How to escape from a bear in the forest? How to behave?

Not a single person in the world is safe from accidents, including attacks from wild animals. We really often learn about animal attacks on humans.

In Russia, as in many other places, this can also happen, since in the wild in temperate latitudes you can meet wolves, for example, and bears. But what should you do if you meet a bear in the forest?

how to escape from a bear in the forest

Why are bears dangerous?

When meeting these animals, these animals will no longer seem like cute club-footed bears, as in the pictures on the Internet. Do not forget that all bears in the first place are wild predators, which are far superior in strength and size to humans. The weight of a bear, depending on the species, ranges from 150 kg to a ton (and in brown bears found in Russian forests, the weight can reach 600 kg). They have large fangs, paws and claws that can easily tear apart any living creature.

bear in the forest what to do

If a person is not lucky, it is not so easy to stay alive. But there are certain factors that will increase the chances of salvation. First you need to find out the reasons why a predator can attack.

The main causes of attacks on humans

There are several reasons that usually occur at the same time, thereby increasing the risk:

  • In winter, the risk is minimal in the Russian tundra, as the bears go into hibernation, but it is real. Because there are animals, for some reason, out of hibernation ahead of time. And there are those who did not fall asleep, because they did not manage to accumulate enough fat. Awake bears are also called connecting rods. They are the most hungry, dangerous and aggressive. They can attack, because in winter there is practically no food, and if there is, it is difficult to get it. Man in this sense is a very easy prey for a hungry beast.
  • Of particular danger are the daughters who have given birth to cubs. Brown bears give birth in the period from December to March, an average of 1 to 5 cubs are born. Females become aggressive, as their babies are rather weak, small and defenseless, need maternal care in order not to die. This is normal for almost all mammals, the females of which give birth and raise cubs. Any person or any other creature is perceived as a threat.
  • Also dangerous is the period when the animals come out of hibernation because they are hungry, their main task now is to gain weight after a long sleep.
  • In May-June, the mating season passes in the bears, many males fight for the females, so during this period it is also better to stay away.
  • If you accidentally entered the territory of a bear or where the prey’s prey lies, then the beast will perceive this as a direct threat and an invasion of its possessions.
  • But in summer, the risk is minimized, only for another reason: animals do not lack food.

How to behave with a bear in the forest?

People usually meet predators by chance: they wandered in the wrong place, got lost, lagged behind their group on a campaign, and so on. If suddenly there was an unexpected meeting with a bear in the forest, what to do:

  • If you meet a sleeping animal, then you have a great chance to calmly leave. The main thing is not to make noise and do it slowly and imperceptibly, so as not to attract any attention to yourself and not to wake him up.

met a bear in the forest

  • But if you met a bear busy eating its prey, you should also very slowly begin to move away, but not let out of the sight of a predator. If he feels that you are not interested in his trophy, then there will be no reason for him to be distracted by you. To let him know this, you must, while you slowly move away, begin to calmly, but speak loudly (about anything, because our task is to prevent the animal from thinking that you are aggressive and you need his food).
  • It is very good if you met one bear, but he did not notice you. You can just leave, trying to get out of sight.
  • Never run, because there is no point in doing this, because the bear will run after you as a weak victim. And it makes no sense to run away from a creature whose speed reaches 60 km / h.
  • Do not provoke the animal, do not throw different objects at it.

bear attack in the forest

Remember: it is advisable to be on the leeward side so that the animal does not smell you with its sharp scent.

If you met a female with cubs or a group of bears

The most dangerous is to meet a group of predators. Bears usually stay alone, but you can meet them and the group, if it is a mother with cubs, females and males during rutting, mating, a group of brothers / sisters who have grown up from the age when they are under the prize of the mother. The danger of meeting a group is that if one may not notice you, then the other will notice, and measures will need to be taken. And the fact that the group is always stronger than one representative. How to be:

  • If you see cubs without a mother, you should not be touched, let alone approach them, try to stroke them. Most likely, the mother is somewhere nearby, and as soon as she sees you, she will rush to protect her babies. If you meet them separately, leave immediately!

how to behave with a bear in the forest

How to escape from a bear, if he noticed you and is approaching

Do not confuse a slow approach with a direct attack. As a rule, bears at first smell the smell of a person, but still cannot see it due to the peculiarities of their vision. Or they see only the shape of the figure, but they cannot smell, for example, due to the wind. In this case, the animal may approach slowly to smell you or see you. Perhaps, having realized that this is a person, he will lose interest and leave.

Another possible option: the predator is not going to attack, but you went into its territory, and it thus kicks you out.

In no case should you run away. But if the animal sees you, but starts to approach anyway, try to make noise. Knock dishes, throw firecrackers (but not a bear), shout.

How to be saved if a bear attacks?

If the bear is aggressive, there are several options for subsequent human behavior that you need to remember in order to understand how you can escape from the bear in the forest:

  • If there are objects with them, you can try to divert attention and transfer the first blow of the predator to them, putting them in front of you.
  • Do not look directly into the eyes of the animal.
  • When the situation is really bad you have nothing - no weapons, no objects, and the beast literally stands in front of you, then it remains to lie on the ground, pretending to be dead. If the bear is not hungry, he can sniff you, throw you with leaves (as a reserve for the future). Try not to move. He may begin to turn you over, but the danger is that he has very powerful claws.
  • But if the beast attacked you, and it’s too late to do anything, you just have to fight. The risks of surviving in such a situation are extremely small if nothing is done. Need to cut, fight, aim directly in the eyes of the enemy.
  • Do not confuse when the bear is simply trying to intimidate you and when it really attacks. Never behave aggressively until he really attacks you.

meeting with a bear in the forest what to do

If you have a weapon

How to escape from a bear in the forest, if you have a weapon? The presence of weapons increases the chances of a successful outcome.

Shooting directly at the animal is only if you did not provoke, and the bear attacked and intends to kill the victim. So a person has the opportunity to survive.

But in any other situation, when, for example, the bear simply follows you, does not attack, just is nearby, then in no case do not shoot. The likelihood that you can kill the first time and get where you need to is minimized. A wound will only aggravate the situation, because the bear will become furious, it will become completely aggressive towards humans.

It will be enough just to shoot into the air to create the necessary noise that will cause the non-aggressive animal to leave.

How to avoid meeting a predator

The risk of a bear attack in the forest on a person can be reduced to an absolute minimum. To do this, you simply need to avoid meeting him. How to escape from a bear in the forest? To do this, you must follow the rules that will reduce the likelihood of your meeting:

  • Bears also walk along the paths. They are easy to recognize in the forest, so stay away from them in order to avoid an unexpected meeting.
  • It should also be located in open areas, that is, in the fields and where there is the least forest.
  • Be wary of bear tracks. If you have found supplies - a carcass of another animal’s meat or fish, most likely, a bear left them.
  • Bears also leave claw marks on trees.
  • At dawn and late at night they hunt fish in the rivers. Avoid close proximity to rivers with fish at such times.
  • At night, make a fire in the forest to let you know in advance. Usually, bears themselves try to avoid unwanted encounters with people.
  • Do not leave food in the forest or feed animals. Bears will get used to and lose a sense of danger.
  • Stay with a group of people while camping or hunting.
  • Always dispose of the trash and do not forget to eat food!

bear attack on a man in the forest


Let’s summarize all the tips on how to escape from a bear in the forest, if you accidentally came across him. Walk away slowly or do not move at all if the beast is motionless or does not see you. If approaching, then go away, make noise and speak loudly. When attacking, fight, but never provoke a fight. When running and leaving late, pretend to be dead. Do not look into the eyes, avoid the bear paths, use weapons only in very extreme cases.


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