How to change the date of birth in the passport: the procedure, the necessary documentation, the rules for filling in, the conditions for submission, the timing of the review and the procedure for changing

Can I change the date of birth in my passport? The answer to this question worries many Russians who, for whatever reason, want to change their true date, month and year in which they were born. Current law allows such data to be changed legally. What should they be? What is the procedure for changing the date of birth? What documents are necessary for its implementation? Let us consider all this in more detail below.

How to change the date of birth in the passport

Cases where data changes are allowed

The legislation prescribes a number of cases when a citizen has the right to apply to specialized bodies in order to change some of the data entered in his identification document, including his date of birth. What are they? Let us consider this in more detail below.

Changing the date of birth provided in the passport is necessary if the document contains information that does not correspond to reality. They turn out to be such when making a mistake in the process of entering information about the citizen. In addition, birth data can be corrected when incomplete data are indicated in the document or some violations of the provisions prescribed by applicable laws were made during the process of entering them.

The legislator also allows for changes in data regarding the date of birth of a person in relation to an adopted child. However, there are some exceptions. They are within the permissible range of data adjustment - up to three months from the actual date. To perform such an action legally is possible only on the basis of a written appeal from the adoptive parent who has the relevant court decision in his hands.

It should be noted that the replacement procedure is possible only in the case when a person has strong evidence of the invalidity of the data already entered, as well as the correctness of the proposed by him. To do this, employees of specialized services demand a certain package of documents refuting the existing and confirming other facts.

How to change the date of birth in the passport


The procedure for changing the date of birth in the passport is carried out on the basis of certain regulatory acts in force in the territory of the Russian Federation. The basic procedure for the performance of the action in question is prescribed in the Federal Law No. 143 ("On acts of civil status"). Its content clearly spells out the entire procedure that must be followed when the actions in question are performed, as well as its consequences.

Where to go

How to change the date of birth in the passport? Where should I go? Consider the answers to these questions below.

In order to make changes to the date of birth of a person, a citizen of the Russian Federation should contact the specialized bodies entrusted with this obligation. So, if the mistake was caused by the carelessness of the official who was involved in the paperwork, then in this case the applicant should go to the department of the migration service in which the passport was issued. The appeal should be made personally, by visiting the institution. In the event that this is not possible, the citizen has the right to call the FMS employee to his home, after explaining the reason. This can be done by submitting an application, the contents of which will indicate the relevant request.

All entries that are entered in the passport are made on the basis of the data specified in the documents confirming the fact of birth. What to do if the birth certificate contains incorrect information? In this case, the person must contact the registry office in person at the place of issue of the document with a request to change the data to the correct one. In addition to his written application, the person will need to provide data on the correct date of birth. Only if there is a certificate with correctly entered data on hand, a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to send to the structural unit of the FMS with a request to replace the date of birth and in the passport.


The legislator establishes certain periods during which the replacement of incorrect data with real data can be carried out. How to change the date of birth in the passport on time?

It should be noted that upon detection of a mistake, the holder of the passport should deal with the issue as soon as possible, since the legislator indicates that the document in which technical marriage is committed must be replaced immediately.

In the event that a mistake was made in the document due to the fault of its owner, the term for replacing the document can be increased to 10 to 60 days, depending on where the person submits the application with the documents. So, if the applicant applies to the migration service body, geographically located at the place of actual residence, then the duration of the procedure is 10 calendar days. In the situation with the submission of an application outside the place of registration, the situation is completely different: in this case, the period may be extended to 60 days.

Required documents

How to change the date of birth in the passport? What documents are needed for this? It should be noted that the legislator notes the need to submit all those documents, the contents of which certify the inaccuracy of the data presented in the issued passport and disclose truthful information. The list of such documents may vary depending on why the mistake was made.

In the event that incorrect data were entered due to inaccuracies reflected in the birth certificate, the person must first visit the registry office at the place of residence and submit a certificate issued at the hospital. After the procedure is completed, with a ready certificate reflecting the correct data, the person should go to the FMS department with a passport issued, a written application for its replacement, a new birth certificate, as well as a couple of photos taken in accordance with the requirements established for the passport .

In some situations, it may happen that data can be replaced as part of a witness protection program. Then all the documents necessary for the procedure must be issued by the judicial authorities, on the basis of the decision.

In the event that a change in the date of birth is made in connection with the fact of adoption of a young child, a document certifying him should be submitted to the bodies of the FMS.

Replacing the date of birth in the passport

Features of the application

Can I change my date of birth in my passport? Yes, for this, the FMS should provide a package of required documents and a statement that must be drawn up in the correct form. What requirements are put forward to him and what should be indicated in his text? Let's consider further.

First of all, it should be noted that this statement must be in writing, on a blank sheet of A4 format. It is submitted personally by the owner of the damaged passport. It must provide accurate information regarding the personal data of the owner, as well as the essence of the problem. Moreover, the text of the application should indicate its requirements for replacing the passport with a new one due to the presence of incorrect data entered by an employee of the FMS or by mistake of the owner. Pointing to a document in which there is a mistake, the applicant must note his series and number.

After the main text of the application, it is necessary to affix the signature to the owner of the invalid document, as well as the date of writing.

How to fix the date of birth in the passport

Self correction of incorrect data

How to fix the date of birth in the passport yourself? It should be noted that the legislator categorically prohibits the conduct of any manipulations related to changing data in an informal manner. Otherwise, the person will be subjected to criminal liability in the form of correctional labor, restriction of liberty, or even arrest for a specified period.

For such tricks, people can go for various reasons. Practice shows that the most common among them is the desire for a faster onset of the fact of coming of age, with which various possibilities are associated (marriage, the purchase of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, etc.).

Features of changing the date of birth of the adopted child

Legislation in force in the Russian Federation allows for changes in the data of an adopted child in his passport. It should be noted that they can relate not only to the date of birth, but also to the place. How to officially change the date of birth in the passport of an adopted teenager? Let's consider it further.

Such a procedure is carried out on the basis of Art. 135 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which states that at the personal request of the adoptive parent, some changes may be made to the data of the adopted person presented in his passport. The main basis for the implementation of such a procedure may be to ensure the secrecy of adoption.

How to change the date of birth in the passport of the child? For this, a person should apply to the judicial authorities with a corresponding statement. A document should be attached to it, which confirms the fact of adoption. If there are all grounds for the procedure, the judge must decide to satisfy the request. Having a court order in his hands, the applicant has the right to apply to the FMS with a statement about the commission of a legal fact related to the change of data.

How to change the date of birth in the passport officially

Valid passport with invalid date of birth

It should be noted that replacing the date of birth in the passport in case of inaccurate indication is a mandatory procedure. This is due to the fact that the identity document does not have legal force if it contains invalid data. That is why the law recommends the fastest possible appeal to the bodies of the FMS to correct the data and obtain a new document.

It should be noted that data entry on the basis of any personal considerations by the legislator is not allowed. If it is discovered that a citizen deliberately submitted false data or forged them in an existing document, he may face liability in the form of a criminal or administrative punishment.

Is it possible to change the date of birth in the passport

Refusal to change data

It should be noted that the FMS authorities may put forward a refusal to change data. Such decisions must be exclusively legal.

Practice shows that this decision can be made if the person has submitted an incomplete package of documents required for the procedure, or the data presented in them is not sufficient evidence of the fact that the fact established in the passport is incorrect.

Such a result can be obtained if the person submitted fake documents, which are the basis for changing the data. In a similar situation, it may also be subject to administrative or criminal liability.

In the absence of grounds for the commission of the considered procedure, the FMS will also put forward a refusal.

The consequences of changing passport data

Is it possible to change the date of birth in the passport? Of course. However, any person must understand that the commission of the actions in question entails certain legal consequences. First of all, they consist in the subsequent invalidity of those documents that were issued on the basis of an unchanged passport. These may include a driverโ€™s license, a school graduation certificate or a diploma confirming receipt of higher education, certificates and other documents that contain information about the person. When changing the data presented in the passport, the person will need to apply to the court with a statement on the recognition of all other documents as valid. Some of them will even have to be replaced. It should be noted that this procedure is quite troublesome and not always justified. That is why, changing the date of birth in the passport, you must first think about the consequences and build on a specific situation.

Change of date of birth in the passport


Is it possible to change the date of birth in the passport independently, avoiding the procedures established by law? No, this cannot be done. In the event that a person nevertheless circumvents the established prohibition and voluntarily replaces the data with incorrect data, he may be subject to criminal or administrative liability.

So, for the production of an identity document, with the introduction of knowingly false information, a person is held criminally liable in the form of an arrest for at least 4 months (maximum 6). This form of punishment can be replaced by imprisonment for three years.

If a person uses an invalid document in practice, then he can be subjected to administrative punishment in the form of a fine (up to 80,000 rubles), correctional labor (2 years), or even six-year arrest.


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