Medal "From the grateful Afghan people": order of delivery, the rules of wearing. Medal "To the internationalist warrior from the grateful Afghan people"

The Afghan war was a difficult test not only for DRA citizens, but also for residents of the USSR. For ten years, Soviet troops supported the government of the republic and attempted to restore peace there. The medal “From the grateful Afghan people” was awarded to the soldiers as a reward.

Military operations in Afghanistan

The history of the armed conflict in Afghanistan has very deep roots. And they originate in the first half of the 19th century. Then Afghanistan served as an arena of hostilities between Britain and Russia. The reason for this was the central geographical position of the state in Eurasia. The confrontation lasted for almost a century with short interruptions. The leading position was ultimately retained by the British Empire.

medal from the grateful afghan people

At the beginning of the 20th century, another exacerbation occurred. The Government of Afghanistan proclaimed the independence of the state from Britain. In 1973, a coup occurred in the country. The monarchy was overthrown. The new ruler of Afghanistan was Muhammad Daoud. With his arrival, an authoritarian dictatorship began to dominate the country. Afghanistan has become a republic. However, the Daud regime and its attempts to reform have failed.

The Saur revolution took place in 1978, leading to the formation of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. At the same time, the Islamic opposition intensified. The confrontation between Islamists and Democrats led to another civil war.

Soviet troops entering Afghanistan

In 1979, the Afghan government turned to the Soviet Union for military support. However, the Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU on Afghanistan decided to reject this request. L. Brezhnev explained this by the fear of inflicting even greater harm to the people of Afghanistan.

Although the growing conflict forced the USSR to strengthen its military positions on the border with this country. At the same time, the United States began financing Islamists.

It was decided to bring Soviet troops into Afghanistan after Hafizullah Amin, the cruel ruler who launched repressive actions against the opposition and members of the Democratic Party, came to power. The Soviet Union feared that such a policy could lead to another revolution and the coming to power of anti-Soviet leaders. Thus began the mobilization and preparation of military units for participation in the conflict. And at the end of 1979, the introduction of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces (OKSVA) was officially approved at a meeting of the Politburo.

medal to a warrior internationalist from a grateful Afghan people description

USSR participation

It was assumed that the Soviet Army would be engaged in the protection of strategically important facilities, thereby liberating the Afghan troops to participate in hostilities. The operation was supposed to be short-term. The withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan was planned in 1980.

In addition to the officially announced reasons, there was an unspoken one. Soviet troops were to overthrow Hafizullah Amin. And already on December 27, 1979, during the operation "Storm-333," he was killed during an assault on the palace by special forces of the KGB of the USSR. The new ruler was Babrak Karmal, a communist who acted under the control of the Soviet Union.

For almost ten years, soldiers of the Soviet Army supported and defended the interests of the Afghan government, acting under the leadership of the USSR. During this time, more than 15 thousand military personnel died or were missing. It was the largest mobilization since the Great Patriotic War.

medal from a grateful afghan people wearing rules

The Afghan war can be divided into four stages. The first lasted a year, starting in 1979 with the introduction of troops and ending with the establishment of pro-Soviet power. Over the next five years, massive offensive operations by Soviet troops took place throughout the country. During this time, there was a significant strengthening of the government army. Since 1985, the troops of the USSR carry out mainly air attacks on Mujahideen by aviation and artillery. In 1987, planning began for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

The end and consequences of the conflict

The official withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan took place on February 15, 1989. But in the territory of the state remained prisoners of war Soviet soldiers and border troops. And in April of the same year in Geneva, the countries participating in the conflict (Afghanistan, the USSR, the USA, Pakistan) signed an agreement on relations between these states aimed at achieving peace.

The Afghan war played a crucial role in the life of Soviet people. The ideals that were built by the government were crumbling. And the war once again showed the duplicity of the Soviet leaders. According to historians, the introduction of troops into Afghanistan to a large extent contributed to the successful implementation of perestroika, since it was he who became the climax of the discontent of the Soviet people with power. Another negative consequence was the crippled psyche of the soldiers who visited Afghanistan. Some of them faced problems of alcoholism and drug addiction, the number of divorces increased significantly in the country, and academic performance of students who went to war decreased.

Western countries predicted the beginning of peace in Afghanistan after the departure of Soviet soldiers. However, this opinion was erroneous. The situation in the country has escalated. The political regime established by the Soviet Union lasted several more years, also contrary to Western opinion.

What does the medal from the grateful Afghan people look like

Award institution

It cannot be unambiguously judged whether the introduction of Soviet troops played a positive or negative role. The decree on the establishment of the medal “From the grateful Afghan people” was signed on May 15, 1988. It became the state award of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. But due to the fact that power was established there through the efforts of the USSR, and it acted under the dictation of the Soviet government, there is an opinion that this medal was established on his initiative. She was handed over to those who served as part of OKSVA. On the part of the Soviet government, this was a way to encourage soldiers participating in hostilities.

The rules for wearing the medal “From the grateful Afghan people” are traditional. The award should be worn on the left side of the chest.

Thanks for leaving

The presence of benefits medal "From the grateful Afghan people" does not provide. And the opinion of her among the carriers of the award has been mixed. Many veterans called the medal: "From the ungrateful people" or "Thank you for leaving." This is due to the fact that far from the entire population of Afghanistan supported the new government established by the Soviet Union. During the war, the ranks of the Mujahideen were actively replenished by civilians who switched to their side. In addition, there were many cases where civilians ambushed Soviet soldiers and informed the Islamists of their whereabouts.

Some believed that the government bought off the military with the medal “From the grateful Afghan people” and other awards and diplomas, because in many other states the service of the internationals was paid. Most Soviet soldiers received nothing for participating in this war.

medal from the grateful afghan people

Other veterans, by contrast, recall civilians who are grateful for maintaining order, for the construction of roads, schools and hospitals. And someone adheres to neutrality, quoting a statement from the film "Hussar Ballad": "Deserved - carry it! Crosses do not fling like that. Tea, not hairpins. ”

What does the medal “From the grateful Afghan people” look like?

These awards were made of brass. By the way, they were printed at the mint in Leningrad. The medal "From the grateful Afghan people" consists of a pad and a medallion. They are interconnected by means of an eye and a ringlet. The block has a rectangular shape with two recesses. A moire ribbon of blue color is passed through them.

On a round medallion in the center are two flags. In the foreground - DRA, in the background - the USSR. At the bottom is the sun rising over the tops of the mountains, and to the left of it is an olive branch. On the reverse side, the phrase "From the grateful Afghan people" is spelled out in two languages. The inscription in Russian occupies the central part of the medallion and is located in 4 rows. The phrase in Pashto is written in a semicircle below.

Medal from the grateful Afghan people perks

Award holders

According to the order of delivery, the medal “From the grateful Afghan people” received OKSVA participants. It should be noted that not all military personnel who were in the war were awarded. Also among the medal winners there are public people who supported (moral or material) civilians and Soviet soldiers. For example, the singer and People's Artist of the USSR Edita Pieha repeatedly gave concerts in Afghanistan in the 80s, for which she received an award.

Alexander Rosenbaum also holds a medal. Speaking to Soviet soldiers, he always said that in the future they would be able to come to his speeches for free. It is noteworthy that Alexander Yakovlevich keeps his promise to this day. In any city, an Afghan war veteran can visit any of his concerts without buying a ticket.

Among the military leaders awarded medals in Afghanistan were: Lieutenant General Lebed A. I., Marshal of the USSR S. Akhromeev, Major General A. V. Rutskoi, Hero of the Soviet Union and World War II Veteran General V. Varenikov.

What other medals were awarded to the Afghans

The Government of the USSR presented to the participants of OKSVA other awards:

  • the Order of the Red Banner was awarded for courage and dedication in especially dangerous situations;
  • medal “For courage” - respectively for courage and courage shown in battle;
  • the Order of the Red Star was awarded to servicemen who played an important role in the defense of the Motherland;
  • the Gold Star medal was an additional distinction to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union;
  • Order "For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" (had three degrees);
  • the Military Merit medal was awarded to servicemen for displaying activity and initiative in battle;
  • Order of the Red Banner of DRA, Order of Glory of DRA, Order of the Star of DRA - awards given to soldiers on behalf of the Government of Afghanistan.

International Warrior Medals

In addition to the above medals, OKSVA participants received the medal “To the internationalist warrior from the grateful Afghan people”. The description of this award is as follows: a five-pointed star with a white edging, in the background is a laurel wreath. In the center of the star the globe is symbolically depicted, against its background is a handshake, and around it there is an inscription “To an internationalist warrior”. In the lower part there is a shield with the inscription "USSR". The medal has a block into which a moire ribbon of red color is inserted.

medals of afghanistan

Similar awards were given to participants in military operations in Syria, Korea, Egypt, Vietnam, Lebanon, Laos and other countries in which Soviet troops supported one of the conflicting parties.


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