Kitten Care

For the first time after the birth of kittens, a cat-mother tries not to leave her babies for a long time. They are still blind and very weak during this period. Their eyelids are tightly closed, but there are cases of birth of kittens with open eyes, which is a pathology. Such animals remain blind.

Care for kittens in the first days of life rests with the cat. She feeds them and watches their toilet. In search of food, the kitten pokes into the cat’s stomach, trying to find a nipple. At the same time, healthy competition arises between kittens - they repel each other, fight off their paws, but immediately calm down when they start drinking milk. The nipple dissolves within 40-60 hours.

Every day, a kitten gains 10–20 g in weight, and in the first week each of them doubles its weight. In healthy kittens, the eyes begin to open on the 8-10th day. At first they are blue, but after a few weeks they change color.

Kitten care in the first days of life

Kittens have a very good sense of smell and distinguish between people caring for them, while still being "blind." The kids hiss, feeling new smells, even if they come from the hands of a person who has already looked after them. From the first days of life, contact with kittens is needed to accustom them to themselves. If this is not done, then at the age of 4–6 weeks they “run wild” and will respond to human touch with a protective pose.

The kitten’s lifestyle changes significantly after he opens his eyes and begins to see. His eyes are very sensitive at first and react sharply to bright light. Soon he becomes playful and inquisitive, begins to get out of his refuge, releasing his claws. Small kittens, the care of which is very important in the first month of their life, are still weak and easily catch a cold, so it is advisable to place them in a tall box in a place that is protected from draft.

A caring cat constantly watches kittens, purrs affectionately, “tells” something to them. If she is worried for some reason, she carries her children and hides in a secluded place.

Kittens development

The development of kittens is very fast. From the fourth week of life, they already run, play with each other, their teeth are cut out.

The cat watches the kids and pre-selects for them a special "playground". An inexperienced mother is often nervous because she is not able to keep kittens in the "house", and adult cats themselves drag the cubs into the room that they like most.

From the first days, kittens "fight for survival." They learn to fight, hiss at each other. Sucking, purring, sniffing, and emptying - this is all a kitten does instinctively. He can learn to drink milk or water from a plate from a mother cat.

During the first 4-5 weeks, the mother cat licks the kittens, but later, when they eat on their own, she teaches the kittens to empty themselves in a special place.

Kitten care (1 month) is important for the hostess of animals. During this period, it is necessary to train them to relieve themselves in a designated place. For such purposes, the kitten is suitable for a small flat toilet. Several trays should be placed in the corners.

From the 4th week you need to start feeding kittens. For this, beef balls, which can be moistened in egg yolk, are suitable. Care for kittens continues even when they can already eat on their own. They should add vitamin preparations and calcium to milk feed, alternating it with meat feed. Kittens need to be fed up to 6 times a day. At the same time, if the mother-cat still has milk, the kittens suck it after taking solid food. Each kitten needs to be provided with an individual plate for food, the size of which should be approximately 10 cm in diameter.

If the kittens are already more than eight weeks old, they begin to play more choppy, sometimes they fight and hiss. The cat reassures them, restores order, and can even tinker with one of them herself.

Care for kittens will not be complete if they are not vaccinated. Only after vaccination can kittens be transferred to another owner.

Kittens are considered completely independent when they become sexually mature.


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