Skull Bracelet: Stylish Gothic Gift

Sometimes the selection of a suitable gift turns into a real torment. I would like not only to choose something as a gift, but also to surprise with the selected thing, to please the person. And what can you give? A bracelet with skulls is an interesting and extraordinary thing. You will surely surprise with such a gift, because everything connected with death arouses interest in a person.

Symbolism of the skull

In various cultures, the skull was used both as a symbol of death and as a symbol of immortality. Therefore, the attitude towards him is twofold: on the one hand, this is reverence and favor for the bare bone, on the other hand, fear and hostility of such things.

skull bracelet for men

In principle, it all depends on the individual's individual relationship. In different parts of the world, it is radically different. Before buying a gift with a picture of a skull, it’s worth unobtrusively asking a person about his attitude to the symbols of death. It is possible that even a simple hint, the intended recipient of the gift will react so negatively that you have to look for another way to surprise a person.

The meaning of the skull in a men's bracelet

What are the skulls used in various jewelry talking about? What do they resemble? So:

  1. First of all, when a skull is seen, Pirates of the Caribbean come to mind. Pirates, the glorious age of robbery and the romance of salt water are alluring modern men. Probably anyone would like to be the captain of a pirate ship for even a moment.
  2. Secret. The skull symbolizes everything strange, incomprehensible and mysterious that can be found in human life.
  3. It is also believed that the skull, separated from the rest of the skeleton, symbolizes black magic and demon worship. Fortunately, now such a reaction to it is rare.
  4. At a subconscious level, the skull can be associated with victory. In ancient times, a person who defeated a strong rival could take his head as a trophy. The meat quickly rotted, leaving a yellowish bone that the winner could brag about for a long time.
skull bracelet silver

Cranial positive

In the culture of several countries, the skull symbolizes the transition from life on this earth to life in the afterlife. An excellent example of such a positive attitude is Mexico. One has only to look at their annual carnivals of the dead, as all fear of the inevitable death disappears. Indeed, why be afraid of the moment when you finally can meet and celebrate with your long-gone friends and relatives? This is just stupid!

Bracelet border (leather, steel, silver)

  • Silver. The silver-framed skull bracelet will look bright and stylish. For a gift, a man is better to pick up scarlet silver. It will not be so bright and challenging, but it will give the decoration a certain mysticism and mystery.
  • Leather. Plastic and environmental material, with correctly selected paint will not stain the wrist. The leather bracelet with skulls can be adjusted according to the size of the hand, which is an obvious plus of this frame. With a good attitude, the skin is durable: just go to the nearest historical museum and look at the preserved leather jewelry. After all, they are not one hundred years old!
leather bracelet with skulls
  • Iron. Good stuff, cheap and proven. Here are just finding a real iron frame is very difficult. Most often, cheap copper analogs are presented on the market, which, upon contact with the skin, begin to oxidize.
  • Steel. It is best to choose a medical one. It is not oxidized, durable, looks spectacular. But only with inaccurate links, the skull decoration itself can be lost against the background of its frame.
  • Wool, rope. Usually they are not used, but sometimes the shards are braided with these materials. Most often found in hand-made. If you want this particular type of framing, then it will be easiest to find a master and arrange with him to make a decoration for your order.

Who is better not to give?

As a gift, the bracelet with skulls undoubtedly makes an impressive impression. Nevertheless, there are several categories of people who are better off not giving such things:

  • Strongly religious people can take such a gift as an insult. In modern world religions, death, whose symbol is the skull, is considered a great mystery. On the other hand, if you pick up a gift for a voodoo adherent, then a bracelet with skulls will only please him.
  • Relatives are older than you. If they are not fans of heavy metal, they are unlikely to appreciate such a gift. Predicting the exact reaction is quite difficult. Are you one hundred percent sure that the bracelet with skulls will please dad or grandfather? Then give it boldly!
skull bracelet
  • A man with whom you have not developed a very trusting relationship may negatively react to such an unusual gift.
  • People who overly believe in signs, as well as too impressionable personalities, may be afraid of such an ornament. You don’t want your bracelet with skulls to be buried in the backyard, reading conspiracies from evil? Do not give!


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