickness is 0.2 mm on an even base. The flow rate will be only 150 g / m 2 . It can increase to 250 g / m 2 .


glue consumption for linoleum per 1m2 homakol

In the instructions for glue for linoleum consumption per 1m2 is always mentioned. This characteristic is quite important if you do not want to get so much glue so that you then have to take it to the store. If you calculate the flow rate incorrectly, then you may be faced with the need to buy a mixture during the work, which will tear you from the process and slow down the completion of the repair.


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